Quickly Pierce the Peace of Mind To Be a Passerby

Chapter 43 A Passerby Who Only Lives in Memories (20)

I hit someone!

When the accident happened, pedestrians on the road stopped to check the situation.

Oh my God, it was a child in the car accident!

I don't know who killed a thousand swords.

There was a lot of discussion.

Hurry up, this is the hospital, you might be saved if you send him to the hospital! a kind passer-by shouted.

It happened so fast, the old lady Yan was pushed away by Liu Weiwei before she had time to react, the old lady Yan was pushed down on the road all of a sudden, her foot seemed to be crooked, and she heard passers-by say that she hit someone and thought of it Pushing Liu Weiwei away, she became more and more anxious, but she couldn't get up for a while.

Grandma! Yan Jiayuan parked the car, saw Mrs. Yan sitting on the ground, and ran over quickly. Before Yan Jiayuan came to help, the old lady grabbed Yan Jiayuan's hand and said anxiously: Leave me alone, Weiwei was hit by a car Alright, go and have a look.

After hearing the old lady Yan's words, Yan Jiayuan was a little puzzled, Weiwei, that little girl, why did she appear here when she was fine, and was hit by a car.

Go! The old lady Yan pushed Yan Jiayuan hard and shouted angrily.

Okay, okay, don't worry, I'll help you up first. Yan Jiayuan replied quickly, with a force in his hand, he helped the old lady Yan up. Shuran hurriedly walked towards Liu Weiwei.

Liu Weiwei's small body was lying on the road, her eyes were closed tightly, and there was a large amount of blood under her body.

Seeing this scene, Yan Jiayuan already had a bad premonition in his heart, and hurried over to check, he was not breathing, and his heartbeat was gone.

At this time, medical staff had already been notified and rushed over pushing a stretcher.

Doctor Yan! The medical staff recognized Yan Jiayuan's identity.

The injured person's breathing and heartbeat have stopped, rescue him as soon as possible. Yan Jiayuan frowned.

Yes. The medical staff came to their senses and carried Liu Weiwei onto the stretcher and pushed him into the hospital. Yan Jiayuan found the old lady Yan who was limping and walking here in the crowd.

How is Weiwei? The old lady Yan asked anxiously, holding Yan Jiayuan's arm tightly.

Grandma, don't worry, Weiwei has been rushed to the hospital for rescue, and she will be fine. Yan Jiayuan comforted the old lady Yan.

Help me quickly. The old lady Yan couldn't listen, and dragged Yan Jiayuan to the hospital.

Slow down. Yan Jiayuan looked at the old lady Yan's limping steps, squatted down in front of the old lady, and said, I'll carry you on my back.

When Yan Jiayuan and Mrs. Yan arrived at the hospital, all they got was an answer that they were being rescued.

The old lady Yan was sitting on the seat outside the rescue room, her face could not hide the uneasy and anxious look.

Yan Jiayuan's expression was much calmer. As time passed, Yan Jiayuan's heart gradually sank. The golden rescue time for a heartbeat and breathing stop is only 30 minutes, and now the 30 minutes have come. It seems... ...Yan Jiayuan glanced at the anxious old lady Yan, got up and made a phone call.

After another 5 minutes, the rescue lights went out, the door of the rescue room was pushed open, and the doctor came out: Who is the patient's family?

The old lady Yan stood up hastily, and asked anxiously: I am, doctor, how is Weiwei?

We're doing our best, the doctor said regretfully.

Grandma. After Yan Jiayuan made the phone call, he saw the old lady Yan fainted because she couldn't bear the blow, and hurried over to help her.

My condolences. Yan Jiayuan's heart sank, looking at the old lady Yan in his arms, thinking about how to persuade her.

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