Quickly Pierce the Peace of Mind To Be a Passerby

Chapter 13 A Passerby Who Opens a Dessert Shop (6)

At around 8 o'clock in the evening, the dessert shop closed. Thanks to the 20% discount for the opening of the new store, more than half of the dozen kinds of desserts were sold out. Liu Weiwei took the remaining desserts from the counter and put them in the refrigerator. It's dinner for two.

While eating the leftover cake, Liu Weiyi calculated today's profit in his notebook.

After the calculation, Liu Weiwei put the pen down and stuffed the last bite of cake into his mouth.

At the end of the day, although he didn't lose money, he only made a little over one hundred.

Liu Weiwei tapped the table with her fingers. If this continues, there will be nothing left after paying the utility bills every month, so I have to think of other ways.

The three-day opening of the new store passed quickly, and on the fourth day, Liu Weiwei launched a new announcement on the official account of the store:

All kinds of milk tea and fruit drinks are newly launched in our store, and all kinds of milk tea and fruit drinks will be discounted at 20% on the day of launch, don't miss it!

Milk tea really makes a lot of money, with an average profit of 4 yuan per cup of milk tea. Liu Weiwei also likes to drink milk tea, but it turns out that the cost of a cup of milk tea is not high when he really works in this business.

Liu Weiwei specially lowered the price of milk tea. Although the profit of each cup of milk tea has decreased, because Liu Weiwei is so cheap, students love to buy it from Liu Weiwei. On average, Liu Weiwei does not make less money.

As for the hero and heroine? Busy with high school studies, they come three or four times a week, usually just buy and leave. Liu Weiwei guesses that their parents have not discovered their secret relationship yet. Liu Weiwei only regarded them as ordinary guests.

Dingling The text message alert on the mobile phone sounded, and Liu Weiwei turned on the mobile phone and found that it was a reminder of the arrival of 5,000 yuan.

In the blink of an eye, it has been three months since I came to this world. In the first month, I was busy preparing to open a store. In the last two months, I tried my best to attract customers and increase income. Now everything is finally on the right track. A little overwhelmed, strange world, strange people, let alone relatives, Liu Weiwei doesn't even have a single friend here.

Humans live in groups, so it’s okay to be busy, but when you are free, you will inevitably feel lonely in a foreign land.

In addition to pushing the WeChat of new products in the store on the official account, Liu Weiwei didn't download any of the previous chat software. What's the use of downloading, there is no one to contact.

It was two o'clock in the afternoon, and it was time for the shop to relax. Liu Weiwei leaned on the sofa, holding a pillow in his arms: Senior, I'm so bored.

System: The host can develop other interests and hobbies, as long as it does not affect the task, everything is free to follow the host.

Other hobbies? Liu Weiwei thought for a while and asked, Can I choose the next mission world first?

System: Yes.

I'll choose the name. Senior, send me the story of the mission world in the form of a physical book. I'll read it slowly. Liu Weiwei said in advance, and it happens to be a novel to pass the time.

As long as there is something to do, the days will become much easier to pass. Every morning at 7:00 Liu Weiwei will get up to prepare the desserts that he will buy that day, and the door will open at 10:00 on time. When there are guests, Liu Weiwei will entertain them. When there are no guests Liu Weiwei sits on the sofa reading the novel of the mission world, and has time to learn how to make new desserts. Every Saturday, one or two new desserts will be added to replace the two poorly sold desserts.

The days are very regular.

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