Quickly Pierce the Peace of Mind To Be a Passerby

Chapter 38 A Passerby Who Only Lives in Memories (15)

When Liu Weiwei walked into the room, Mrs. Yan was already waiting.

Teacher, Third Sister. The Yan family's second elder brother's studio received an order and has been busy recently. On the contrary, Yan Ruanruan, the younger sister of the Yan family, has been free recently and always comes to accompany the old lady Yan.

Liu Weiwei walked in front of old lady Yan and showed old lady Yan the test paper in her schoolbag.

The old lady Yan took the test paper, looked at the scores on it, nodded in satisfaction, and praised, Not bad.

Yan Ruanruan leaned her head over to take a look, and said with a smile: It's really good, you can learn so well at home, Weiwei is really smart.

Liu Weiwei smiled, Yan Ruanruan didn't look arrogant or impetuous when the child was praised, but only Liu Weiwei knew in her heart that she really had nothing to be proud of.

Have Weiwei ever thought about skipping a grade? Yan Ruanruan asked.

Skip a grade? Liu Weiwei asked in confusion.

That's right, skip a grade. Weiwei has been studying two years later than other children of the same age. If you still have enough energy in your studies, should you consider skipping two grades?

Wait, I still want to spend most of my time on embroidery. If I study, I will keep it like this first. When the teacher thinks that I can graduate, I will consider skipping a grade. Liu Weiwei politely refused.

She won't stay in this world for a long time. Liu Weiwei didn't think about skipping a level at all. She left after staying for less than two years. There is no point in skipping a level!

It's still early to be a teacher! Old Madam Yan said seriously.

Yes, I will continue to work hard, teacher. Liu Weiwei smiled and was not shocked at all.

By the way, after a while, Jiayuan will come back from abroad. Yan Ruanruan said to the old lady Yan, Jiayuan has been studying abroad for almost three years, and he is finally graduating.

Well, it is said that there is still a week. Old Madam Yan replied.

Liu Weiwei sat below and quietly listened to the conversation between Mrs. Yan and Yan Ruanruan, recalling the role of Yan Jiayuan in her mind.

Yan Jiayuan is a medical genius. He graduated from university at the age of 18, and then went abroad for further study. He completed his combined master's and doctoral studies in three years. He is 21 years old this year. He will become a famous surgeon in the future. Such an excellent doctor will not be What is passer-by? Although he is not the male lead, he is the second male lead that everyone likes very much.

The heroine is the apprentice of the old lady Yan, and the second male is the grandson of the old lady Yan. His IQ and ultra-low EQ, so that he was cut off by the male protagonist in the end, and he can only be the second male.

In Liu Weiwei's opinion, this male lead is better than the male lead, this may be because the author wants to leave the best male lead to everyone, Liu Weiwei can't help guessing.

I'm really curious, this excellent male second!

A week is not short, long or not. On this day, Liu Weiwei and Mrs. Yan were teaching in the embroidery room, and the embroidery screen opened the door, Madam, Master Jiayuan is back.

The old lady Yan's embroidery paused, and she randomly put down the things in her hand, Weiwei, you go out with me.

Okay, teacher. Liu Weiwei also put down the half-embroidered embroidery in her hand, packed it up, and went out with Mrs. Yan to meet the male second.

Yan Jiayuan, the most outstanding junior of the Yan family, is tall about 1.8 meters, with a slender figure. A high-necked cashmere sweater softens the original cold temperament of his body.

Moshang is like a jade, and your son is unparalleled in the world. He looks really good! He will probably be the ideal type for many little girls. Liu Weiwei chatted with the system in his mind.

System: Is it the ideal type for the host?

It's not my style. The corners of Liu Weiwei's mouth moved slightly.

Yan Jiayuan saw Mrs. Yan and Liu Weiwei approaching two steps forward, with a gentle smile on his face: Grandma, I'm back. Seeing Liu Weiwei, Yan Jiayuan didn't have any curiosity on his face, and his smile was still gentle: This is my sister-in-law, right? I heard my dad say it twice.

Just call me by my name? Liu Weiwei was a little at a loss. Liu Weiwei was a little uncomfortable when she called her sister-in-law. Although the old lady Yan had officially adopted Liu Weiwei, there was no change in her address. Liu Weiwei was still called Yan The old lady is a teacher, and the old lady Yan has never corrected her.

Yan Jiarui's little boy, let alone Aunt Liu Weiwei, has never even been called by his name properly once, most of the other children call him by his first name.

With a loving smile on her face, the old lady Yan said gently: It's fine when you come back, as for calling you whatever you like.

Yan Jiayuan smiled: Then I'll call you Weiwei.

Okay. Liu Weiwei nodded and smiled.

After everyone sat down, the old lady Yan asked Yan Jiayuan with concern, how is life abroad in the past few years? What are your plans for the future? Mostly small things.

Yan Jiayuan's face was always gentle, without any impatience, and he answered every question of the old lady Yan carefully.

Liu Weiwei sat quietly at the side, observing the grandparents and grandchildren. This was the first time that Mrs. Yan's aura around her became so gentle. It seemed that Mrs. Yan loved her the most, and also , who would not love such an excellent back? .

The conversation between the grandfather and grandson was almost done, and when the topic changed, they brought Liu Weiwei who was on the side.

How old is Weiwei this year?

The old lady Yan said: Ten years old.

Why didn't you go to school? Yan Jiayuan wondered. Today Wednesday is indeed not a day off.

Weiwei is studying at home and learning embroidery with me by the way.

I see. Yan Jiayuan smiled knowingly, Grandma, how is your health recently?

He's in good health, just a minor ailment like a cold and a fever, and he hasn't had one this year. Old lady Yan smiled happily.

Yan Jiayuan also laughed, and said: Grandma, I will be working in the city hospital soon. There are internal channels. I have applied for a physical examination for everyone in our family. If you have time that day, I will take you for a full body examination.

No, grandma is in good health? Old Mrs. Yan patted Yan Jiarui's hand.

It's a quota for my family members given by the hospital. It's free. Wouldn't it be a waste if you don't go?

Liu Weiwei was listening to Yan Jiarui persuading the old lady Yan. Now the old lady Yan has not found out what Yan Jiayuan is thinking, but Liu Weiwei will notice it when the time comes.

Over the past year or so, Mrs. Yan has almost believed the nobleman's rhetoric of the Yan family, and she has gradually let go of her hanging heart, but the brothers and sisters of the Yan family know the truth best, and they have been secretly looking for that person Master's clues, unfortunately, have not been harvested. I believe Yan Jiayuan also understands this matter. In addition to preventing external accidents, one more thing to pay attention to is the physical condition of the old lady Yan.

Wanting to persuade Mrs. Yan to go for a physical examination, but afraid of arousing Mrs. Yan's suspicion, she had to put down her suspicions with great difficulty. This must be skillful.

The grandson works in a hospital, and the hospital happens to have free quotas for family members to have physical examinations.

Sure enough, Mrs. Yan was soon persuaded by Yan Jiayuan and succeeded.

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