Quickly Accompany You To See the Stars and the Sea

Chapter 540: Campus Cookies forty-five

   Chapter 540 Campus Cookies forty-five

   Ruan Ruan, who didn't want to be a scholar and just wanted to fall in love, was speechless for a while.

   "Good study, this problem-solving idea is really good, not bad." The more the math teacher looked at this set of papers, the more he liked it.

   I can't wait to post this paper on the school's bulletin board now, so that those who don't study hard can see it.

  Feng Nan was very curious, looked at Ruan Ruan quietly, turned his head quietly, and looked at the scroll in the teacher's hand.

After seeing    clearly, Feng Nan was also silent.

   Jiang Weiwei is also a good student, and she is even more curious at this time, so she also looked over to take a look.

   After seeing it, his eyes on Ruan Ruan changed.

   When the get out of class was about to end in the evening for dinner, the teachers finally checked out all the papers.

  The results are gratifying.

  Other subjects, because it is not like mathematics, it is easy to judge right or wrong.

   So it is not easy to get a high score.

   But this is the case, and the language is also a high score of 130+.

  English is a breakthrough. If it is not for the deduction of writing points, it is almost equivalent to full marks.

   For small subjects, because the judging standards are different, some points will be deducted.

   However, if you take out this result, you will directly suppress all of Feng Nan.

   Ruan Ruan stood on the side obediently, pretending not to know everything.

  The teachers have mixed feelings.

   At this moment, Wei Chen came.

   "Teacher, spread rumors and break their legs. Some students are not very good at their mental skills." Wei Chen knocked on the door and came in, and then wrote down the things that were passed down by word of mouth during his own investigation into a testimony.

   then put these into the hands of the head teacher.

head teacher:……

Complicated feelings.

  Wei Chen didn't care much after he handed it over.

   Anyway, the teacher doesn't care, he also has a way to make them unhappy.

   Ruan Ruan's re-examination results, overwhelmed Feng Nan, the academic master, and a group of academic gods.

   terrified the classmates.

   In this regard, some students came to ask curiously.

   "Ruan Ruan, you usually don't study very well, why are you so good in exams?" This was a question from a good-natured female classmate.

   To this, Ruan Ruan replied casually: "Ah, I went home from school and studied. Isn't it about the next semester, take the test well, so as not to make mistakes in the college entrance examination."


   Sure enough.

   I knew that you beasts looked like they didn’t study in school, but they quietly learned when they got home.

   Two-faced bastards!

  The students gritted their teeth, but Ruan Ruan didn't care.

   Probably because the rumors are finally gone, Zhou Lei suggested that everyone go to the game city to play around.

  There are too few moments to relax in the third year of high school.

   It’s a blessing to be able to go out for a day on the weekend.

   "I listen to my daughter-in-law." Wei Chen was shameless now and called Ruan Ruan's daughter-in-law directly.

   Zhou Lei is used to being shown affection every day.

  Qiao Huan has also been very close to them recently.

   Qiao Huan's eyes lit up when he heard that he was going to the game city.

   "Go, go, must go." In this regard, Qiao Huan raised his hands in agreement.

   Ruan Ruan had no objection to this, nodded and said coquettishly, "Okay."

   Zhou Lei suddenly had a bad feeling.

  9488 ordered a row of wax for them in advance.

   The next day is Sunday, and the school is closed on that day.

   Even so, I still left a lot of homework for everyone.

   Ruan Ruan is not in a hurry, there is Wei Chen anyway.

   Ruan Ruan felt that the assignments that were not very important were written by Wei Chen.

   euphemistically called: deepen the impression.

   Wei Chen didn't dare to refute, and he enjoyed it.

   (end of this chapter)

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