The battle was over, and the battle was over.

"The Alliance is so powerful! One organization has more survivors than our entire district! Only more than 700 of us survived in the end."

"Only 500 people in our district survived to the end, and there was only one transformer in the entire district."

"There is one evolver and one transformer in our district. But compared with the Alliance, the gap in strength is still too big."

"I have always been curious, what are the transformers you are talking about? What are evolvers?"

"Your district won't have anyone who has taken the island secret treasure, right? How many people have survived in total?"

"One hundred and sixty-three people survived..."


Lin Chen just looked at the chat channel for a while, then closed it, and then took back the revolver-dragon python and hellfire shotgun placed in front of Li Jianguo.

"Officer Li, the Tongmenghui is about to usher in a new expansion. Management work cannot be slack."

"Don't worry, I will definitely strictly control it."

"Now there are more metals. There is no shortage of copper, but there is a shortage of gunpowder and saltpeter. You can send your men to pay more attention to saltpeter."


Li Jianguo nodded in response.

The three legendary weapons were given to him by Lin Chen to show off, not really given to the Tongmenghui.

However, Lin Chen also left a few good things for Li Jianguo.

He left all the perfect quality hot weapons to Li Jianguo, including the Uzi submachine gun that consumed a lot of bullets.

Lin Chen roughly looked at the ammunition inventory of the Tongmenghui, which was enough for the Uzi submachine gun to fire two magazines.

Lin Chen's own ammunition inventory is no longer as scarce as before.

After collecting from medium-sized mountains and islands, his gold inventory is as high as thirteen.

Thirteen legendary bullets were made at one time, including one legendary shotgun bullet and one legendary dragon python bullet, and the others were of perfect quality.

The revolver-dragon python currently has six bullets, just one magazine. The Hellfire shotgun has four Yangyan and three Yinyan.

The burning power of Yinyan does not change according to the quality of the bullet, but the burst damage of Yangyan does change according to the quality of the bullet, so Yangyan fired one more round.

In the morning, after Lin Chen inspected Zhang Qinwei's work, he patted him on the shoulder and handed him a pistol.

"When you encounter danger, you can't rely entirely on Li Jianguo. He can't always stay by your side."

"There are eight bullets in this gun, enough for you to deal with most of the beasts and enemies."

Zhang Qinwei took the pistol and hid it around his waist.

"Boss! Thank you!"

Zhang Qinwei has always been grateful to Lin Chen.

In his heart, Lin Chen is a good person like Li Jianguo. They both have a kind heart to save the world.

Lin Chen did not object to this.

He really didn't want anyone to die.

After bidding farewell to Zhang Qinwei, Lin Chen returned to his pirate ship and continued sailing.

The Tongmenghui has grown up completely and no longer needs Lin Chen's support. With the current strength of the Tongmenghui, it is enough to sweep the entire region.

"Boss Lin, smooth sailing."


"See you later."

The pirate ship sailed and bid farewell to the Tongmenghui's base.

Driven by the large propeller group, it went against the eight-level gale and headed towards the end of the world.

After sailing more than ten kilometers, Lin Chen moved Xiaoying from the second-floor cabin to the deck.

Xiaoying likes to bask in the sun. Even in the scorching sun on a sunny day, she often lies on the sea to bask in the sun.

Today is the first day of a stormy day, and it is cloudy.

Although the wind is strong, the movement in the sky is not very dense, and there is still good sunshine.

Xiaoying emerged from the water, holding the wall of the fish tank with both hands, and the whistling sea breeze blew her hair, fluttering in the air.

As a mermaid, Xiaoying's hair would not be wetted by the sea water and mixed together, which made Su Yun very envious.

"It's time for lunch~~"

The little cook Su Yun walked out of the cabin with a box in her hand.

However, after seeing the strong wind on the deck, she retreated.

"Why don't we go to the kitchen to eat? It's too windy outside."

The eight-level gale was enough to break branches.

Lin Chen didn't want to eat in such an environment.

He took Xiaoying out of the fish tank, held her in his arms, and walked towards the kitchen.

Xiaoying huddled in Lin Chen's arms obediently, and her black and bright eyes kept looking at Lin Chen's face.

Until Lin Chen put her in the kitchen, on the chair that Su Yun made for Xiaoying.

Looking at Xiaoying "sitting" on the chair, Su Yun suddenly became curious.

Asked: "Xiaoying, will you have the ability to transform in the future?"

Xiaoying tilted her head.

"The ability to transform into a human."

Su Yun stretched out her long white legs while speaking.

"Can you turn a fish tail into human legs?"

Xiaoying pouted her lips, looking thoughtful.

After a long time, she nodded.


Su Yun hugged Xiaoying excitedly.

"Then Xiaoying can live on the boat with us in the future!"

But Xiaoying shook her head: "Yingyingying."

Lin Chen looked at the excited Su Yun and said: "Xiaoying is a mermaid after all. Even if she can transform into legs, she probably prefers to live in the sea."

"It doesn't matter! At least I can take Xiaoying with me when I go on island adventures in the future!"

Su Yun was not disappointed by this.

The three were having lunch, and soon, Xiao Lie's eagle cry came from outside.

Is there something new on the sea?

Lin Chen put down his chopsticks and walked out of the cabin.

But he saw an endless sea in front of him, but there were several trees standing on the sea.

Xiao Lie would definitely not cry so loudly like this for no reason. Could it be that there was something wrong with those trees?

Lin Chen took out the navigation map and immediately understood the reason.

There is a large shoal ahead!

Or in other words, it is an island submerged by the sea!

If we continue to move forward, the ship is likely to run aground!

Lin Chen immediately turned the rudder and called Su Yun to go to the second deck and shut down the thruster.

The pirate ship avoided running aground.

The anchor was lowered and the pirate ship was docked on the sea.

Lin Chen and Su Yun looked at the terrain less than half a meter high underwater shown on the navigation map.

Su Yun asked curiously: "Is this an island? Why is it so shallow?"

"It's probably a medium-sized island with a swamp. But it's submerged now."

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