The sound of the sea is so beautiful that it makes people cry.

"Toot, toot..."

The sea surface is like boiling water, and it seems that there is a spring gushing out from the ground, constantly surging up.

In the rising water, a huge blue conch shell slowly emerges.

This conch shell emits a faint light, and seems to contain energy.

Under the conch shell is a cane engraved with patterns.

Various marine patterns are engraved on the cane, such as waves, fish, shells, etc., which are lifelike.

Xiaoying drilled out from the bottom of the sea holding the staff.


She swung her staff happily, and the surface of the azure conch shell lit up. A column of water slowly rose from below the sea surface, carrying Xiaoying to the same height as the deck of the pirate ship.

Xiaoying swung her tail and jumped hard towards the large fish tank on the deck.

With a "bang", Xiaoying's head hit the glass wall of the fish tank heavily.

It was a good start.


Xiaoying sniffed and touched her little head.

The staff in her hand also fell on the deck.

Lin Chen hurried forward and picked up Xiaoying who fell on the deck.

After many days of getting along, Lin Chen knew that this little injury was nothing to Xiaoying, and she would recover within ten seconds. It was just the right level of strength to not hurt her brain.

It just hurts a little at the moment of collision...

Lin Chen held Xiaoying and threw her into the fish tank, then picked up the staff, scanned it with the bracelet, and threw it into the fish tank together.

[Staff of the Tidecaller: Self-named item. ]


"Self-named item? Did Xiaoying name it?"

Looking at Xiaoying's silly look, Lin Chen decisively ruled out this guess.

Since it is a self-named item, why can the bracelet read its name?

The only explanation is that this thing existed a long time ago, and it has been recorded in the game system and remembered by the system.

Lin Chen once tried it. When he gave Su Yun the homemade product sent by Zhang Qinwei, the system prompted that he needed to name the item, which means that the system did not remember the name Zhang Qinwei gave the item when it was sent.

And the fact that the Tidecaller's Staff can be remembered by the system obviously has a complicated history.

Or... the system's content about the Tidecaller's Staff has been artificially modified.

Regardless of the origin of the Tidecaller Staff, at least Xiaoying recognized it, and it seemed to be of great use to Xiaoying.

This was also helpful to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen looked at Xiaoying in the fish tank and asked, "Is there anything else you want to take? If not, let's go."


Xiaoying pointed outside and said.

Looking in the direction of Xiaoying's finger, a water column was still standing on the sea.

Above the water column, a piece of silver-white metal shone in the sun.

Lin Chen took the metal off the water column, and the water column slowly receded.

Use the bracelet to scan.

[Nano particles: legendary quality, material. When using this material for production, a legendary or higher quality production table is required. Produced from the Tomb of Allen. ]

Lin Chen carefully examined these particles, and the color gave him a very familiar feeling.

"The silver-white material left by 'him'!"

Those silver-white materials cannot be scanned and detected by the bracelet, but these nanoparticles can.

The colors of the two are almost identical.

"No wonder Xiaoying brought me here. It turns out that she has seen this thing before."

Legendary quality materials require a legendary or higher quality production table to use.

Lin Chen can hardly build a legendary production table at this stage.

The highest level production table blueprint found so far is of good quality. Unless Lin Chen triggers the double ultimate luck of +3+1, the highest can only create a perfect quality production table.

This kind of ultimate luck, Lin Chen dare not even think about it.

The probability is ridiculously low.

"This thing is just like the Barrett-Destruction blueprint, useless."

Lin Chen felt a little regretful, but he did not give up the idea of ​​using this nanoparticle.

This nanoparticle has a total of five system standardized sizes, and Lin Chen sent two of them to Zhang Qinwei.

Lin Chen: "Handle it well. Study first, then practice."

Nano particles are not too much, after all, there are only five.

But it is not too little, the bottom of Lin Chen's ship is full of this stuff!

If there is a need to use this stuff in large quantities someday, Lin Chen doesn't mind scraping off all the silver-white substances on the bottom of the ship, or even knocking the pirate ship to scrap and recycling it.


Zhang Qinwei, who was on the second deck of the three-section sailboat, was preparing to develop a new type of external prosthesis when he suddenly received a message from his boss and immediately stopped writing.

When he saw the props sent by his boss, his eyes widened with surprise.

"Legendary materials..."

Zhang Qinwei quickly put on gloves and took the two pieces of materials that had been divided by the system. He held them up with both hands, and his palms were shaking.

He carefully placed the two pieces of legendary materials on the glass table.

"The boss asked me to study it first, and then practice it after I have studied it thoroughly."

"How should I study this thing..."

Looking at the two nanoparticles falling on the glass plate, Zhang Qinwei fell into deep thought...

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