The beggar was holding a bulging package in his hand, which must have contained a lot of things.

"Catch the thief, someone is stealing things."

The person chasing the thief shouted and chased the thief.

There was also an old woman in plain clothes following behind, with a panic expression on her face, who must be the owner of the lost goods.

The thief ran forward desperately, trying to escape the pursuit, and the people behind him chased him closely.

Suddenly, the thief seemed to be tripped and was caught by the pursuer.

The thief picked up the package and threw it in the direction of the pursuer, and while the pursuer was holding the package, he ran to the side.

The speed was much faster than before, so people didn't react.

"Thank you, young master."

The old woman kept thanking him and was about to kneel down to him.

"Don't do this, old man. Isn't this shortening my life? This is what we scholars should do."

The scholar in front of him hurriedly helped the old woman up. He was wearing simple clothes and had a righteous and humble look on his face.

A closer look revealed that the scholar was Shen Yuankai.

The people around him applauded and praised Shen Yuankai as a good man.

"I am Shen Yuankai, just an ordinary student participating in the imperial examination. I don't deserve such high praise from you."

After saying that, he bowed to everyone and turned away.

Lin Zixuan silently watched Shen Yuankai pretending to be stupid, but his eyes were looking at a young man in the crowd.

To be precise, it was the ninth princess Zhao Qianxue who was dressed as a man. This was the first time he met Zhao Qianxue in person.

His identity and status were far different from Zhao Qianxue, and outsiders were not allowed to enter the backyard of the palace. It was not easy to meet the princess.

Zhao Qianxue was wearing dark blue satin clothes, holding a folding fan in her hand, and with her pretty little face, red lips and white teeth, she looked very handsome.

Zhao Qianxue looked at the young man in the field without blinking, her eyes full of nostalgia and memories.

After all, the Ninth Princess had awakened her memories of her past life, and the two of them had been loving each other for decades in their past lives, and they had children and grandchildren, and their feelings had long surpassed ordinary love.

Facing Shen Yuankai in front of her, she almost couldn't help but call him "Shen Lang".

But when she thought that Shen Yuankai didn't know her now, she held back the throbbing in her heart.

But what she didn't know was that Shen Yuankai had also returned to the past like her.

Zhao Qianxue thought she was dreaming at first, but the clear characters and various things in her memory could be clearly felt, and that was a very real feeling, completely different from a dream.

When Zhao Qianxue realized that she had returned to her youth, she had gotten rid of the aging body in her memory. This young and beautiful body made her feel the vitality of youth again, and the feeling of being reborn fascinated her.

"It seems that I have to get to know my Shen Lang again."

Zhao Qianxue didn't know what she was thinking, and a smile gradually appeared on her face.

In the teahouse, Lin Zixuan sipped tea and watched the show with interest.

"Let you be happy first..."

Lin Zixuan thought silently in his heart.

In the evening, the sun set in the west, and the sky was shrouded in orange sunset, which was very beautiful.

Shen Yuankai was very excited at the moment.

"Brother Yuankai, I finally see you again."

Zhao Qianxue looked at the man in front of her excitedly, thinking of all the things in their previous lives, and couldn't help the excitement in her heart, and blurted out.

"Xue'er, you are back too?"

Shen Yuankai looked at Zhao Qianxue excitedly.

He didn't expect that Zhao Qianxue was like him, and returned to the time when they first met, and the two hugged each other tightly.

"Brother Yuankai, I came back two days ago. I missed you so much!"

Zhao Qianxue looked at Shen Yuankai in front of her, still so handsome and handsome, attracting her attention.

Although there were various conflicts in their memories, and there was even a third daughter of the Wang family in the middle, they were finally resolved by Shen Yuankai's sweet words, which did not affect their relationship at all.

Zhao Qianxue looked at his plain clothes, and there was a trace of sadness in his eyebrows, and she was confused.

Shen Yuankai's life was not comparable to the royal nobles in the capital, but he was also a big family in Jizhou City. How could he wear such clothes that only civilians wear?

Zhao Qianxue suppressed his doubts and planned to have someone investigate afterwards.

After the excitement, he looked at the young and beautiful face of the Ninth Princess, and then looked at the plain clothes on his body, and his heart sank a little.

"Qianxue, we are so lucky to be able to go back to the old days.

Son, start your life over again. "

"I'll be better to you."

Shen Yuankai looked at her sincerely, and her affectionate eyes moved her deeply.

"Shen Lang..."

Shen Yuankai and Jiu Zhao Qianxue had a good time in the house.

He was thinking that he couldn't let Zhao Qianxue know that he was living in a civilian girl's home, let alone let her know that the two were going to get married in the future.

In her previous life, Wang Linglong was also the favorite daughter of the head of the first family in Jizhou, and she preceded Zhao Qianxue, so Zhao Qianxue admitted that he had another confidante.

But of course the main wife is Zhao Qianxue. After all, she is the princess of Daxia and cannot be a concubine.

Shen Yuankai silently had an idea in his mind.


When Shen Yuankai returned home, he couldn't help but show disgust when he saw how simple the Li family's residence was.

In his previous life, he was the prime minister and the husband-in-law of the princess. He was in a high position, and all the officials in the court were in awe of him. He was simply inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

He had never lived in such a small and cramped house.

Looking at the simple desk and ordinary bed in the bedroom, there is a quilt on the bed. The quilt is made of gray linen and filled with linen and Gebu. It has poor warmth retention in this winter.

But in the era before cotton, the only way to protect yourself from the cold was to use animal furs and wear multiple layers of clothing.

However, animal fur is expensive, and satin with good warmth retention properties is also expensive. Ordinary families can only use this kind of quilt to keep out the cold.

Shen Yuankai looked at the items in the small courtyard, and seemed to think of something in his heart, and he actually felt a little warm.

But when I thought of Zhao Qianxue's identity, that little bit of warmth disappeared, and I suddenly made a decision in my heart.

He plans to take some money tomorrow to find local gangsters and let them go to the noodle stall to cause trouble every day. In this way, it will not take long before the noodle stall can no longer operate.

Without the stable income from the Li family noodle stall, they cannot live in the capital. After all, the expenses in the capital are very high, and they also rent this house.

Coupled with his persuasion, he promised to leave the capital with the Li family after finishing the exam and live in other cities.

They will definitely choose to leave.

If they still hang around, don't blame me for being ruthless.

Shen Yuankai thought silently.

But why do I feel like I forgot something? Forget it, it just doesn’t matter if I can’t remember it.

Shen Yuankai murmured softly.

The next day.

In the morning, Shen Yuankai went to find the beggar, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't see him.

So I went to find a little gangster and spent a few taels of silver to let him go to the noodle stall to cause trouble.

In the afternoon, he studied in his room.

There were three yamen servants from the capital city who went to Shen Yuankai's residence, where the Li family lived.

"Is there anyone inside? Open the door quickly!"

One of the yamen servants knocked hard on the door and shouted loudly.

"I'm coming."

Shen Yuankai trotted all the way to the gate. When he opened the gate and saw three government officials, he thought that his affairs were exposed, and he suddenly panicked.

But in a blink of an eye, he adjusted his mentality and said to the Yamen servant: "Who are you? Who are you looking for?"

"Are you Shen Yuankai?"

The yamen official who knocked on the door took out a portrait, unfolded it, and compared it to him.

"Yes, I am Shen Yuankai. I wonder what the official wants from me?"

Shen Yuankai felt even more panicked.

"That's right. Come with us. We'll be summoned by the Yamen."

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