Quickly Dressed As a Host Girl and Dressed Up As a Man, and Then Traveled All Over the World

Chapter 24 The General's Daughter Disguised as a Man 23

Su Ling immediately let go of Li Mingling, and pulled her to kneel on the ground.

In this evil ancient times, she has to do the task and leave quickly.

Kneeling at every turn is simply enough.

Li Aiqing, you have a good daughter.

Everyone heard Xiao Ziyu look at Li Mingling and said with emotion.

That appearance is clearly for Li Mingling.

Everyone looked at Mr. Li enviously, even Mr. Li regretted that the marriage was arranged too early. If I knew it earlier, it would not be more fragrant to let Li Mingling be the queen.

Only Li Mingling knew why Xiao Ziyu did this.

She was being targeted, and it was very possible that she would lose her life. Woohoo!

Thank you for your majesty's praise. My daughter has been raised by the old man himself since she was a child. She is good at playing chess, calligraphy and painting since she was a child.

Master Li is talking nonsense.

Obviously Li Mingling was born as a concubine and grew up eating leftovers.

Oh? Xiao Ziyu seemed to be in high spirits, Then why not let Miss Li perform it on the spot.

Li Mingling wanted to cry sadly.

Her father is simply a scam, what talent can she have.

Before time-traveling, she was just a fresh graduate. After time-traveling, the original owner was even ignorant. How could she have any talent.

Li Mingling looked at Su Ling begging for help, but she didn't want to feel the terrifying gaze again.

That's the matter. I'll just wait. Su Ling came over, and we were in the imperial study every day with me before, why are we seeing each other like this now?

Xiao Ziyu beckoned Su Ling to come to him.

He finally followed Mr. Su to the main seat with satisfaction, while Su Ling stood beside him.

All kinds of hot eyes swept over her.

After that, no one had time to watch her.

Because Li Mingling had already come out in fancy dress and danced a square dance.

While dancing, he recited a poem. Although this poem can be said to be an ancient quatrain in the future, in this ancient time, no one would find it so amazing. It was this square dance that made everyone stunned.

After Li Mingling cried and finished the performance, his brother finally appeared with a mournful face and the bride.

When he saw Su Ling, he finally couldn't help feeling sad.

He wanted to cry with Su Ling, but suffered from Xiao Ziyu who was standing in his way.

In the end, amidst the cheers of everyone, he could only take the bride to the bridal chamber with tears in his eyes.

Xiao Ziyu was finally satisfied.

When he left, he did not forget to say to Master Li: I am very satisfied with your daughter, let her come to the draft.

Master Li is naturally as happy as something.

All the marriage contract with Su Ling was forgotten.

Su Ling, who wants nothing now, can't compare to Xiao Ziyu.

Su Ling didn't expect the refusal to marry so smoothly.

It's just that Li Mingling is still on the old road of drafting, and the plot is back on track, which makes her a little worried.

If Xiao Ziyu also takes the old path of the plot, it will be bad.

In order to prevent the plot, she felt that as long as Li Mingling and Xiao Qingyuan were prevented from being together before the draft, then Li Mingling would not have a child, Xiao Qingyuan would not be a child in anger, and Xiao Ziyu would not die in the end.

As for who Li Mingling will be with in the future, she will bless her, anyway, before the draft, they must not be together.

After thinking clearly, Su Ling first started the road of scientific research.

The sons of a big family like them only need to participate in the last game.

Comparing those children from poor families, although it is unfair, but thinking about it, they all directly inherited the position.

In such a comparison, this scientific examination is already very fair.

Su Ling looked at the children of the aristocratic families who used to have dark circles under their eyes, shaking their heads, and muttering. It is said that these people have been arrested by their parents to read books day and night. These days, the whole capital is much quieter.

Everyone didn't even have time to say hello, so they hurried into the examination room.

Su Ling was also in a hurry, because she was busy looking for Li Mingling and Xiao Qingyuan after the scientific examination.

In just one stick of incense, she had already handed in the paper.

At this speed, the children of those aristocratic families kept scratching their heads, and the children of the poor family were all kinds of disdain.

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