Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 881 Infinite Copy 61 (End)

Because there was no one outside, An Ran didn't have to worry too much about safety.

The only thing to worry about now is the difficulty of guild battles.

With the disappearance of small and medium-sized guilds, the conditions of the remaining guilds are good. Although most guilds know the benefits of cheating, so the matching battles are sometimes not fierce, but the city defense battles are becoming more and more intense. , because if the city defense fails, 10% of the people will be forcibly wiped out by the system, and then the equipment of the wiped out people will be returned to others. This number is a bit too much, no matter which guild can afford to hurt, so the city defense battle will naturally be more difficult. The fighting became more intense.

However, there is actually a way to cheat in the city defense battle, that is to persuade the people whose output is in the last 10% to give the equipment to others before the end of the guild war. In this way, even if the person dies, the enemy will not be able to get the equipment, and the equipment can be reduced as much as possible. loss.

However, this cheating method is generally difficult to implement.

Those people knew that they were going to die, so why did they care whether their equipment would be taken away by the enemy? Some people even felt that they couldn't survive, so why should they give their equipment to those who could survive? If they get equipment, can they live longer? They wish they could all die together.

So although there are ways to cheat, they are basically ineffective.

The reason why guild battles will become more and more difficult is also very simple. Although An Ran can now restore 35% of the city wall's health instantly, the opponent's strength is also increasing. Many guilds now have hundreds of thousands of people, sending Sometimes there might be 20,000 to 30,000 people coming to attack the city. These 20,000 to 30,000 people attack the city wall together. Even if the guild of Unity is over 100 levels, the blood loss will be "shuashua", and it is easy to lose sight of the blood. , you can only fight with the opponent to see who can't hold on first, which is very dangerous. After all, if the opponent defends the city very well, what if the United Nations guild breaks the city first before the opponent?

This is not impossible to happen, because she is not the only one in the world who has more blood. It seems that there is someone in country Y. Although he can't add as much as her, it seems that he can add 30%, which is very powerful. If the opponent's guild were to compete with her own guild someday, these slight differences might be smoothed out. In the end, her guild would lose to the opponent, and then 10% of the people of the united guild defending the city would be wiped out. Naturally, she didn't want to 10% of people will die in one go. After all, regardless of the 10% who only defend the city, if she does this every time, no matter how many people there are, they will all die sooner or later, so she goes all out in every guild battle.

For a long time after that, An Ran has been doing the job of defending the city in the United Will City Guild. No matter how the world's population is getting smaller and smaller, because of her protection, the United Will City Guild has always had the lowest casualty rate, and because there are always people defecting, So I don’t know how many other guilds perished, but the United Nations guild has always maintained its full membership.

At this time, An Ran felt that she didn't know whether the original's first mission, that is, the mission of living forever, was considered completed. After all, she had lived for a long time.

The only regret is that for a long time, the official has not found out where the system comes from. Naturally, they have not been able to close the game, which also prevents her from learning from the research results of scientists in this world to see where her system comes from. Where.

Although the official failed to shut down the game, the game was later stopped as everyone wanted.

——Fifty years after the end of the world, when the world's population was getting smaller and smaller and was about to perish, one day, people discovered that the system that had been following them and could not get rid of it had disappeared and never came back. .

At this time, although humans have taken various measures to delay extinction, there are only 10 million people left.

Because of the protection of An Ran, the Jin Kingdom has the largest number of survivors, about 2.5 million.

At that time, An Ran, after fifty years of development, had reached level 20 in both of her skills.

Rejuvenation can instantly restore 100% of blood volume, and the cooldown time is only one minute - it turns out that for every five levels of rejuvenation, the cooldown time can be reduced by one minute.

The resurrection spell can also resurrect 20 people at a time, and the cooldown time is shortened to five hours. Although it is not as many as expected, it can at least protect most elite players.

Relying on these two skills, the United Will City Guild is as stable as a rock and has been developing steadily. Of the 2.5 million people who survived the Jin Kingdom, nearly one million of them live in the United Will City Guild, making the United Will City Guild a giant. like existence.

An Ran never contacted the officials and went to live in the official safe zone. Even though the officials were afraid that something would happen to her and repeatedly invited her, she did not go.

Later, when the supplies outside expired and there was nothing to eat, she kept eating the food stored in the space. She traveled through multiple worlds and was afraid that she would be short of supplies in a certain world, so she always kept supplies in the space.

After the food in the space was finished, she used her life points to buy a lot of food in the mall.

This lasted for fifty years and ushered in the end of the apocalypse.

Because this is not like a monster apocalypse, where people will die in the game world, the real world is still very safe - not safe at first, because there are crazy people everywhere outside, but since the safe zone was set up, it is very safe - so once At the end of the apocalypse, humanity quickly restored order.

Because order has always existed during the end of the world, so when the end of the world ends, order is not chaotic. In addition, there are very few human beings, and they have no energy to fight. Of course, the main reason is because the world is very vast, and we must really fight. If you disagree with others, you can leave and find your own territory to be the boss. There is no need to fight or fight, so everyone is harmonious.

Because An Ran cultivated supernatural powers and extended his lifespan, he was able to see the subsequent development of this world.

Human beings are really invincible. After all this hard work, the population of the Jin Kingdom recovered due to production and the materials were abundant. It can be said to be rich in materials), and it quickly expanded tenfold, reaching nearly 30 million. Think about it, it won't be long before the population of the Jin Kingdom will slowly exceed 100 million.

Human beings are naturally very afraid of the sudden appearance of the game system. They are afraid that the other party will suddenly come, disappear suddenly, and reappear someday, so they have been studying it since then, but until An Ran left this world, no one has become famous for its research. , yes, although technology can develop explosively, if it exceeds civilization many times, it does not mean that development can reach that height immediately.

An Ran returned to the real world again and found that the task was completed, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Because the mission of the original body was to live forever, An Ran didn't know if it was enough for him to live for such a long time. Now that the mission was completed, the original body obviously felt that it was enough for him to live for such a long time, so he breathed a sigh of relief. After all, no one wants to work hard on a task, only to be dissatisfied and not complete it, so double points will be deducted.

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