Chapter 502 Campus Cookies IV

   "Are you finally going to start crushing the IQs of your friends again?" The little fox, who used to be a senior in high school, felt that he was about to start playing the game of IQ crushing again.

  The learning content of the two senior three is not too different.

   Watching his deskmate take out the book and start reading early, Qiao Huan was shocked again.

   My deskmate doesn’t like reading very much, and my grades are average.

  Early reading at most means that the monitor will take care of the discipline, not what the students are doing.

  The third year of high school, everyone wants to get into a good university or not, it all depends on self-consciousness.

   Ruan Ruan used to read some extracurricular books most of the time because he woke up early in the morning and was still drowsy and couldn’t read books at all.

   Of course, they are all kinds of pink novels with girlish feelings.

   The kind with pink girly heart bubbles.

   But, this morning, Ruan Ruan took out the language book.

  Qiao Huan:  …

   It may be a fake roommate who came today.

  Before the end of the morning reading, the head teacher, Mr. Guo, brought Wei Chen in.

"Introduce a new classmate, Wei Chen. From now on, everyone will take care of each other and try to get into a good university." Teacher Guo said a few words in response, and then pointed to the position behind Ruan Ruan, indicating to Wei Chen. past.

   High school transfer, if it is not for the big things in the previous school, generally it will not be transferred.

   affects the emotions of students and affects the results of the corresponding exams.

   Teacher Guo is now racing against time, and he doesn't want to waste too much time on Wei Chen, a scumbag.

   So, I pointed to the location, and sent the person away without much introduction.

   It is mid-October now.

   In other words, it’s just a month and a half since the third year of high school.

   But the third year of high school has already completed most of it.

   This is the normal routine of the school, to finish the third year of high school knowledge in advance, and then start from the first year of high school, take turns and bombard the knowledge points.

   "Today, we will start a new course, and we will go back and forth." The Chinese teacher is not young, but it is said to be a very experienced and experienced teacher.

   It doesn't take much to talk, just start to enter the theme.

   "Yu's family is poor, and farming is not enough for self-sufficiency. Childish enough room..." The language teacher quickly read the original text on it.

   Of course, after reading a short paragraph, I began to analyze for everyone, what the classical Chinese text means, how to analyze it, and what the author wanted to express at that time.

The students below   , the first few rows are still listening to the lectures attentively. From time to time, they mark the book or write notes on their class notes.

   The next few rows look a lot more cluttered.

   Wei Chen sat behind Ruan Ruan.

   Almost came over and slept directly on the table.

   Getting up early in the morning was really exhausting.

   If it wasn't for his mother crying and making trouble, he wouldn't be too lazy to come to school.

  Wei Chen thought while sleeping, where to go to play at night?

  Wei Chen's roommate was named Zhou Lei, a tall and strong boy with average appearance, at first glance he looked like a bandit leader.

   But people are not bad, at least sometimes the students in the back row want to play Ruan Ruan, and he helped to stop them.

   Of course, he is also a student scumbag. He can't listen to class every day, either reading extracurricular books or playing games quietly.

   It's not that the school doesn't want to care about them.

   But they have tried their best, parents have given up, and the school naturally does not want to control it.

  Although I really want to fulfill my responsibilities as a teacher.

   But even if the students do not listen to the discipline, it is difficult for the teachers to do it.

  Thank you Moshang Liuse, Wangzai Milk, user 151***70, user 187***04 for the tip

  Thanks to the little angels for their monthly passes


happy Valentine's day

   (end of this chapter)

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