Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 902 The best scholar’s ​​wife 21

Li Dalang and Li Erlang saw that Li Sanlang seemed to have a lot of objections to the fourth child. They looked at each other and had to shut up and say nothing more to avoid talking too much and starting a quarrel with him.

Because Li Sanlang was very unhappy with Li Silang, in the end, only Li Dalang and Li Erlang were willing to put their fields in Li Silang's name, and Li Sanlang did not take it over.

Li Silang didn't mind if Li Sanlang was like this. After all, why should he beg someone to put the land in his name? As a brother, he would definitely be embarrassed to accept any payment for his business in the fields, but if he asked others to put the fields in his name tax-free, they would get something more or less. Although it was nothing, it was better than not getting anything. Good stuff.

Not to mention anything else, in order to thank Li Silang for helping them get tax exemptions in the past few days, the families who donated their land had a few farms and sent some eggs to thank him; those who had a lot of farmland and donated chickens and meat. It is naturally impossible to accept these things from his own brothers, so Li Silang is not following Li Sanlang. He is not the one who suffers the loss anyway, so what does he mind.

The land finally attached to Li Silang's name was the twelve acres owned by his family and the six acres belonging to his original family, the Shen family, for a total of eighteen acres. The remaining sixty-two acres were given to the clan members.

——Although many people exceeded the tax-free limit to accept donations, Li Silang, who had no background and power, naturally did not dare to do so. The authority stipulated that he only had a limit of 80 acres, so he only allocated 80 acres to avoid acquiring too much. If someone discovers it, reports it, and has his reputation as a scholar revoked, it’s not worth it.

The conditions of the Shen family of the original person's natal family are similar to those of the Li family. The reason why they only have six acres is very simple - because the original person's four brothers did not agree to dedicate the family fields to Li Silang's name, just like Li Sanlang. I was afraid that Li Silang would not be trustworthy and would sell these fields.

Because all four brothers disagreed, the old couple finally separated the family out of anger. Anyway, the sons were older and were also arguing about the matter, so they simply took this opportunity to separate the family. The six acres of land owned by me and my younger son, who had no objections, were transferred to my son-in-law.

The reason why Shen Wulang has no objections and does not act in unison with the other four brothers in his original memory is because he is young and not as worldly as his brothers yet; and secondly, because he has not married anyone like him. The sisters-in-law often nag in front of themselves how much their parents prefer their daughters. Now when they surrendered, they also nagged in front of the brothers that they could not give it to the An Ran family, lest the land would be taken over by An Ran. My wife did not He was less affected by people nagging in front of him, so when he heard Father Shen and Mother Shen say that his sister would not take over his field, he agreed with his parents' opinion and gave the field to his brother-in-law. under the name.

Of course, there was another important reason why he was not influenced by his elder brothers: he followed his promising brother-in-law to get rich.

His parents said they would wait a year until their brother-in-law was admitted as a scholar and then find a better match for him. As expected, the match he found was much better than the ones his parents had proposed to him before. When the other party heard this It is said that his brother-in-law is a scholar and is very young. He is very likely to go further in the future and agree to his proposal of marriage. Because of this, Shen Wulang is different from the original person's memory. Unlike the original person's memory, because Li Silang and the original person, In his impression, he has always been a lazy person, so he has no good impressions of them. After listening to his wife's advice, he ignored them like the other brothers. But now, he still has a good impression of his sister and brother-in-law. , so naturally I agreed to the proposal of Father Shen and Mother Shen.

So Father Shen and Mother Shen were very happy when they saw that Li Silang was admitted as a scholar. In addition to being happy for their daughter who became a scholar's wife, they were also happy for their fifth son - now that his brother-in-law has become a scholar, he is young and has a bright future. In the early days, it would be easy to find a good marriage for him. Sure enough, they found a good one as soon as they looked for it. The daughter became a scholar, and the son also found a better marriage than they imagined. The marriage and double happiness will naturally make them happy.

Just when the Shen family was happy to have found a good match for their son, it was time for the Li family to open their ancestral hall.

Previously, the clan had asked someone to write a biography for Li Silang - originally he wanted Li Silang to write it himself, but Li Silang was embarrassed to write such a self-proclaimed article, so the clan asked outsiders to help write it. I had already found someone to print it.

The Li family is considered a popular surname in the local area, and many people came to the ancestral hall on the day of the opening of the temple. However, according to the rules of this era, women were not allowed to enter the ancestral hall, so An Ran did not go to join in the fun. Only Li Silang and Mrs. Li went there. .

However, Mrs. Li also persuaded An Ran to go over and watch the fun together.

"Although you can't go in, there are a lot of people outside and it's very lively. I'm afraid you'll be bored at home all day, so go out and have some fun."

Country people don't have anything new, so if someone's family has something important, they all like to join in the fun. In that case, the scene will definitely be lively.

But from An Ran's point of view, what's so interesting about this? She might as well spend some health points and buy some novels from the mall while there's no one around. God knows that ancient times without Internet or mobile phones were really boring, so she immediately said: "No, I'm a little sleepy. Let's take a nap with the baby."

If a woman can't enter the ancestral hall, just don't go in. If she is a stranger, that is, she doesn't want to work hard to become the king and hegemon in every world, and wants to make it simple. Otherwise, if she really wants to be the king and hegemon in this backward dynasty, You can crush them casually, and then you can break the old system of inequality between men and women and establish a new system.

Old Mrs. Li saw that An Ran really didn't want to go, and considering that her grandson was still young, it was not suitable to go to a place where firecrackers were going off and it was too noisy, so she gave it up and went out alone.

This was just a small episode. Not long after the Li family opened a ancestral temple, someone from her natal family sent a message saying that Shen Wulang was getting married soon and asked her to return to her natal family then.

Unlike those aristocratic families in the countryside, the process from engagement to marriage takes a long time. Once engaged in the countryside, as long as the two parties are not young, they will discuss the date and prepare for the wedding, so it only takes three or four months for the marriage to arrive in Shenyang. Goro's wedding day.

Since his younger brother was getting married, Li Silang and An Ran naturally wanted to go over to congratulate him.

And Li Silang is now a scholar. Although he is not a big deal in the eyes of the rich and powerful squires, in the eyes of these country people, he is already considered to be of great status. So this time Li Silang and An Ran went there, and those who had met before The attitude of their relatives and friends towards them is completely different.

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