The ship was in a state of panic, and the ship was in a state of panic.

"Officer Li, this is quite a big deal."

"After all, you are everyone's financial sponsor."

Lin Chen did not stay on the deck for too long, and soon followed Li Jianguo to the second-floor cabin.

Li Jianguo built three small rooms on this floor.

One is his room, one is a warehouse for valuables, and the other is a conference room specially built because Lin Chen came.

Walking into the conference room, there was only one lamp, a long table, and two rows of stools.

Li Jianguo sat on the inside and took out a stack of straw paper.

"This is the list of the Alliance."

"Early this morning, the island beasts went out and a total of seven online organizations were attacked."

"With the support of our weapons, five organizations successfully killed the lord and obtained the lord's secret treasure. The remaining two organizations unfortunately lost all their members."

"For the organizations that successfully killed the lord, we issued a pension of 300 materials per person, and gave them priority supply of prosthetic technology."

"Recently, the offline number of the Alliance has expanded to 163 people, including 18 on Zhang Qinwei's work boat. The Alliance sends 30 apprentices to Zhang Qinwei's work boat every day after 6 pm to learn forging."

"There are a total of 21 online organizations, and the total number of people is currently 310. The leaders of these online organizations will report to me every night if there are any new or reduced personnel."

There are less than 2,000 people in the entire district, and the Alliance alone has nearly 500 people.

Although there are many online organizations, they are also considered members of the Alliance.

Everyone is proud to join the Alliance.

Especially after the battle this morning, the Alliance supported five organizations, helped them kill the lord and obtain the island secret treasure. This achievement is enough to make the people of the whole district excited.

Since this morning, Li Jianguo and Zhou Xiao have received many applications from leaders of organizations to join the Alliance.

However, the Alliance has ended its rapid expansion in the early stage, and the Alliance’s supplies are limited, and it cannot support so many online organizations, so Li Jianguo maintains a strict review attitude towards these newly applied organizations.

At the same time, an observation period and a district-wide feedback mechanism have been established to verify whether the organization complies with the value program of the Alliance.

The list of all organizational members who apply to join the Alliance will be made public. Once someone reports it, the joining process will be immediately suspended and enter the investigation stage.

Lin Chen simply glanced at the list and asked, "After the expansion of the Alliance, the number of people has increased a lot. How do you plan to manage it?"

Li Jianguo stepped back and looked at Zhou Xiao on the side.

Zhou Xiao held his head high and shouted with full energy: "Establish a gang! No, establish a hierarchical management organization."

"We plan to set up a secondary management department on the south line, north line, and west line to coordinate the local online sub-organizations."

"At the same time, a supervision department will be set up, and our headquarters will randomly select and replace it every five days."


Zhou Xiao's plan was very long, and Lin Chen listened to it patiently.

Lin Chen had a preliminary understanding of Zhou Xiao through Li Jianguo.

This guy used to be a gangster, with an impatient temper, likes to fight, and always likes to solve problems with force. However, he has inherited the gang brotherhood spirit of the old era very well, and his character is not bad.

In a peaceful society, Zhou Xiao would definitely be arrested, but here, he is exactly what is needed.

Zhou Xiao brought the gang's operation system to the Tongmenghui, forming the organizational structure of the Tongmenghui in its early days.

Gang management is very suitable for this world without legal constraints.

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and suddenly asked: "Is the Eight Spider Lance still easy to use? Do you feel anything strange?"

Zhou Xiao was stunned for a moment and nodded: "Except for the inconvenience of sleeping, everything else is good. But I have recently learned to sleep on my stomach, overcoming its only shortcoming. I am now completely used to it."

"Well, it's okay once you get used to it."

Lin Chen stood up and returned the list to Li Jianguo.

To be honest, he was not interested in the operation of the Tongmenghui, as long as the organization did not cause a scandal that affected his reputation.

Out of trust in Li Jianguo's character, Lin Chen did not have to worry about this aspect for the time being.

"I'll go see Zhang Qinwei and the others."

Li Jianguo followed Lin Chen and stood up.

On another three-section sailing ship, Zhang Qinwei, Liu Dajiang, and a group of newly recruited workers were preparing to welcome the boss's arrival.

Everyone was looking forward to this legendary boss.

The big ship they were working on now was blown up.

The air conditioner and the electrical appliances used all came from the hands of this mysterious boss.

Lin Chen came to the deck and easily jumped onto the three-section sailboat.

Zhang Qinwei immediately bowed his head and shouted: "Hello, boss."

"Hello, boss!"

Lin Chen glanced at the employees.

The middle-aged man with a strong black hair standing next to Zhang Qinwei should be Liu Dajiang.

Lin Chen patted Zhang Qinwei and Liu Dajiang on the shoulders: "You did a good job before, and you must continue to work hard in the future."

"I will definitely live up to the boss's expectations."

"I guarantee it."

Zhang Qinwei and Liu Dajiang replied.

Zhang Qinwei took out a thumb-sized silver-white metal block from behind.

"Boss, the task you assigned me has made progress."

Seeing the familiar nanoparticles, Lin Chen became interested.

Checking Zhang Qinwei's work results is the main purpose of his trip.

"How do I use it?"

"Boss, put on this ring."

Zhang Qinwei took out a thick ring and put it on Lin Chen's thumb.

To be precise, such a large ring should be called a ring, but Zhang Qinwei said it was a ring, so he should respect the creator's naming rights.

After Lin Chen put on the ring, he connected it like he controlled the Fiery Dragon Fist before.

A magical moment happened here.

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