Quickly Accompany You To See the Stars and the Sea

Chapter 494: Prosperous Concubine Seventy-four

   Chapter 494

   "Brother Lian?" Zhao Handong hid in the corner of Ye Ting and called in a low voice.

  The court is full of grievances because the prisoners are all criminals, so at night, there is always a bit of indescribable gloomy atmosphere.

   Zhao Handong was frightened to death, but in the end he was pulled into the grass behind.

   "Save..." A help, before calling out, Zhao Handong's mouth was covered.

   "Don't yell, if you want me to open up the situation in the harem for you, just be obedient." Lian Cang wanted to tear up Zhao Handong directly.

   But it was torn apart, and he had to pay for his life when he turned back.

not worth it.

  This woman is not worth it, he will exchange his life for it.

  In this case, he found it elsewhere.

   Don't you seduce yourself pitifully every day?

   Don't you want to refuse and leave, thinking that you are a pure white lotus?

   Then how about he paint some color on this white lotus flower?

  Lian Cang's mind has been getting darker and darker recently, especially the recent letter from his mother, and he raised his eyes and couldn't see things clearly. After that, he may write fewer letters.

  Lian Cang blamed himself to the core.

   If it wasn't for him, how could the mother cry so badly?

   It's all Zhao Handong's fault.

   Blame this bitch!

  Lian Cang's life in Ye Ting was not a good one.

   After all, Ruan Ruan was putting pressure on him, even though Lian Cang had some connections in the harem, but he didn't dare to help him out in the open.

  The hands of other little eunuchs are almost all jade, whether it is good or bad, it is considered jade.

   But Lian Cang didn't have it.

  The valuable things in his hand were used by the palace servants back and forth.

   And he is the **** of Houcheng, how can there be such a thing.

   But for Zhao Handong, he tried his best to get a wooden one.

  The wooden thorns on the top are very clean. Although there is no oil, the rough texture should be very comfortable, right?

  Lian Cang thought badly.

   Feeling that Lian Cang was ripping off his skirt, Zhao Handong wanted to scream.

   But her mouth was gagged, and her body was restrained by Lian Cang, so she couldn't resist at all.

   Tears fell unsatisfactorily, ninety percent aggrieved, one part acting.

  Although Zhao Handong also knew that after the last incident, Lian Cang must have resentment towards her.

   But I didn't expect that I would complain to such an extent.

   Zhao Handong felt that she was innocent, she obviously did nothing.

   Yuan Licheng doesn't believe them.

   She and Big Brother Lian are really just friends.

"Bitch, are you still wronged? Don't worry, this is made according to my previous size, and it will definitely satisfy you. It's not that His Majesty has stopped entering the harem recently. I'm afraid you will be lonely too. If you want to ask for help in the future, just ask for help. Don't look like a bitch, you still want to stand up to the archway." Lian Cang sneered when he saw Zhao Handong's aggrieved appearance, but his subordinates acted directly without pity.

   "Hmm..." Zhao Handong's tears suddenly fell.

   is painful and sad.

   She never thought that one day she and Big Brother Lian would become like this!

   Ruan Ruan, who was watching from a distance, had already turned off the live broadcast when Lian Cang knocked him down.

   Little fox doesn't have the heart to watch other people's live **** palace.

  Yuan Licheng still did not enter the harem today.

  Obviously, the shadows were a little heavy before, but he was quite frightened.

  I just don’t know, how long can it last?

   "Spicy chicken." Ruan Ruan sighed softly, and then ordered Liangchun and the others to prepare water and take a bath.

   (end of this chapter)

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