Quickly Accompany You To See the Stars and the Sea

Chapter 716: Doomsday boss loves thirty-six

  Chapter 716

  Everyone got up the next morning.

   When Fengchen opened his eyes, he was still a little confused.

   "Xiao Ruan." The first thing Feng Chen did when he opened his eyes was to find Ruan Ruan.

   As a result, only to find yourself lying on the sofa?

   There are only two small sofas in this small shop.

  Last night, one put the injured Li Long to sleep, and the other, two girls squeezed together.

   How can you be on this now?

   "The boss is awake, and there is a basin of water next to him. You wash up first, then come over to eat. Let's stew the chicken." Wang Yifei shouted loudly when he saw that Feng Chen was awake.

   "I fell asleep?" Feng Chen got up quickly, first asked a question, and then started looking for Ruan Ruan everywhere.

   "Little sister-in-law is cooking, so you fell asleep when you were too tired. When the little sister-in-law is on duty, I said boss, you really don't have enough energy, right?" Wang Yifei also wentssips a little by the way.

   But soon came to help.

   Li Long is a fire element, Gao Yang is a water element, everyone has fire, water, and tools, so naturally they can cook a particularly delicious meal.

  Fengchen was slightly relieved to see Ruan Ruan standing at the table talking to Gao Xue.

   "Awake?" Ruan Ruan turned back when she heard the movement.

   Looking at Feng Chen with a gentle smile, Feng Chen felt that his world was filled with warm sunshine for a moment.

   The sun is not too hot, just the right warmth, which warms the heart.

   "Hmm." Feng Chen walked over and wanted to hug Ruan Ruan, but after thinking about it, he hadn't washed up yet.

   The embarrassment of this body is from last night.

   gave Gao Yang a look and gestured to him.

   The two left the small hall and went to the bathroom.

  Fengchen used water-based abilities, took a bath, and then put on the clothes Ruan Ruan had prepared.

   Except for his cuteness, no one can be so careful.

   The group was not in a hurry.

   This time, there are more materials found.

   At least, in a short period of time, they will not be a problem to eat.

   And most importantly, their recent luck is really good.

   You can always encounter animals or plants that are not mutated, and you can eat a warm meal.

  Gao Xue and Qian Xiaoyue are still lucky, but fortunately they didn't dislike the rice before, they took everything they should have.

   And recently they have collected quite a few.

  If it wasn't for the conditions, they even wanted to make dumplings to eat.

   "I think it should be delicious to make dumplings with this wild vegetable." Gao Xue whispered while eating rice and chicken.

   "I think it's feasible." Qian Xiaoyue felt that the town was relatively safe, and they could settle down temporarily.

   After resting, they can start again.

  After all, the distance from the next town is a bit far.

   If they don't rest well, they will be in trouble if they encounter zombies on the road.

   The group stayed in the town and simply rested.

   Of course, because of Gao Xue and Qian Xiaoyue's suggestion, Ruan Ruan also thinks Bao Dun dumplings are also good.

   Several people went up the mountain to find unmutated wild vegetables and a unmutated pig after a week.

   I don't know where it came from.

   Anyway, Qian Xiaoyue had never seen an unmutated animal before.

   It feels like you can always meet Ruan Ruan after following Ruan Ruan?

  Although I don't know if this is a metaphysical problem, Qian Xiaoyue thinks that her little life is really good.

   A few people got the piglet and cleaned it up on the spot.

   Then I picked the meat and chopped the stuffing.

   also packed out the wild vegetables.

   Really made a steaming dumpling!

   (end of this chapter)

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