Quickly Accompany You To See the Stars and the Sea

Chapter 1267: online game **** seven

   Chapter 1267 Online Game God Seven

  【Dance Girl: I know it’s wrong to do this myself, but I still can’t let it go…】


After the    dance girl was opened to the hidden mission, she began to cry lowly about her emotional past.

   is actually a not too complicated story.

  Dancer, as the most beautiful woman in the main city, fell in love with a general.

   But the general already has a wife in his house.

   She is a latecomer and can't bear to destroy anything.

   So, you can only watch from a distance.

   Looking at the original dashing general, he not only married a wife, but also took a lot of concubines.

   But the dancer still dared not express her love.

  Maybe the dance girl didn't have the heart to hurt another woman at first.

   Although it is normal to know how many concubines the general will take.

   However, I still don't want to hurt.

   Later, it was because of his own status.

   She is a dancer, so how can she be a general.

  【Dance Girl: I know my love is just an extravagant hope, but I still want to give this veil to the general, can you help me? 】

  【Task: An embroidered handkerchief has been opened, please accept it. 】


   At this time, where does the little fox need to think about other things, and accept the task normally.

After    selected this operation key, the dancer handed a handkerchief to herself with tears in her eyes, and then walked away.

   After the dancer left, Ruan Ruan could clearly see the description of the mission.

  【An embroidered handkerchief: Give this handkerchief to General Sun who is far away in Desert City. (Hint: Desert City is full of crises, you need to reach a higher level before you can open it.)]

  Need to go to Desert City?

   This is a wild scene far from the main city.

  Desert City is distributed with wild monsters above level 45 and resources and the like.

   And Ruan Ruan's current level is just over level 5, not yet level 10.

   The distance is too far. Fortunately, there is no time limit for the task, but you can relax.

   Continue to run your own novice tasks in the main city.

   Reaching level 10 is relatively easy.

   After two hours of errands, Ruan Ruan successfully reached level 10.

   Reaching level 10 means that you can leave the novice village and go further afield.

   But it is also limited.

  After all, there are many dangers in the wild, and mobs above level 15 are still too powerful for a rookie like Ruan Ruan.

   Therefore, the primary task today is not to go on an adventure in the wild, but to continue to work hard to upgrade.

  The main quest can support players to rise to about level 35.

After    level 35, there are not many main quests.

   If you want to level up, you can either dungeon, wild or go on an adventure.

   There are no shortcuts.

   Even the little fox can't find too many shortcuts.

   What's more, the little fox doesn't need shortcuts.

  After level 10, Ruan Ruan calmly carried his level 10 wooden umbrella and went to the wild because he could venture to the nearest field map.

  Compared to the whiteboard properties of the beginner umbrella, the properties of the wooden umbrella are slightly better, and the rank is also higher.

   In the game, there are five types of equipment attributes.

  The whiteboard is the one with only one basic attribute.

   Green grade, with three or four attributes.

   Blue grade, with four to five attributes.

  Purple Rank: There are five to seven attributes.

   Orange Rank: There are seven to nine attributes, plus 1 to 2 hidden attributes.

   However, equipment of the orange rank is rare in the game.

   is a rare item.

  Thank you Moran, Lean, Li for the reward

  Thanks to the little angels for their monthly passes


   (end of this chapter)

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