The system space is limited, and Liu Weiwei will no longer produce vegetables after filling up the space.

Carrots and cabbage are weighing 20,000 catties. If you buy seeds for less than 1,000 catties, you can sell 20,000 second-level crystal nuclei with the help of magic power, which is a huge profit!

When the one-month period came, Liu Weiwei handed over the prepared food and vegetables to Lin Quan. Because the weather was still cold, the vegetables couldn't stand freezing. The handover speed between the two was extremely fast, almost as soon as Liu Weiwei released them, Lin Quan took them away. Entering your own space, the time spent in the middle is no more than one second.

Lin Quan took out two sacks of crystal nuclei, and Liu Weiwei knew that the number was wrong after a quick scan: There are too many crystal nuclei.

It's not easy for Sister Weiwei to get these things, and the seeds that Sister Weiwei gave last time helped a lot! Bai Hao approached and said.

Lin Quan completed the task, nodded to Liu Weiwei, and returned to the car.

Do you want more next month? Liu Weiwei didn't struggle, but asked.

Yes! Bai Hao nodded.

The base is still stuck with your food? Liu Weiwei asked.

Not only that, but the most dangerous tasks are specially assigned to us. Bai Hao complained.

Liu Weiwei frowned, the base executives must have lost their minds, this is forcing Shen Yuanzhuo to rebel!

Be careful when you come to my place, don't be discovered by others. Liu Weiwei reminded that winter is really unfriendly to plants. When she went to warm the plants a few days ago, she found a five-level grass. When the fire-type zombies were found, dozens of mutated plants had their crystal nuclei removed.

Even though the zombie crystal core was worth 10,000 yuan, it didn't make Liu Weiwei feel better.

This is still a zombie with no intelligence. If the base finds out that she is providing food to Shen Yuanzhuo, the base will probably send someone to pay for her. Faced with loss, she can kill her. Faced with humans... she is not yet mentally prepared.

She added some warm grass, but she didn't dare to add too much, after all, other places were bitingly cold, but her side was as warm as spring, wouldn't that be even more wrong!

Sister Weiwei, don't worry, I'm the only one on your side. Boss and Lin Quan know, so be careful every time you come here. Bai Hao raised his hand to promise.

That's good. Liu Weiwei nodded, looked at Bai Hao, and said in a brisk tone: Stretch out your hand!

Bai Hao stretched out his hand. A warm bag was placed in Bai Hao's hand.

Go to the car and open it again. Liu Weiwei said.

Okay, goodbye, Miss Weiwei. Bai Hao waved to Liu Weiwei, ran to the car, opened the door and entered.

When the car started, Bai Hao opened the bag and said pleasantly, Boss, it's watermelon seeds. We have watermelons to eat.

There were hundreds of watermelon seeds in the bag, probably out of fear that the low temperature would kill the watermelon seeds, so there was a warm baby in the bag.

Shen Yuanzhuo glanced at the bag, looked back and said: Go back and ask Luo Jia to plant it for you. When you come next time, remember to ask her if she still has warm babies. If so, buy some with her.

Looking at the happy Bai Hao, Lin Quan joked: Last time it was seeds, this time it's watermelon seeds, Xiaobai, she treats you well, I'll leave the task of hugging the thighs to you.

30,000 crystal nuclei! Back in the tree house, Liu Weiwei tapped the crystal nuclei in the two sacks, raised his eyebrows, Shen Yuanzhuo was too generous.

Just as Bai Hao promised, they were extremely careful every time they came. The base originally thought that this food shortage would be able to contain Shen Yuanzhuo's lifeline, but unexpectedly, the family lived well, and the people under him still ate well.

The person who scouted the news was sent out but found nothing wrong.

In the second month, after the grain was traded, Liu Weiwei only harvested two sacks of crystal nuclei.

Bai Hao approached Liu Weiwei and asked, Sister Weiwei, do you have Nuan Baobao?

Nuan Bao? Liu Weiwei didn't realize it.

Last time you gave me one in the bag, the boss asked me to ask if you have it? Bai Hao explained.

Oh~ Liu Weiwei realized that it was the last time, but he just released one and was targeted?

The Warm Baby Mall sells it and is doing an event, and it costs less than 30 yuan for 100 stickers, but is this thing too eye-catching?

Liu Weiwei is confused!

You wait for me. Liu Weiwei quickly returned to the town, and ran out again a quarter of an hour later. With a wave of his hand, ten cardboard boxes appeared on the ground. Liu Weiwei said: This is all the stock in the supermarket in the town. , I don’t have any more.”

Sister Weiwei, crystal nucleus? Bai Hao said.

Forget it, you already gave too many crystal nuclei. Liu Weiwei waved his hand, Alright, ask Lin Quan to collect it, I'll go back first.

After returning to the tree house, Liu Weiwei clutched her chest and said, It's a pity, in order not to show off, Nuan Baobao cannot be sold, otherwise it will be a huge profit!

In the car, Lin Quan said: I just checked, there are a total of ten thousand baby warmers, where did she get them?

Sister Weiwei said it's from the supermarket in the small town. Bai Hao said.

Xiaobai, you are Xiaobai. Lin Quan shook his head, It's May when the end of the world begins, which supermarket will store so many warm babies?

Sister Weiwei is lying? Bai Hao also reacted at this time.

Whether she's lying or not, it's good for us. Lin Quan showed a meaningful smile on his face, and turned to look at Bai Hao: Xiaobai, there is not much salt in the team. Next time we meet, ask Asking you sister Weiwei, there is still salt in the supermarket, it would be even better if there are other seasonings!

Shen Yuanzhuo closed his eyes and meditated, his heart was the same as what Lin Quan thought, he had no interest in exploring other people's secrets, and it had nothing to do with who Liu Weiwei was, it would be beneficial and harmless for him to befriend her now.

When we met again, Bai Hao hemmed and pulled Liu Weiwei, his eyes wandering: Sister Weiwei, um... is there any salt in the supermarket? It would be even better if there were various seasonings.

Bai Hao's voice was very low, if it wasn't for the quiet surroundings and Liu Weiwei's exceptionally good ears, she might not be able to hear clearly.

Liu Weiwei poked the system: Senior, have I been exposed?

Asking this question, Liu Weiwei actually already had an idea in mind.


Okay, I got it. Liu Weiwei looked at Bai Hao in front of him, and this kid was too. He was obviously the one with the problem, so he was embarrassed.

There is salt. Liu Weiwei met Bai Hao's astonished eyes and said, Ask what price your boss will give you. If the price is right, I'll get it for you now?

Da da da, Bai Hao ran to the side of the car, and within a minute, ran back da da da, One kilogram of salt third-grade crystal nuclei.

Okay, wait! Liu Weiwei said, pretending to run back to the town, and came out fifteen minutes later, This is a hundred kilograms of salt.

With one hundred third-level crystal nuclei in hand, Liu Weiwei bid farewell to the rich man and went back to the tree house. Liu Weiwei took off her cloak. Although they found out that something was wrong with her, they would never have imagined that she had such an artifact as a mall. As for business, Liu Weiwei looked at her savings, business still needs to be done!

It's just that Liu Weiwei doesn't just give them whatever they want. She will simply reject things that she thinks are inappropriate, saying that she can't get them, and Shen Yuanzhuo and the others won't doubt them. After all, they are very capable of Liu Weiwei. Surprised, it would be strange if she could really get anything.

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