Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 97 The husband is an educated youth 10

Zhou Kai saw that classmate Li had broken up with him. When he thought that he could not rely on Li's father to find a good place, he felt heartbroken and wanted to bleed. At the same time, he hated Zhao Anran to his bones. He thought that this Zhao Anran would never show up sooner or later. He had to show up at this time. If Zhao Anran hadn't appeared now, he wouldn't have been so confident that he would get a good job, and his future would have been slim. Little did he know that Anran deliberately chose him. When he is about to reach the goal of cultivation, give him a fatal blow while he is floating in the clouds, so that he will fall hard while standing high.

He used to be quite popular in school, but after this incident, no one is close to him anymore. After all, everyone knows that he is not a good character and abandoned his wife and daughter. If you keep close contact with him, others may become suspicious. Are they the same person? Their reputation will be affected by then, so who would want to associate with him?

So Zhao Anran came here. Although he failed to knock Zhou Kai into the mud, it still had a lot of effect.

After Zhou Kai graduated, he was assigned a job. As expected, he was not assigned to a university as he remembered, but was assigned to be a teacher in a remote middle school, which made Zhou Kai furious.

This was not mentioned as an afterthought, but it was said that after An Ran returned home from her small revenge against Zhou Kai, she began to think about making money.

——Yes, after three years of development and an inspection trip to the provincial capital, she had already thought about the best way to make money in the past ten years before buying stocks.

It’s still the same old rule, writing novels.

If she originally wrote it, it would really not fit her personality once it was exposed, but now, since she has become a teacher and has been working hard on reading over the years, it would not be too strange if she wrote it.

The main reason why I choose to write novels is because it is really inconvenient to take care of children and make money outside. It is easy to have no time to take care of children because of making money. By then, you will have earned other money, but you will not have time to take care of your children. Because she didn't take good care of her children and had a bad relationship with them, it wasn't worth it. Unlike now, when she has more free time to write novels, she can still take care of her children. After all, she is not writing online novels now and doesn't need to update them every day. It's better to just send it out as soon as it's written. There's no time limit. In addition, practice makes perfect when it comes to writing novels. She gets started quickly. Compared with other things, she has to learn from scratch. She still doesn't know if she can do it. Making money is more suitable for her.

However, this era is different from the readers twenty years later. Enron also needs to consider what to write to attract readers. At present, Enron bought back some magazines, conducted a market survey, and finally started writing.

She wrote about a popular topic. It took An Ran almost three months to submit the manuscript. She had to go to class and take care of her children after class, so she squeezed time to write. In addition, her handwriting speed was too slow, so she only wrote It contains tens of thousands of words and took three months to write.

After I submitted it, I couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. I didn't know if the editors of this era would be able to read it.

Nowadays, gold mining in the sea is very popular, so she joins in the fun and writes about this subject.

Although she has never done it herself, she has read many stories from this era that have been passed down to later generations. Just pick the growth experience of one or two successful people, polish it, and beautify it, and it will be a short story of success in gold mining.

Because it is not an online novel, and it is the first time I have published it, I don’t expect anyone to give me a column and let her serialize it into a long story, so this is a short story, with a scale of tens of thousands of words. Of course, in this era, it may be called a novella.

About ten days later, when An Ran had almost given up hope, a letter came from the magazine, saying that the manuscript had been included, and the price given was ten yuan for a thousand words. For a novel of more than 30,000 words, she was given three yuan. One hundred and fifty-two yuan—almost ten months of her current salary. She was also said to be good at writing and she was welcome to continue to contribute.

An Ran was stunned when he saw it, secretly thinking that the royalties in this era are so high? It was impossible for her to write very well. She could be paid a lot of money even though she was a newcomer. She didn't believe that she had that ability. So she immediately looked up the relevant regulations on royalties in this era, and she was really stunned when she saw the results. , it turns out that the standard manuscript fee in this era is 6 to 15 yuan per 1,000 words. Unless you are not successful in the manuscript, the accepted manuscript is this standard. If you are 10 yuan per 1,000 words, it is considered the middle standard manuscript fee.

This is really... I dare say that in the next thirty years, manuscript fees will not keep up with the increase in ordinary people's wages. In the future, wages will at least increase a hundred times. Three to four thousand is considered an ordinary person's salary, but the manuscript fee has increased a hundred times, a thousand words per thousand words, It's rare, that's the kind of treatment only top writers get, so in disguise, it's a decrease in the income of the writers' group.

To be honest, she had only focused on understanding the tastes of this era, and had not yet discovered that writing novels in this era was so profitable. She secretly thought that she had stumbled upon it, but she had found a place that was most suitable for her with children, and she could not stay away. Door to door, the fastest way to get money.

And now she still has to take care of the children and write less. After two years, when the children are older and studying, and there is less need for her to take care of them, she will be able to write more and make more money.

Thinking of this, An Ran became motivated and set a goal of writing at least a thousand words every day.

An Ran just wanted to make a fortune in silence, and didn't want to become the gossip of the villagers. Of course, she didn't want to be targeted by Cao Lili. After all, if Cao Lili knew that she could make so much money, it would be absolutely impossible for her to let her go, so the postman delivered letters every day. Enron would work diligently to get the letter, and no one discovered that Enron had saved a lot of original capital to buy stocks in the future by writing novels.

The days flew by while Enron was making money, and soon came the day when his father passed away unexpectedly in his memory.

Because Zhao's father's death was a relatively important event, the original person remembered the time very clearly.

Father Zhao did not die of illness, but went to the quarry to help people dig stones. A stone came loose on the mountain and rolled down and killed him.

There was a quarry nearby, and many people worked in that quarry. Father Zhao would also help there during his spare time.

So on the day when Zhao's father passed away unexpectedly, An Ran asked Zhao's father for help the night before, saying that it was almost the Dragon Boat Festival, and his salary had recently been increased, so he was planning to go to the city to buy some food and have a sumptuous Dragon Boat Festival. , when she couldn't pick it back by herself, she asked Father Zhao to help pick it back - there was no car to the door of her house at this time. After taking the car to the town, she had to pick the things she bought back from the town, which took two hours to walk.

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