Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 893 The best scholar’s ​​wife 12

Although they think what Mrs. Shen said is reasonable, they also feel that they should not say this to their sister-in-law who is returning to her parents' home during the New Year. They just want to say that they should find a time that is not the New Year and persuade her in private. That's it. On New Year's Day, if you don't show respect to your sister-in-law in front of everyone, it will annoy your sister-in-law and mother-in-law. Isn't this normal?

Li Silang, who was talking to several brothers-in-law, also heard about this later and couldn't help but feel angry. However, he was a grown man and it was hard for him to argue with his wife and sister-in-law, so he didn't say anything at that time. He just said on the way back. He told An Ran: "Actually, I bought those things. You can tell your sister-in-law that I bought them, and she won't be able to spray anything."

An Ran smiled and said: "You are not the only one who wants to buy it. In fact, I also want to eat it, so how can I let you take the blame alone?"

When Li Silang heard what An Ran said, he couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. He thought that this was his wife, who was considerate, and how to replace that stupid and inconsiderate wife. Being scolded by Sister Shen like this, he felt panicked, nine out of ten times. Those who would throw the blame on their husbands and shirk their responsibilities would never be as considerate as Mr. Shen and shoulder the blame.

Now I can't help but feel more favorable towards An Ran.

And when I was more fond of An Ran, I was very dissatisfied with Sister Shen. I felt that this woman was so annoying. She had to point fingers when he bought something to eat. It was really ridiculous. His mother didn't care about him. She was the wife of a brother-in-law. What qualifications do you have to interfere with his affairs? Does it make her look arrogant or something? Just like An Ran said, she just needs to take care of her own family's affairs.

After talking about Sister-in-law Shen, Li Silang said again: "Your mother's cooking skills are also very good!"

When he came to Shen's house before, because Mrs. Shen was old and had several daughters-in-law, she didn't need to take care of her anymore, so the food cooked by the guests was left to several daughters-in-law, so Li Silang never tasted it even once. Have a meal cooked by Mrs. Shen herself.

But today, because Anran was pregnant, Mrs. Shen wanted her daughter to have a good meal. She knew that her daughter-in-laws were not as good at cooking as herself, so even though she was older, she prepared the meals for Anran herself.

So it was only now that Li Silang realized that his mother-in-law's cooking was so delicious. Of course, no matter how delicious it was, it couldn't compare to An Ran.

After hearing this, An Ran couldn't help but laugh and said, "Why else would my cooking be so delicious? It's naturally hereditary."

Yes, this is the reason why An Ran dared to show off her cooking skills before, because her original mother, Mrs. Shen, was also good at cooking. When she was young, she took charge of cooking when she was doing important things in the village. In this way, even if she didn't cook much when she was in her natal family, However, because her original mother, Zhuyu, was in front of her, the Li family only thought that she was talented in this area, and she learned it by watching her mother cook.

After hearing this, Li Silang smiled and praised her: "Not only have you inherited it, but you are also better than others."

This means praising An Ran as being more delicious than the rice cooked by her mother.

After hearing his praise, An Ran naturally held her head high and said, "That's what it should be."

Li Silang couldn't help laughing when he saw his wife's proud look, thinking that it was thanks to his mother that he got such a good wife.

After returning home, Li Silang naturally did not save money because of what Sister Shen said, but still spent money lavishly. He used to spend money like this when his wife was not pregnant. It made no sense for his wife to listen to outsiders when she was pregnant. , it doesn’t cost anything. In that case, what if he loses his precious baby? Even if he didn't mention the little baby, he didn't want to let his wife and himself suffer.

So despite the Chinese New Year episode, when Li Silang comes back, he will still spend his time as he wants.

However, when Old Mrs. Li heard about this, he couldn't help but said to Mrs. Li: "Although what the fourth daughter-in-law's eldest sister-in-law said is not pleasant to listen to, what she said is not unreasonable. We have separated, and the fourth daughter-in-law and the two of us will be together." There are only six acres of paddy fields and four acres of dry land. The fields have become less, and the annual income has also become less. It is estimated that for the whole year this year, the family's income of six taels of silver will be as high as the sky. Spread it out every month , it’s only six hundred cash. You give Lao Si almost three hundred cash as pocket money every month. The remaining money is not enough for him to take the exam and buy pens, inks, paper, inkstones, books, and clothes. I’m afraid I’m going to have to use up my capital. , If you can’t make ends meet like this, your family will run out of money sooner or later.”

Yes, Li Silang takes the exam every year - he can't communicate with his family if he doesn't take the exam. After all, why would he study if he doesn't take the exam? As for the exam, it will naturally cost a lot of money.

It’s not that Old Mrs. Li didn’t understand this, but she had her own ideas. She immediately said: “I think the fourth child has been studying very seriously recently. He also reads to the child in the belly of the fourth daughter-in-law every day. This way, he will definitely be able to pass the exam in the future. Not to mention how powerful he is, being a scholar will definitely not be a problem. When the time comes, let him open a private school in our village, and he will be able to support himself. What are you afraid of? The suffering will only last for a while."

When Old Mrs. Li said this, Old Mrs. Li's ears softened and he was immediately shaken, so he ignored the matter.

As if to confirm Mrs. Li's expectations for Li Silang, in the last test with An Ran before the county examination in February, Li Silang was slightly better than An Ran. This made Li Silang dance for joy. Since then, he has never beaten her. He didn't know how much pocket money he lost. If he can beat her this time, it will naturally make him very happy.

At that moment, he said to An Ran with a smile on his face: "Madam, have I made great progress this month?!"

An Ran smiled and said: "Yeah! But I don't admit that I can't compare to you. I'm just pregnant and not feeling well, so I can't read books for a while. When I give birth to a baby, I can read books. I can definitely be better than you!"

In fact, of course An Ran was no worse than An Ran, but she knew that she couldn't keep hitting Li Si Lang, lest he completely lose confidence. To make Li Silang feel that he was no worse than An Ran, the key was to read the book seriously. After reading it, you can pass her exam.

That's why An Ran decided to temporarily lose to Li Silang.

In order to make her defeat reasonable, An Ran also made an excuse - saying that she was pregnant, so she did poorly in the exam. This way, if she gave birth to a child and did better than Li Silang in the exam, Li Silang would not be suspicious.

Li Silang naturally didn't believe this excuse, so he smiled and said: "Just keep your mouth shut. When you give birth to a child and I defeat you, you will know that I am much better than you."

"Okay, let's compete then!" An Ran pretended to refuse to admit defeat. Li Silang couldn't help but feel happy, but he won this time. No matter what An Ran said, he was happy.

Riding on the good news of winning once, Li Silang set off to take part in the county examination.

Thank you Zhao Yilin and Zi Yan for the gift~~Thank you everyone for your monthly votes, subscriptions, recommendations and collections~~Thank you!

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