Quickly Accompany You To See the Stars and the Sea

Chapter 658: Bah, let go of that vixen thirty-seven

  Chapter 658 Hey, let go of that fox spirit thirty-seven

  Feng Ji stared all the way.

   The two are still stable.

  In the public, Feng Ji couldn't take it lightly in order to make people feel at ease.

   But it's true that the two demons were tossed enough.

   Moreover, Feng Ji also remembered the identities of the two people, and it is not impossible to solve it in secret.

   The two demons actually knew that they were exposed today, and they must have no good fruit to eat later.

   But they usually come out to play with everyone. Who would have thought that there would be a demon master coming over today?

   And it’s two at a time.

   That little monk, don't think that he has a similar kind in his arms, so they can't see that he is a demon collector.

   It's just that the demon collector still has a little demon in his arms.

   And this morning, the little monk was serving the little demon all the way.

  When you are thirsty, you give water to drink, and when you are hungry, you give fruit to eat, and there are basins of milk in bamboo buckets.

   The little monk brought a cloth bag full of things to serve the little fox.

   See other girls with pink bubbles in their eyes.

   If it weren't for the fact that the other party was a monk, they would have been optimistic about this man.

   This is too sweet.

  Be more careful than serving your own children.

   Such a man dazzled in the sun with extraordinary charm.

  Young girls are the most likely to be secretive.

  Unfortunately, the other party is a monk.

   The morning meeting quickly dissipated.

  The two demons were afraid that something would go wrong. After hearing that everyone could go home, they sat in their respective carriages and quickly left the arena.

   As for what to do next, they still need to think about it.

   "Are those two?" The two demons were too nervous, so there were a lot of problems exposed.

   Watching them leave, Liang Duo asked aloud.

   Feng Ji nodded, and then went through it carefully in his mind.

   He tapped his breath on the two demons.

   You can go out tonight.

   "Are they murderous?" Cheng Ji was concerned about this, although the two of them were not too familiar to him, they were just friends who usually played together.

   However, if they had already been wiped out by the monsters, Cheng Ji would still feel uncomfortable.

   Now Chang'an City looks prosperous, but inside, there are monsters running rampant, and people's hearts are unstable.

   "Yes, there's more than one." Feng Ji had been staring at it early on, and also knew that those two demons were not simple and clean little demons like Ruan Ruan.

   If it was just Ruan Ruan, he would probably let it go.

   And like Yun Kong, he will guide the little demon to be kind.

   But for those two, although the shady scenes on their bodies are not thick, they still exist.

   This proves that there is murderous aura on the opponent, and there is a cause and effect of life.

  Perhaps, they are now replacing the identity, and the original owner was also killed by them.

  Everything is guesswork, they need to wait until the night, when the night is quiet, before they can do it.

   Yunkong is not interested in these.

   Once upon a time, he accepted the demon because he inherited the orders of his teacher.


   He just wanted to find a place to quietly raise the little demon in his arms.

   "Master, I don't know if I can do me a favor at night?" Feng Ji herself couldn't guarantee that she could one-vs-two, and there were two demons over a thousand years old on the opposite side.

  So, after thinking about it, I still spoke to Yun Kong.

  Feng Ji is not sure if Yun Kong will help, but he wants to try.

   "I'll ask my little demon." Yun Kong was not interested in these.

  What my Buddha's compassion, he has broken the precepts now, I'm sorry to the Buddha, and can no longer think about my Buddha's compassion.

   Therefore, it is good to ask the little demon in your arms beforehand.

   (end of this chapter)

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