Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 89 The husband is an educated youth 2

An Ran has gone through several lives, and his ability to observe words and emotions is naturally not as bad as when he first did the task, so unlike his original self, he did not notice Zhou Kai's false gentleness this time, and his eyes were full of impatience.

Seeing Zhou Kai's impatient look, An Ran thought to herself, you see me as impatient, and I see you as impatient. Fortunately, this guy will get out soon and will no longer be an eyesore in front of her.

Thinking that Zhou Kai would leave soon, An Ran felt a little less nauseous because she saw Zhou Kai's impatient look and thought about this man's cold-blooded ruthlessness towards his original body and his daughter.

Immediately he said: "My uncle is looking for you. It seems that you have passed the exam and your score has dropped."

When Zhou Kai heard this, he was overjoyed and forgot about his displeasure with the original person. He grabbed An Ran's arm and said, "Really?"

An Ran broke away from Zhou Kai's hand without leaving a trace, nodded and said, "Of course, you can ask your uncle."

Needless to say, An Ran would have asked Zhou Kai, and he immediately ran out.

From Uncle Zhao, Zhou Kai got a definite answer. He had reached the score line, but he didn't know which school he would be admitted to. When he thought that he would be able to return to the city soon, he couldn't help but be overjoyed, thinking that he might be able to go back.

However, seeing An Ran standing on the side and her daughter in her arms, Zhou Kai's joy couldn't help but dilute a bit. He secretly thought that if he had known that the college entrance examination would resume so soon, he would have just not gotten married in the first place. It is better now. , these two people are simply a stain on his life, and what is even more hateful is that now is not the time to kick them away, and he has to accompany her to make excuses. When he thinks that he, an intellectual, has to accompany a village girl to say good things, Zhou Kai I felt uncomfortable all over and felt that my level had dropped.

And when they heard that Zhou Kai had passed the exam, the group of friends who were bragging about him became even more bragging. At that moment, Sun Li even shouted: "If I don't pass the exam, don't forget to help my brothers."

If you can't pass the exam this year, you can still take the exam next year. However, there is no information in the village. But Zhou Kai passed the exam and will be well-informed outside in the future. That's why Sun Li said this, hoping that Zhou Kai would tell him more about the situation outside, and then return it. I want to ask him to help me buy some tutoring materials outside.

Regardless of whether he was willing in his heart or not, Zhou Kai would not refuse on the surface. At that moment, Zhou Kai smiled and said: "It is necessary."

After hearing the praise from the group of educated youth friends, Zhou Kai went back with An Ran in a good mood.

When her sister-in-law Cao Lili saw that the couple was back, she was furious and said, "Where have you gone? Xiaohai has no one to take care of you."

Cao Lili had to work to earn work points, so her five-year-old child Xiaohai was given to An Ran.

An Ran knew from her original memory that her sister-in-law didn't like her, so it was normal for her to say this about her. After all, she would pick out some of her troubles, not to mention that she went to her uncle's house, left for a while, and entrusted Xiao Hai to the next door. When the neighbor watched for a while, Cao Lili would use this as an excuse. It was normal for her to have a seizure, so An Ran didn't take it seriously and just said calmly: "It's Akai's score that came out. I went to tell him about it."

When Cao Lili heard that Zhou Kai's scores were out, she couldn't help but roll her eyes and asked calmly: "Oh? Really? Did you pass the exam?"

If Zhou Kai passes the exam and he will be a city dweller in the future, then he should be kind to him. He might be able to help his family one day. If he fails the exam and has to live for free for another year, hum! Then she will have something to say. After all, there is no reason for a family of three to have free rice all the time!

Zhou Kai listened to Cao Lili's inquiry and ignored her.

In the past few years in the Zhao family, the person Zhou Kai disliked the most was undoubtedly Cao Lili. He was originally a person with relatively strong self-esteem. Seeing Cao Lili sarcastic and sarcastic towards him from time to time, she was naturally unhappy - so Cao Lili thought that Zhou Kai had passed the exam. The idea of ​​just fawning is a bit too funny. You usually treat others badly, but you will fawn over them when they become prosperous. Is it okay to fawn over them? As people don’t hold grudges, will they treat you well as soon as you treat them well?

Zhou Kai ignored Cao Lili, so he could only answer calmly, "I passed the exam."

When Cao Lili heard that she had passed the exam, she secretly thought that Zhou Kai would be a city dweller eating royal food from now on. She was about to say a few warm words, but when she saw that Zhou Kai was ignoring her, she also became cold and said nothing. What a hot conversation.

I don’t blame Cao Lili for her reaction. The gap between urban and rural areas at this time was not too big. Although the work of urban people was light, their income was similar to that of rural people. Moreover, due to fixed dead wages, fixed supplies such as food stamps, they were not as good as those in rural areas. You can plant in the corner land and eat more freely.

So although Cao Lili was a little enthusiastic when she saw that Zhou Kai had returned to the city, graduated from college, and been assigned a job as a royal ration, she saw that people were not enthusiastic about her, so she ignored her and was not very interested.

However, when Zhao's father and Zhao's mother heard that Zhou Kai had passed the exam, they couldn't help but be happy for their daughter. They thought that in the future, when their son-in-law went to the city, their daughter would follow him and she would become a city dweller. Her daughter would be happy after all her hardships, so she was naturally happy. At that moment, Zhao His father took out the wine that he was usually reluctant to drink to celebrate Zhou Kai.

Although Zhou Kai is impatient to deal with the Zhao family, it is not the time to quarrel now. In order to prevent the Zhao family from becoming cold now, the Zhao family will be on guard. They will not be able to get rid of these dog-skin plasters in the future, so Zhou Kai now Seeing that Zhao's father was happy, he took the wine out to drink, but he pretended to be happy and drank with Zhao's father.

In the following days of waiting for the notice, no matter how impatient Zhou Kai was to deal with the Zhao family, he still took care of the children as usual when An Ran asked him to take care of them, without showing any complaints.

More than a month later, Zhou Kai's notice came.

Zhou Kai didn't want the Zhao family to know his specific situation, so he went to get the notice in person just as he remembered, instead of letting the notice be sent to the brigade, and asked the brigade captain to give it to him. After getting the notice back, He only waved the notice to the Zhao family and took it into his arms. He didn't let the Zhao family read his notice and asked him which university he had been admitted to, so he made up nonsense.

Because Zhou Kai didn't show anything strange and had always been very kind to An Ran, the Zhao family was unprepared for him. He just took whatever he said and didn't force him to take out the notice for them to see.

In fact, even if he had to watch, Zhou Kai didn't care. When he got to school, what could the Zhao family do to him? If he really found the school, he would divorce Zhao Anran. Even if his reputation would be worse, most educated youths were like this. Qian, in the general environment, it doesn't matter, and marriage is free in the first place. Shouldn't he be allowed to divorce after getting married?

In fact, they didn't have a marriage certificate in the first place - marriage certificates were almost never done these days - so if he wanted to get divorced, he would just talk about it, and he wouldn't have to go back with them to get a divorce certificate, which was very convenient.

Of course, these people don't know that his school is the best, so he can save a lot of trouble.

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