Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 265: Vampire Duke **** 6

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

A moment of other expressions flashed through Tang Qing's eyes, because they disappeared too quickly, and the other party obviously didn't find out.

Cain was still worried about her body, but saw a pair of young hands suddenly tightening his clothes, and then heard a timid and careful voice from the other party.


Cain: ...

Tang Qing held his clothes tightly, and the small face that had always been paralyzed was full of tension at the moment. A pair of bright eyes was even a little panic. "Can you be my dad?" After she finished, she lowered her eyes and looked pitiful. Incomparably, "Dad always hugged me like this when I had a high fever before. I missed him ..." At the end, she cried out with a wow, "Daddy ... woo woo ... I miss you ... … "

Cain was slightly stiff, letting the little guy hug himself, but in a place where she could not see, there was a trace of cracks in the always calm Jun face. After a few seconds, he reached out and patted her as a comfort. Be good, stop crying. "

"But ... woo ... I miss my dad." Tang Qing chuckled. The acting, even if it was seen systematically, was also impressed.

It's too powerful, and the tears came, and it was really behind the shadows.

A trace of helplessness flashed in Cain's deep eyes, and finally said: "If you like it, call it."

Tang Qing stretched out a small heart in his heart, but his face was full of emotions, "Really? Can I call your father?"

Even though he was helpless, Cain could only respond, "Yeah."

Wen Yan, Tang Qing's small face was full of bright smiles.




"what happened?"

"Dad! Daddy!"

Cain, holding his forehead, took a deep breath and tried to calm himself: "Silent, it's fine."

Tang Qingle shouted this title tirelessly until the other party couldn't stand it, and then said aggrievedly: "Well, listen to Dad."

After a night of sleep, Tang Qing finally recovered some strength. She took Cain's hand, and her slightly indifferent face now had a cheerful smile. This kind of change was too fast, even the gold housekeeper Suddenly.

"Grand Duke Good Morning, Miss Momer Good Morning, breakfast is ready, are you eating now?"

Tang Qing looked up at Cain, her innocent face said: "Dad, are you hungry?"

Cain was already immune to this title, but the housekeeper apparently did not. The first time he heard this title, the housekeeper who had always had a professional smile, his face was frozen, looking at his master, the calm look and the spoiled His eyes clearly accepted this title!

The steward was taken aback, but he underestimated the human being. He could capture the heart of his master so quickly, but since that is the case, it seems that his attitude towards her will change a little later, even if he has never been rude on the surface.

The stealth as a vampire does not need to eat human things, but it is also a pleasure to accompany the little boy for breakfast, so he sat down happily under the eyes of the housekeeper.

Oh by the way, I was sitting on a short dining table specially made for Tang Qing. This dining table is really short. After all, the eight-year-old Tang Qing sat just right, and the duke, who was close to two meters, was very stubborn. .

It ’s just that the Duke Lord curled up in that little chair did n’t feel a little dissatisfied, but instead waited for her all the time. When she saw her milk was finished, she immediately refilled it, and even the bread crumbs in the corner of her mouth wiped her off immediately. Dad.

For the first time, the housekeeper couldn't understand his master, but the master's affairs had never been his turn. Since the master regarded the human as a daughter, then she would be her own master.

It was very warm to eat a breakfast. Thinking of the little guy who had been lying in the hospital for so long, he should also take her out to let the wind go and relax, so he asked: "Silently, is there any place you want to play?"

Tang Qing held the cheek with one hand and thought about it, but he was asking the system, "Where is the man?"

The system said: "Amusement park." He said, he paused. "It's half a year before he was taken by the vampire hunter. You don't need to find him now."

The implication is that everything has n’t started yet, so do n’t disturb it. Of course, there is a little selfishness in it. Of course, when he thinks of the male masters in every world, he thinks he can see you later. .

However, Tang Qing ignored the past. The reason why she wanted to find a male owner was to make sure something more.

"Dad, I'm going to an amusement park!"

Cain didn't find her intentions, and readily agreed, "Okay." After he finished speaking, he turned his head to the butler and said, "Back up the car."

Ian is still just a little wanderer. The amusement park is full of laughter and screams of children. Under this sharp contrast, he looks more and more pitiful, but he has no way, because only the amusement park There are a lot of things left over by the children and they are thrown away. The amusement park is free for the children, but charges are imposed on the adults. If not, this place will not be able to pick it up.

When Tang Qing came to the amusement park, he saw that he was covered with messy hair, and his hair was as messy as a bird's nest. kick.

But even so, his eyes are still stubborn, even if he is bullied, he is not a bit timid, but a bit harsh.

"Dad, that person is so pitiful."

In the hands of his cheap maiden, Cain saw a little boy being bullied by a group of children. This scene is not uncommon. After all, there is a famine in this world. This kind of thing happens almost every day, but at this moment he narrowed his eyes. The golden eyes were full of chill.

"What does it mean silently?"

"Let's save him, shall we?"

Cain looked at her eager eyes, flashing a murderous intention with cold eyes, but in the end he refrained, "Since you want to save silently, listen to it silently."

With Cain's nod, Tang Qing immediately released his hand and trot all the way without looking back, "What are you doing!"

A childish voice sounded, and the group of hands-on children apparently did not put her in their eyes until they saw a tall man walking towards them.

The man was expensive, even if he didn't do anything, it still scared them.

This scene was soon noticed by the adult next to him, and someone recognized him and immediately knelt in horror, "Master Duke."

The Duke of this world is second only to the king, but now the king is old, and the power in his hands is almost divided, and the Lord Duke in front of him is the one with the highest power, but everyone is puzzled. Will suddenly appear in this playground?

Tang Qing ignored the flattering and ugly faces around him, but instead tilted his head to look at the embarrassed Ian, "Hey, are you okay?"

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