Quickly Accompany You To See the Stars and the Sea

Chapter 224: The Poetry of the Republic of China and the Distance VI

   Chapter 224 Poems of the Republic of China and the Distance VI

   Another one who didn't do well in his early years, has finally settled down in the past two years, and worked as a nurse at Paramount.

   is not an eye-catching job, but in any case, he will no longer be sucking blood from Ruan Ruan, so mother He can rest assured.

   Two years ago, the second young master of the Ruan family had nothing to do with the Shen family asking for money, which really made Ruan Ruan difficult to live in the Shen family.

   Fortunately, Ruan Ruan is filial and filial, and is very good to her in-laws, and she tolerates a lot of picky sister-in-law.

   This did not attract any criticism from others.

   Later, the second young master of the Ruan family followed Mr. Zhao of Paramount, and there was no more trouble, and Ruan Ruan was considered to have stopped here.

   However, the two parties have lost contact.

   The second young master of the Ruan family refused to come, and Ruan Ruan refused to contact him.

   There was no one in her family, and none of them defected.

   Mother He was very worried.

   Ruan Ruan frowned slightly and stood by the window.

  Look at this legendary, Shiliyangchang, a place with beautiful flowers.

  The place is a good place, but no amount of money and money, false prosperity, can't cover up the devastated, broken mountains and rivers behind it.

   The wish of the wisher is relatively simple, he just wants to become a woman in the new era and is no longer bound by others.

   For the little fox, this is simply a score-giving question, even in the turbulent Republic of China era, it is actually a score-giving question.

   It's just that Ruan Ruan couldn't help but feel a sadness when she really stood in the Shiliyangchang and looked at the world in a place with splendid flowers.

  The country has broken mountains and rivers. The aspiring talented poet thinks about how to inspire the people to truly stand up and fight for themselves and the survival of this country.

  Shen Guangxi is confined to his own small world, thinking only of his own romance, poetry and distance.

  It is true that they are also very talented poets, but it is a pity that in this turbulent era, their poems are nothing more than a fuss-free tone.

   Those who can really change the country are still aspiring scholars and soldiers who are willing to clench their fists to the outside world.

   As for the others?

   "Huh..." As night fell, Ruan Ruan stood by the window and snorted, but didn't say much.

   The news of the divorce of the talented Shen Guangxi and the wife of the dross appeared in the newspapers the next day.

   This matter has become a topic of discussion after tea and dinner in this ten-mile foreign market.

   Along with it, there are some small discussions or expectations for Cui Qinxue, a woman in the new era.

   Although Cui Qinxue is also a new woman returning from overseas, she is not free.

  Cui Qinxue married a man before she went abroad.

  He Feng.

  Cui Family Shop is an extremely accomplished and ambitious young man.

  Cui Qinxue has only one daughter in the Cui family, so Father Cui originally intended to hand over both Cui Qinxue and the Cui family to He Feng.

   regard him as a son-in-law, and he is also considered to be half a son in training.

   Therefore, after Cui Qinxue became an adult, the wedding of the two was directly arranged.

   At that time, Cui Qinxue was still an ignorant student and did not understand all of this.

   But later, the student movement, coupled with the lobbying and speeches of various poets, made Cui Qinxue want to study abroad.

   The Cui family is just such a charming girl, and the Cui family is also a business family, and the conditions are good.

   couldn't stand Cui Qinxue grinding like this, so he agreed.

   Even though she is already married, He Feng's status is low and he can't say much.

   also let Cui Qinxue go abroad.

  Cui Qinxue went a year later than Shen Guangxi, but the two went to the same country.

  In this day and age, the countries that one can go to are limited.

   So two people go to the same place.

   (end of this chapter)

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