Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 99 The husband is an educated youth 12

This large house is the first in the entire Zhaojia Village. Even if other families have houses, they will not build such a spacious house. That is, the Zhao family can only afford to build it if they have more money.

Not long after the house was built, Zhao's father and Zhao's mother arranged a marriage for Zhao Shushu. It was fate. It was the girl from the family in his memory. It turned out that Zhao's mother found out that although the girl's family was not as good as her own, she was He is a smart person, and his youngest son is also a down-to-earth and hard-working person. If the two of them are together, they will definitely have a good life in the future, so after letting the two young people go on a blind date and feeling satisfied with each other, they settled on this marriage. Marriage.

Soon Zhang Qingqing came in. Zhang Qingqing was not like Cao Lili who liked to make trouble. Just like her original impression, she got along well with An Ran.

After Zhang Qingqing came in, Cao Lili once again raised the issue of family separation. Last time she just thought about it in her mind, but later she let it go because she was pregnant. This time she said it outright.

The reason is also very simple. Zhang Qingqing is quick at work and a good person. Seeing how hard Mother Zhao is taking her children to cook, she will lend a hand and help when she comes back from work. Mother Zhao naturally likes this. This is normal. After all, who doesn’t like to be kind to herself? Where are people?

And this made Cao Lili unhappy. She felt that Zhang Qingqing was not a toy and was trying to be cute and cute. He deliberately made her look bad and did not please the old couple. She could not live this life and had to separate and live alone.

Cao Lili was thinking that her child was now older and she no longer needed Mother Zhao to take care of her. In addition, it was annoying to see Zhang Qingqing fawning over her parents-in-law. In addition, after the separation, everything belonged to her and she did not have to hand it over. She felt that she would be disadvantaged by handing it over. So naturally I want to separate. Of course, there are also reasons why I don’t want to live with my parents-in-law.

Cao Lili wanted to separate the family, and her original eldest brother obviously also wanted to separate, because Zhao Shulin didn't say a word of objection after Cao Lili said this, which was his acquiescence.

Zhao's father saw Cao Lili mentioned the separation of the family, and then looked at the eldest son who obviously also wanted to separate. He was not the kind of person who insisted on pressing his head and keeping everyone together unwillingly, so the eldest son and his wife looked very different at the moment. If they wanted to separate the family, they had no choice but to forget it and agreed to their request for a family separation.

Now that they had talked about separating the family, Zhao's father didn't want to have to deal with it again in the future. Thinking that his younger son would also get married, he asked his younger son and his wife to separate. However, he said that when Qingqing gave birth to a child, Zhao's mother would also give the eldest daughter-in-law the same treatment as before. Just like raising a child, I will help her take her to school until she is six years old.

Naturally, Zhang Qingqing would not object to such a result. After all, although she did not object to living with her father-in-law and mother-in-law, it would be better if she could separate and be the master of her own family. After all, who doesn't like to be the master of her own family.

Although the families are separated, they still live together. Of course, the house has also been divided. However, the two sons have not built a new house yet, so they still live in the same place for the time being.

On the other hand, Cao Lili couldn't help but feel unhappy when she saw that Zhao's father had separated her brother-in-law's family. She secretly thought that Zhang Qingqing was really advantaged. The bad guy did it himself, and she lost out.

However, she couldn't jump out and say why her family was separated, and Zhao Shushu's family could also be separated, so although she felt resentful, she could only forget it.

Naturally, An Ran was not separated and still lived with Father Zhao and Mother Zhao.

However, she said that in the novel world, her reputation has become more and more popular in the past few years. Soon a Writers Association discovered her and invited her to join the Writers Association, first the Provincial Writers Association, and later even the National Writers Association. This is something that has never happened in reality.

An Ran never thought that she would be better at writing novels in this time and space than in reality. In fact, it was normal. She was not a talented writer, but she had a lot of experience now, and she had seen the explosive development of online novels. , various new ideas, new ideas, and new genres collide with each other, slightly integrate the popular elements of the Internet era, and then write it in a way that suits the taste of people of this era. Naturally, it will make people feel novel, so it will attract readers and lead to more fame than reality. CUHK is also normal.

Time passed quickly. Soon, Cao Lili and his wife had a lot of money, so they rebuilt their house. Unlike the old house, which had adobe bricks and beams, their new house was made of small red bricks, which looked neater and more beautiful than the old house. .

Then the village built a road. Of course it was not hardened, it was just a dirt road, but at least there was a road, which made it more convenient for people to go to or from the town. An Ran bought a bicycle so that she could go to the town to buy vegetables and improve her food.

Speaking of which, it was thanks to Cao Lili's separation or even moving away. Otherwise, she would still live together as before. Even if it was convenient to go to the town or city, she would not want to improve the food. When she thought of her original memory, their family Bullying the original mother and daughter like that, she didn't want to buy things to improve the food, so as not to take advantage of the couple. Now that they are better, they have to separate and move away. She is the only one living with Zhao's father and mother. She will have better food in the future. For food, you don’t have to worry about cheap prices.

So An Ran would go to the town from time to time to buy some meat, fish, etc. to improve the food.

After some time, the stock market came out.

An Ran took advantage of this opportunity and went to the Shanghai Stock Exchange. According to the method in his memory of the man from the same village who made a fortune, he spent all the money he had saved to buy stock subscription certificates and waited for the price to rise sharply before selling them. .

Stock subscription warrants were issued on the Shanghai Stock Exchange for 30 yuan each. During the issuance period, the market was average and not many people bought it, but then it skyrocketed. At its peak, it rose to nearly 10,000 yuan a piece, with a profit of more than 300 yuan. times.

Enron took action when the price rose to more than 6,000. It wasn't that he didn't want to wait until 10,000, but that was just a rumor. Anron didn't know the market during this period and didn't dare to bet rashly, so he read a book that doubled 200 times and felt that it was about the same. , and sold it.

Over the years, she has earned more than 100,000 yuan by writing novels. Now it has increased 200 times to more than 20 million yuan. In this era, she is undoubtedly a wealthy person.

In fact, An Ran knew that there was said to be a big bull market in the early stock market, but she didn't know when it would be, so after making this amount of money with definite information, An Ran stopped.

Next, she plans to buy a house in a first-tier city in the future. She doesn’t know much about other ways to make money, so she is not ready to reach out. With more than 20 million, the dozens of houses purchased will be enough for her and her husband in the future. The child is living a good life.

It's a shame that An Ran is such a brave artist, otherwise it would be very dangerous for her as a woman to carry so many things.

But An Ran has been practicing martial arts for more than ten years, so he naturally doesn't worry about encountering car thieves or road bullies on the road.

Fortunately, the journey was safe, and An Ran was relieved.

After completing the most important step in making money, An Ran felt much relieved. After all, although he had made some money writing novels before, the money was not enough to buy a few more houses in Beijing. Now with more than 20 million, he finally There is no need to worry about life problems with the children in the future. It is unlikely that I will die young because I have no money and have to work hard to pay for living expenses and children's education.

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