Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 905 The best scholar’s ​​wife 24

In fact, An Ran was doing this to complete the mission assigned by her original body. Otherwise, according to her, how could the child she gave birth to after entering the mission world be the same as the original child? Even if the original body was reborn, it would be impossible to give birth to another child. If the child is exactly the same, after all, who can guarantee that the original body will be exactly the same as the one he lived in the previous life after rebirth? If it is not exactly the same, how can there be a guarantee that the child will be born exactly the same.

But when Mrs. Li saw that she was pregnant again, she couldn't help but feel happy and a little sad.

Needless to say, she was happy. Her daughter-in-law was doing a lot for the Li family, and there was nothing she didn't like about it.

As for the worry, it is thinking about the fact that the family has no money. If the youngest son fails to pass the examination this time, the family will have difficulty in life and how can they afford to support these two children.

Speaking of which, in the original world, the current family situation is similar to this world.

However, in the original world, Li Silang did not go far to take the exam. He only took the county exam in the county. It would also consume so much money. The main reason was because the money was wasted by the couple, and to be honest , after spending so much money, the quality of life may not be as good as it is now. The reason is very simple, because in the original world, Li Silang often went out to restaurants after the separation of the family. Going out to restaurants originally cost more, but a cook in the county town, His cooking skills were naturally incomparable to An Ran's, which led to the fact that Li Silang spent a lot more money in his original world, and his food was not as good as in An Ran's world.

Not to mention Mrs. Li's sorrow, but Li Silang's three brothers' families are gathering together for a meeting at the moment. The topic of discussion is Li Silang, or to be precise, the financial problems of the fourth family.

"...There is absolutely no money. If she had money, the old lady wouldn't ask us for it." Sister-in-law Li spoke first.

"Actually, it can be calculated. They have spent money lavishly over the years and have not saved any money. Then they have to spend money every time they take exams. It is normal for them to sit back and have nothing." Sister-in-law Li said.

When Sister-in-law Li spoke, Sister-in-law Li was still in a calm mood. When it was Sister-in-law Li's turn, she became indignant and said: "We live frugally, but they usually spend all their money on popular food and spicy food, and then there is nothing." You want us to help you when you have money? How shameless! Oh, the hard-earned money we saved through frugality is just for them? If this is true, I will spend it all tomorrow to avoid frugality. Use the money you save to benefit others in the end!”

Although what Li Sansao said actually touched the hearts of everyone, the second room of the first house, who still wanted to bet on Li Silang and see Li Silang's results before making a decision, did not agree with Li Sansao's words and scolded Li Silang with her.

On the contrary, Sister-in-law Li also advised: "Don't be angry. Anyway, the old lady is just trying to find out, and she didn't really ask for money. Let's wait until we are really forced to give it."

However, the people in the third room obviously didn't think so. Li Sanlang said at that moment: "We still have to think about it first, lest things come to a head. The old lady thinks that we won't give, and uses filial piety to suppress others. Then we will have to give even if we don't give." , and I feel that this will happen soon, because I heard that the fourth brother and sister are pregnant again, and the expenses to support the family will continue to increase, and there will be no money for the fourth house and there is no way. When the time comes, they will definitely ask us to borrow it, so we have to first think about how to reject the fourth house at the time, so as to avoid not handling it well when we get it. We are obviously reasonable, but outsiders will say that we are not good."

What he said made sense, so the people in the first and second bedrooms looked at each other, hesitated for a while, and nodded, saying: "What the third brother said makes sense, okay, let's discuss the charter first and see. How to prevent this?"

Li Sansao could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw that the people in the third room had unified their opinions. She could also see that the attitude of the second room and the fourth room had softened a bit as the fourth child became a scholar. She understood that these people were thinking about the fourth room. She might be promising in the future, so she wanted to curry favor. She could understand this, but she couldn't agree with it. After all, it was so easy to pass the exam. Many people would never pass the exam, so even if she wanted to change her attitude, she could just wait until she got older. Let's talk about it when the fourth is admitted to the Juren Examination. There is no need to change her attitude so quickly. If the fourth is never admitted to the Juren Examination, her attitude changes too early. Don't suffer a loss. Just like this time when the old lady borrowed money, the boss and the second child Each of them borrowed two hundred coins. If they hadn't wanted to get close to the fourth child before, they wouldn't have to give him money now and suffer such a loss.

Seeing that everyone agreed with his suggestion, Li Sanlang couldn't help but feel happy at the moment, so he said: "Otherwise, we will send our children to school. When the old lady asks us for money, she will take all our money." Let’s send our children to school. In this way, the old lady can’t force us not to read to our own children. Let us read to our brothers, right? Then the children can learn some words by going to school, killing two birds with one stone.”

Seeing how the old couple worked so hard to support the fourth son's education, even if the family's conditions were good, they were reluctant to spend more money. Li Sanlang never thought about supporting any child to take the imperial examination like the old couple, unless the child was particularly smart.

Although I don't plan to prepare my children for the imperial examination, I still need to learn some words after studying for a few years. After all, it is good to know some words, so as not to become blind and understand nothing.

Originally, he planned to wait until the child was older before sending him to school, but when the old lady asked him for money, he had no choice but to send the child to school in advance in order to silence the old lady. Fortunately, his son was already five years old, so he could go to school at this time. Reading is fine too.

Li Sanlang's suggestion was a very good one. The first and second bedrooms both nodded and said, "Just do what the third brother said."

They also planned to send their children to read some books, so they told Li Sanlang that by doing so, they would not only silence the old lady, but also allow the children to learn some words, killing two birds with one stone, so they couldn't help but agree.

The three families were all afraid of waiting for Li Silang to come back. When they heard that Mr. Shen was pregnant and the family had no money, they would come to them to ask for money, so they just did what they said. Immediately, the three families sent their children of age to the school. .

An Ran naturally didn't know that the other three families had reached a consensus and were going to use sending their children to study as an excuse to stop the old lady from borrowing money from them. At the moment, An Ran was waiting for news about Li Silang.

Just when I was waiting for anxiety - to be honest, I was more anxious than when I was in the world where women were pretending to be men, and I was more anxious about the news about my scientific examination. After all, at that time, I still had some confidence in myself, so I felt that I would definitely win. There's no need to worry, but here, she has confidence in herself, but not in Li Silang, so it's normal to be anxious - on this day, she finally returned to Li Silang.

An Ran couldn't help but be surprised to see Li Silang come back so early. While pouring him tea, he said, "Why did you come back so early? I thought you would wait until the results were released as before."

Thank you Zhao Yilin and Zi Yan for the gift~~Thank you everyone for your monthly votes, subscriptions, recommendations and collections~~Thank you!

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