Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 95 The husband is an educated youth 8

At that moment, Father Zhao was worried about Anran's situation, so he came over to see where Anran lived, and told her to put her bags away and not let anyone touch them, and then went back to sleep.

After a long car ride, I was a little tired and had nothing to do, so Father Zhao fell asleep after eating two pancakes brought from home.

An Ran wanted to go out for a walk, but it was getting dark now. It was not like ten or twenty years later when it was still lively outside. There were not many lights outside at this time, so An Ran could only sleep honestly. Let’s talk about what to do tomorrow.

That's right, An Ran came here this time. In addition to breaking off her relationship with Zhou Kai, she mainly wanted to see what the provincial capital was like in this era, and then ask about the housing prices in the provincial capital. Although she didn't plan to buy it for the time being, she wanted to get some information first. It was also good, and she wanted to see if there were any opportunities to make money in the provincial capital, so of course she was ready to go shopping.

Early the next morning, An Ran got up early and told Zhao's father that he wanted to take a look around. After a while, the students at the school started to go to school. He went to the school to find Zhou Kai. Zhao's father had no objection. , thinking that it was also the first time for me to come to the provincial capital, and that it was as new as my daughter. In addition, I was worried that it would be unsafe for my daughter to go out alone, so I immediately said: "I will go and have a look too."

An Ran naturally had no objection.

At that moment, the father and daughter left the guest house.

I just arrived yesterday, and it was dark again, so I couldn't see clearly. Now the morning is bright and bright, not like the smog of later generations, and the air is very good. Looking at the buildings in the provincial capital, Father Zhao feels fresh and excited. The provincial capital is really prosperous.

——In fact, Anran is not as good as a small county thirty years from now.

The two of them walked and looked around. An Ran saw that there were a lot of workers in the market. It was right. It had just opened up and many people were active and busy doing business. However, there were still only a few people who went out to work, so there was a shortage of people. There was a shortage of workers. It's normal to see advertisements everywhere, and the salary is not low, either. If the salary is less than working at home, who would want to work out?

An Ran saw that working in provincial cities earned more than teachers, so he guessed that the money earned by working in the south must be higher than in the provincial cities. After all, they were in the middle of the country, and their wages and income were naturally not as good as those in the south. In that case, they would have to go to the south to work. , it was much better than being a primary school teacher at home, but she didn't want Xingxing to be a left-behind child, so An Ran gave up after just thinking about going to work in the south.

However, it is rare to see anyone selling a house. I guess that’s right. It has just opened up and commercial housing has just begun. However, the non-commercial housing that can be bought and sold is usually for one’s own family to live in. Who will sell it?

The price is not high, but my income is also very small. If I want to buy it, I must at least have other sources of income to afford it. After all, I don’t have a mortgage at the moment, so I have to pay the full amount if I want to buy it.

Along the way, I didn’t see any way to get rich. I thought that the first wave of getting rich would have to wait until the early 1990s, when stocks appeared. In my original memory, Zhaojiacun had made money through stock trading. His return caused a sensation in the whole village. Everyone in the village was keen on talking about that person's family history, so the original person also knew a little bit about it.

An Ran didn't see anything useful, so he took Father Zhao to a small breakfast restaurant, ordered steamed buns and porridge, and had breakfast.

Father Zhao saw An Ran taking him to a restaurant. Seeing that the thin porridge cost five cents and the buns also cost five cents, he couldn't help but persuade her and said, "I still have the pancakes I brought with me. How expensive are they."

An Ran smiled and said: "It's hard to come to the provincial capital, why don't you try something new? You don't eat these every day."

To be honest, she was greedy. You must know that although the Zhao family is not like some poor families in the village, they don't even have enough food, but they come and go with those things. Meat dishes are also rare, but there is no vegetable seller in the village. She She just wanted to improve her food and at least go to town, but it would take several hours to go to town and she didn't have time to run around often, so she was really greedy.

Seeing An Ran say this, Zhao's father followed her.

After breakfast, the father and daughter went to the Normal University to find Zhou Kai.

An Ran knew Zhou Kai's specific grade, so it was not difficult to find him. He asked at the Academic Affairs Office that Zhou Kai was indeed in the class that An Ran knew. An Ran went to the teaching building with Zhao's father, and An Ran peeked through the window. , found out that Zhou Kai was in class today, and said to Zhao's father: "He is still in class now. Let's go downstairs and watch him. When he finishes class, we can talk to him about this matter."

An Ran thought that she would look for him now. The teacher was in class and would definitely let him come out to talk to them. There would be no one around to watch, so it wouldn't have any impact if they made a fuss. That was naturally something An Ran didn't want to see, so she prepared to wait until the end of class. After class, there were people everywhere outside. There was a quarrel and a bunch of people gathered around to watch. It became a big commotion. This matter spread from ten to ten, and Zhou Kai's life at school would be difficult.

Father Zhao didn't know that An Ran wanted to cause trouble for Zhou Kai, and thought that An Ran was thinking about Zhou Kai, so he immediately said: "Okay, let's do what you said."

An Ran and Zhao's father then started waiting.

Originally, An Ran was thinking that it was still early and she wanted to go shopping around so as not to wait for someone in a hurry, but she was worried that Zhou Kai would leave at some time and she would have to stay in the provincial capital for one more day if she didn't meet anyone, so An Ran thought about it and forgot about it. Instead of walking around, she and Zhao's father guarded the door of the teaching building.

However, they were not kept waiting all morning. After the second class, they had twenty minutes of free time. Zhou Kai showed up and was talking and laughing with a girl. From the looks of it, there was an affair between the two. , must be the lover he was dating at school. An Ran looked at it almost, then jumped out and shouted: "The baby's father!"

In order to attract attention, An Ran shouted very loudly.

Sure enough, this particularly rustic call immediately attracted a group of people who stopped in their tracks, wondering who they were looking for?

Then he saw a country girl - An Ran has not gone to the city to buy any fashionable clothes in the past few years, so in the eyes of these college students who are at the forefront of fashion, An Ran's image at this time is naturally similar to that of a country girl - pounce When he looked at Zhou Kai, a great talent from the Chinese Department, he couldn't help but look strange.

Everyone has heard the name An Ran. They call her "her father". Who can not understand what this means? It just means that this woman is Zhou Kai's wife, and she also has a child at home.

However, when Zhou Kai was in school, he claimed that he had never married a wife when he went to the countryside, and of course he would not have children. Now a woman appears and calls him "her father", which is funny. No wonder Everyone looked at Zhou Kai with strange eyes.

When he first heard the call, Zhou Kai, who was talking to the person and didn't pay attention, didn't think it was him who was calling. When he saw the two familiar figures walking towards him, Zhou Kai couldn't help but froze.

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