Quickly Pierce the Peace of Mind To Be a Passerby

Chapter 55 The heroine becomes a passerby (4)

Even so, when Liu Weiwei saw the world, he was the only one who had been driving for nearly three days without stopping. Liu Weiwei covered her face with a veil, looked at the bustling market, and gritted her teeth: Say ! Did you think that I would go to find Yueci in the middle of the night and save a day, otherwise how could you pinch the time so accurately!?

Liu Weiwei gritted her teeth and asked, it took me three days to come here, and another three days to go back, which counts to six days, and the system only granted Liu Weiwei five days of vacation, so I managed to save time!

The system said indifferently: Why, isn't there still one day left?

Another day, hehe!

If he didn't count on the day when he came out, he would have to hurry back when he first arrived! Liu Weiwei snorted, ignored the system, and became more and more angry!

Liu Weiwei walked around the market wearing a veil, looking for her target. Speaking of wearing a veil, in fact, Liu Weiwei didn't pay attention to this problem at first, knowing that the first remote village she passed by, everyone in the village was stunned Staring at Liu Weiwei, Liu Weiwei was looked at inexplicably at first, checked his clothes, and found that there was nothing wrong with it!

Until Liu Weiwei saw a child pointing at himself and said to his mother: Mother, that sister is so beautiful, is she a fairy?

Only then did Liu Weiwei suddenly realize that what he was using now was Yaoyue's body. Yaoyue was a peerless beauty who was different from ordinary-looking passers-by like me. He was naturally very eye-catching when walking on the road. When Liu Weiwei left the village, Then he transformed into a veil and put it on.

A good-looking face sometimes causes unnecessary troubles, so it's better to cover it up.

Liu Weiwei came to the biggest pharmacy in this town and walked in.

What do you want to buy, girl? a clerk in the shop greeted.

Is there any century-old ginseng? Liu Weiwei asked.

This? The man hesitated, Do you think 80-year-old ginseng is okay?

Eighty years?! Liu Weiwei raised her eyebrows, Let me have a look.

Okay! The clerk went to remove a box in the inner room, opened it, and exposed the ginseng in the box, Look, the quality of ginseng in our store is definitely the best, and that's the price... The clerk turned towards Liu Weiwei smiled, as if you knew it.

How much? Liu Weiwei asked casually, as if he was not short of money.

The guy smiled even bigger, stretched out one hand and spread five fingers, Five thousand taels of silver!

Oh~ Liu Weiwei nodded, and asked curiously, The 80-year-old ginseng is 5,000 taels of silver, so what is the asking price for the 100-year-old ginseng?

The 100-year-old ginseng costs at least 8,000 taels! The clerk gave Liu Weiwei an eighth gesture with his hand.

Liu Weiwei tapped his chin with his hand, and a clear smile appeared under the veil, Brother, please call out the owner of this pharmacy, and tell him that there is a big deal. After speaking, Liu Weiwei handed over a tael of silver to the pharmacy man.

The clerk happily took Liu Weiwei's money, and ran to the back of the pharmacy to call the boss.

Liu Weiwei looked at the buddy's back and thought, watching certain plots in TV dramas is still useful!

As for the pharmacist's money, it is Liu Weiwei's mission world subsidy, which Liu Weiwei asked for from the system when he was preparing to come to the world. The monthly subsidy of 5,000 yuan can only be exchanged for 5 taels of silver in this world, and 5 taels of silver are used for It is absolutely impossible to make large purchases, so Liu Weiwei withheld Yue Ci's wound medicine.

There are many wound medicines for Yueci that Liu Weiwei doesn't know anymore, and Liu Weiwei doesn't know the value, so she chooses ginseng. Ginseng has not been cheap since ancient times. More than a dozen years, hundreds of years, and even thousands of years, now it seems that a century-old ginseng is enough.

After a while, the clerk led the pharmacy owner out.

The owner of the pharmacy was an elderly man. When he saw Liu Weiwei, he stroked his snow-white goatee before he could speak, I wonder what the girl is doing calling me here?

Liu Weiwei took out a wooden box from her own baggage and put it on the table, I wonder if the boss is interested in century-old ginseng?

As for the burden, Liu Weiwei is planning to use it to deceive people. Judging from this journey, it seems that there are no immortals in the mortal world, so it is better not to use spells in front of people. It is always safe to be cautious in unfamiliar places. .

Century-year-old ginseng?! The pharmacy owner seemed very excited, and quickly opened the box on the table, revealing a intact 100-year-old ginseng. .”

From the corner of the eye, he caught sight of Liu Weiwei who was sitting calmly by the side. The boss coughed lightly, and immediately withdrew his excited expression. He pretended to stroke his beard, and said in a deep voice, I don't know how much money the girl wants?

The quality boss should know the year of my ginseng. I want 10,000 taels of silver, which is not too much! Liu Weiwei quoted a price.

The pharmacy owner kept his eyes on the ginseng in the box. The quality of this ginseng was considered to be of the highest quality. He really wanted this price, and even the price of 10,000 taels was lower. , I only buy 5,000 taels of 80-year-old ginseng in this shop, and you are only 20 years old, and I will give you a price of 9,000 taels at most with the appearance of the ginseng.

Liu Weiwei's eyes twitched slightly. He was fooling himself as if he didn't understand anything. However, his time was limited and he didn't have time to waste on this matter. He nodded immediately, Okay, nine thousand taels is nine thousand taels.

Liu Weiwei agreed too happily, the boss immediately paid Liu Weiwei, and sent Liu Weiwei out of the pharmacy, looking at Liu Weiwei like looking at a fool who doesn't understand anything.

Ignoring the eyes of the pharmacy owner, Liu Weiwei took the freshly baked silver and started to make big purchases. Liu Weiwei specially hired a carriage, and put the things in the carriage after shopping. In the mansion, Liu Weiwei was shopping on the road, putting them on and off along the way, and Liu Weiwei's coachman changed from calm at the beginning to shocked, staring at the carriage suspiciously, can his carriage hold so many things? ?

Noticing the look in the coachman's eyes, Liu Weiwei secretly said that it can't go on any longer, and it's time to reveal her secrets if she continues. Seeing the inn in front of her, Liu Weiwei asked the coachman to do it, went to the inn and asked for a room, and stuffed it into the coachman's hand. With a tael of silver, he said to the coachman, Help me move all the things in the carriage to the room.

One tael of silver is equivalent to 1,000 Wen. Renting this carriage is only 500 Wen, and you can get 1 tael of silver for moving something. The driver is naturally happy. Liu Weiwei stands beside the carriage, watching the coachman use his spiritual power The items transformed into demonstrations were moved into the inn one after another, and I saw a small vendor selling snacks next to the inn.

Boss, how do you sell the chestnuts?

Five cents a bag, girl, buy some, it's delicious, sweet and fragrant. The chestnut vendor greeted.

Okay! Liu Weiwei looked at the chestnuts on the street vendor, and said, I want all the stuff you stir-fry, how much do you think?

All of them? The vendor looked at Liu Weiwei in shock and asked.

It's all there. Liu Weiwei nodded.

Then my pot will be ready soon! The peddler said in a daze, pointing at the chestnuts being fried in the pot.

Then wrap it together too, hurry up. Liu Weiwei urged.

Okay, wait a minute! The peddler responded happily, and he will meet a big customer today.

This big customer didn't just buy sugar-fried chestnuts. Just wait for a while, as long as the vendors around the inn could pack things, Liu Weiwei sold a lot of them and emptied out a lot of stalls.

After the coachman finally moved all the things in the carriage into the inn, the coachman was greeted by a carriage full of things, Liu Weiwei added another tael to the coachman, There are a lot of things to buy today, and you have more Move a few times.

As the saying goes, money can turn ghosts, as long as the money is in place, no matter what he does, the coachman always greets Liu Weiwei with a smile on his face.

Where are there clothes and cloth sellers? Liu Weiwei asked the driver when the things were almost bought.

Not far ahead is the largest cloth shop in this town. The quality of the cloth is the best, and the appearance is complete. Many noble people buy it there.

Just go to that cloth shop.

When we arrived at Buzhuang, Liu Weiwei got out of the carriage. The exterior decoration was quite impressive. Liu Weiwei walked in, and a woman ran past and said to Liu Weiwei, What do you want to buy, Miss?

Could you introduce what's in your store? This is the first time Liu Weiwei met a female waiter today, and Liu Weiwei followed the woman to almost all the cloth shop, which is indeed the biggest cloth shop in the driver's mouth. There are many kinds of cloth, and there are many kinds. The girl did not see Liu Weiwei asking to buy it after Jian introduced it, so she couldn't help asking: Miss, have you taken a fancy to it?

Liu Weiwei smiled and said, I bought a lot of things, I wonder if I can give you a discount?

Which do you want to buy?

The third, fifth, ninth, thirteenth, sixteenth, second row... the row on the left... Liu Weiwei announced the position of the cloth he had chosen in his heart .

The woman was taken aback for a moment, but quickly reacted, beckoning the other guys to hug the cloth Liu Weiwei had chosen.

Liu Weiwei's big gesture attracted many customers in the store, Liu Weiwei let them look at him calmly, until the boss of Buzhuang came over.

You want all these cloth girls? The owner of the cloth shop is a middle-aged man, and he looked at Liu Weiwei with a smile and said.

Of course, do you have ready-made clothes? Liu Weiwei nodded.

Yes, girl, please go to the second floor. The boss respectfully led Liu Weiwei up to the second floor with a smile on his face.

Liu Weiwei followed the boss up to the second floor, and all kinds of clothes came into Liu Weiwei's eyes. It felt a bit like shopping in a modern shopping mall. Liu Weiwei smiled, picked five pieces of ready-to-wear for men and women, and then stopped.

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