Chapter 2216 Unlucky Girl Forty

  Du Heng: ...!

   No, no, what did I do wrong again?

  How does it feel that something is not quite right.

   And the sun is so big today, why am I so cold?

   And after seeing Du Heng's silly appearance, Feng Chi Tong smiled helplessly.

   What he should know, the little girl is a beautiful jade, and you can't hide it.

  This is still in the mountains, and there are only three of them.

  Wang Xiao was the first to see his thoughts, so he probably didn't have any thoughts about Ruan Ruan early in the morning.

   Among the three people, except for Wang Xiao, who knew about it, the remaining two all fell.

  Wait until I bring it out, so that more people can see the goodness of the little girl...

  Toyoichi Yu can't imagine what it will be like.

   He didn't want to be reincarnated as a lemon essence, and he didn't want to sit on a high lemon pile every day.

   But the truth is...

   This has not been out of the mountain, just a Du Heng, he has already started to sour.

After Wang Xiao ran over, seeing Ruan Ruan burning the fire, he couldn't help but walk over to help, and he was talking to Ruan Ruan: "By the way, we are leaving with the rescue team today, you have to follow us. ?"

Afraid that Ruan Ruan would not be at ease, Wang Xiao thought about it and said: "This time you have helped us to complete the task, and you are credited. Whether it is identity information or other, we will definitely give credit here. Yours, you don't have to be afraid of life problems after you go out."

   Ruan Ruan didn’t have much money in his hand, so if he wanted to buy two boxes of western medicine, he still needed to dig out the wild ginseng to exchange for money.

  Wang Xiao was afraid that Ruan Ruan would avoid the problem of going down the mountain because of these problems.

   After all, every time they talked about the mountain, the little girl's eyes were always full of yearning.

   She wanted to go down the mountain.

   But after living in the mountains for a long time, she is still timid and afraid.

  Wang Xiao didn't want Ruan Ruan to be under any pressure, so he persuaded him like this.

   "Well, thank you." Ruan Ruan thought for a while, and responded embarrassedly.

  Wang Xiao hurriedly waved his hand when he heard this: "It's us who should say thank you."

  If there is no Ruan Ruan, they will die on this mountain if they say bad.

  Especially Toyochi.

  Thinking of his own captain and Du Heng, that stupid boy, Wang Xiao asked in a low voice, "Xiao Ruan, what do you think of Chi Tong?"

   Everyone has exchanged names, so now that Wang Xiao said this, Ruan Ruan also knew who he was referring to.

   "Very good." Ruan Ruan replied with admiration.

  Wang Xiao felt that there was a drama, thought about it, and tried again: "What about Du Heng? What do you think of him?"

   "It's cute." Ruan Ruan replied without thinking.

   This is the real idea of ​​the little fox.

   Among the three people, Du Heng is a straight-up guy and is very cute. Ruan Ruan's answer has no problem at all.

   Although he knew, Wang Xiao was probably here to test himself.

   But Ruan Ruan chose to tell the truth.

After listening to   Wang Xiao, his teeth were aching. For fear that Ruan Ruan would think too much, he finally said with a cheeky face: "Then look, Xiao Ruan, what about me, how am I?"

   "Diligent, capable, and smart." Ruan Ruan deliberately commented a few more words.

   Laughing while talking

   Can you not laugh?

   Ruan Shiyi rolled over yesterday.

  According to the results of 9488's review of the remote video, Ruan Shiyi lost all the magic tools she had on her body last night, but she was still no match for the hundred-year-old ghost.

   After the old ghost seriously injured Ruan Shiyi, he ran away.

   Ruan Shiyi's condition is unknown and she is still in a coma.

   Being in koi luck, it's so miserable, it's no wonder the little fox doesn't laugh.

   (end of this chapter)

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