Quickly Accompany You To See the Stars and the Sea

Chapter 101: Entertainment star fifty-six

  Chapter 101 Entertainment Starlight Fifty-six

  The agent came over and wanted to find Gu Xingguang to discuss again, the next operation or direction.

   He knew that Gu Xingguang and Ruan Ruan were already together, and the two were in a serious relationship, which did not delay the progress of the reality show crew.

   There are too many people who can testify to this. Song Liqun's news this time is actually untenable and untenable.

   The agent doesn't need to worry too much, but he still needs to report to Gu Xingguang and study the progress by the way.

   "Xiao Ruan." The agent first saw Ruan Ruan on the sofa when he came over. He smiled and said hello. He was about to enter the workplace to find someone, but Ruan Ruan stopped him.

   "Brother He, don't go in yet, Xingguang is writing the words." Ruan Ruan stopped the person in a weak tone.

   It is clear that Xiaobaihua looks weak and helpless, but her voice is clear and cold, very nice, but also faintly strong.

   Bro He, the agent, didn't react immediately and stopped abruptly.

   Just waiting for him to react, because a delicate and soft girl, he actually stopped so obediently, and looked at Ruan Ruan with complicated eyebrows.

   Thinking of Gu Xingguang’s creation, he really didn’t like others to disturb him, so Brother He didn’t enter the workshop in the end.

"This matter is actually not difficult to clarify, but some people can't sit still and want to use other things to confuse the public's attention. Let them toss for a few days, don't bother Xingguang with these things." Ruan Ruan Sitting upright on the sofa, she was clearly a pale girl, but her aura made Brother He's legs and feet inexplicably weak.

   In his opinion, perhaps, this is the real aura of the little girl in front of him.

   Her softness, her tenderness, was only given to Gu Xingguang alone.

   For other people, she is so strong and indifferent.

   However, Brother He agreed with Ruan Ruan's remarks.

  I have been in the circle for so many years, and I understand the true meaning of these hype. It is meaningless to refute at this time, and it is easy to attract the two sides to tear each other. It is better to let the other side toss for a few days.

   When they make more moves, the other party may not be able to stand it anymore.

   "People always like to reverse, and let the people who eat melons hurry." Ruan Ruan said indifferently, and then began to look at his tablet again.

  Gu Xingguang has been writing frantically recently, occasionally playing the guitar with Ruan Ruan in the evening when the sun is setting, and then humming a tune to find inspiration.

   But most of the time, I shut myself in my workshop and write words desperately.

   Ruan Ruan knew what he was anxious about.

  I'm in a hurry to release an album, in fact, I'm not in a hurry at this time.

   It's just that Ruan Ruan's body is getting worse and worse, and Gu Xingguang is very afraid.

   He was afraid that it would be too late to release an album belonging to two people while Ruan Ruan was still alive.

   So Gu Xingguang wrote the words desperately, no longer the lazy and leisurely look before.

   The little fox was actually a little moved and a little distressed.

   But Gu Xingguang was able to make progress like this, which was actually pretty good.

   After all, the wish of the wisher is that Gu Xingguang can recreate the glory.

   Only when Gu Xingguang cheered up, was willing to write more songs, and then returned to the stage, would his task be considered complete.

  Brother He, his agent, followed Ruan Ruan's suggestion and let the news of #Gu Xingguang get out of the entertainment circle# hang on Weibo for several days.

   After a few days, the first person who couldn't sit still was the director of the reality show.

   He was originally watching Gu Xingguang's reaction and attitude, he just responded and forwarded it in a timely manner.

   But after waiting for a few days, Gu Xingguang's Weibo didn't make a sound at all.

   The chief director has a bold and impetuous temper. He is not used to this kind of routine of throwing dirty water on others through his own show.

  So, after the matter had been fermenting for a few days, the chief director was the first to speak.

   (end of this chapter)

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