Quickly Dressed As a Host Girl and Dressed Up As a Man, and Then Traveled All Over the World

Chapter 65 The General's Daughter Disguised as a Man64

I promise here that I will give everyone an explanation today. But before that, please leave quickly.

Su Ling knew that they would never leave so easily, she said clearly,

If you don't go back, the army from outside the pass will go straight to the capital of Xili. Although I am not there, I have already sent pigeons to pass on the message. The generals of my Donglan Kingdom are all brave and good at fighting. They are all taught by me. , I believe they have that ability. And here, with me here, do you think there is still a chance?

Xiao Qingyuan smiled bitterly in the crowd.

This battle, he lost.

He had already said that he couldn't attack by force, but these people didn't believe it.

As long as Su Ling helped him, they would have no chance at all.

She alone is enough for all of them.

Xiao Qingyuan said to the people around him: You all go.

Aren't you leaving?

It's no longer necessary, I lost.

He greatly underestimated Xiao Ziyu's position in her heart.

He lost completely, and there was no need to return or not.


The people of Xili finally became afraid of Su Ling.

Standing on the palace city, Su Ling saw from a distance that the rescuers had arrived.

She smiled suddenly, with a charming and enchanting charm that turned all living beings upside down.

Now, I can give you an explanation. In fact, the entire army of the Su family was wiped out because of me. It was I who sacrificed the lives of 50,000 soldiers for my own selfish desires and for the remains of my parents.

After Su Ling finished speaking, the scene was in chaos, and they couldn't believe their ears.

They would rather believe that the dog emperor did all this than believe that the instigator of all this would be the person they respect the most.

Impossible. We don't believe it.

Su Ling continued: I know you can't accept this fact. I was young and reckless at the time. For the past six months, I have been rushing to the forefront, all for the sake of atonement, but I didn't expect that I would survive. Now Xili Kingdom is no longer Will be threatened, my mission has been accomplished. I will pay them back what I owe.

Xiao Qingyuan seemed to have a premonition of something, rushed out and shouted: No. Su Ling, don't do stupid things. All of this is none of your business, it's...

I hope you will help him be a good emperor.

Xiao Qingyuan knew that Su Ling said this to him.

He wanted to dissuade him, but the white figure had already jumped down from the palace wall.

The short distance is usually not difficult for them at all, but for those who have the will to die, it is the distance between life and death.

Xiao Qingyuan rushed over, wanting to catch her, but didn't want to be sent flying by her palm.

By the time he wanted to rush over again, it was too late.

He stared blankly at the white figure falling to the ground, the white clothes were dyed bright red, which was so dazzling.

But there was a faint smile on her face, as if she was just asleep.

At the same time, he heard Xiao Ziyu chasing down from the palace wall.

Crying while hugging the red-stained figure.

But what's the use?

It's too late.

This time, both of them lost.

It's just that Xiao Ziyu will be the one who loses worse.

On that day, that white figure will always remain in the hearts of everyone.

It doesn't matter whose fault any of this is.

Everyone knows that she sacrificed her own life only for the peace of the world.

They can only be worthy of the peace and prosperity that she has worked so hard to keep alive only by working harder to live.

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