Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 869 Unlimited Copies 49

One of the hot posts said exactly this, and there were many people who echoed it below.

Posted by: This game is unplayable at all. The guild LZ belongs to is an ordinary player guild. It was declared war by a grandson guild of Lan Country. In the end, it failed. 10% of the people died, and some people died in the guild war. What a heavy loss. If this rule is followed every time, our guild will soon perish. Why are we still playing?

1L: It was a miserable experience, and I really regretted not trying to join the military guild. I heard that all the military guilds won, and no one had any trouble.

2L: Isn’t it normal for the military guild to win? They are well organized and disciplined, and there are many experts, so it is normal for them to win. By the way, how do I join the military guild?

3L: In the past, it wasn’t too difficult to get in. After all, it was relatively peaceful before. Players preferred to stay in private guilds that were not very restrictive. They didn’t want to join military guilds that had too many rules. But if you want to join now, It’s difficult. Ever since we heard about the guild war, everyone knows that it is safer to join the military guild. So last time, many people left the ordinary player guild and joined the military guild. Now every military member The guild is packed with people, how can we get in?

4L: You can only enter after the military guild upgrades and opens up quotas.

5L: Just like that, not many people can be squeezed in. After all, there are too many people who want to enter, and the number of military guilds is limited.

6L: The military guild can’t get in, but the big guilds can also be considered, as they are more secure.

7L: Yes, you can’t stay in a small guild anyway, it will be destroyed easily.

8L: You can’t just get into a big guild if you want to. The big guild is as popular as the military guild and it’s hard to get in. If you can’t get in, you’ll really have no way of living in the future.

9L: Actually, you don’t have to be too afraid. As long as you work hard and don’t be the worst 10%, you won’t be wiped out by the system even if the city is destroyed.

10L: It’s not that easy. Everyone thinks so, and they will definitely try their best to output. If they are not careful, they will be at the bottom. Besides, do you think output is easy? You have to hit the enemy to be considered output, but if you want to hit the enemy, you have to take the risk of showing up and fighting with the opponent. In that case, it is risky. Don't be killed when the output is not at the bottom.

11L: Yes, anyway, life will be difficult again in the future.

12L: Seeing those crazy people outside making trouble, I almost want to join in the trouble. I won’t be able to survive this day.

13L: Don’t give up easily. It’s better to live than to die. After all, we may be able to shut down this game one day. How can we survive? It would be uneconomical to torture myself to death now. Anyway, I am living one day at a time, and I will not go crazy outside like those crazy people.

14L: Upstairs, I also plan to live one day at a time.


Posts like this are everywhere, and there are wails everywhere.

An Ran secretly thought that the death frequency has finally dropped due to joining the guild, and now it is going up again. This will require nearly 10% of the people to die every time. I am afraid that if they die only a few times, the world will be over. Look. The enemy is so powerful that even with all the power in the world, we still can't find out who the murderer is.

An Ran thought well. The academies of science of various countries have exchanged information and worked together, but they still can't find anything wrong with this game. They can only watch this game control the life and death of people on this planet.

Scientists who have no choice but to fear that humans will become extinct have put forward the idea of ​​letting humans have more children to prevent extinction.

But to give birth to a child, adult women have to play games. If they die accidentally, how can they give birth to a child? Besides, being nervous is not suitable for giving birth.

Therefore, many countries have proposed to allow women over the age of fourteen to have children. After all, they have to enter the dungeon until they are sixteen years old. There are still two years left, which is enough for them to give birth to children safely.

Although this is somewhat contrary to the development of civilization before the end of the world, in order to prevent human beings from being exterminated, scientists have no choice but to propose this suggestion.

Of course, adult women can also have children if they wish. After all, one more child is one. You must know that if only women over fourteen years old are allowed to have children, if the other party only gives birth between the ages of 14 and 16, that is If you can only give birth to one child, and each person can only give birth to one child, the human race will still become extinct, so if adult women are also willing to give birth to more than one child, that is naturally good.

As long as people are around and human civilization continues and is passed down, one day we will be able to crack the origin of this game and save mankind.

The idea of ​​senior management and scientists is good, but it still takes time to implement it. However, Enron speculates that as there are fewer and fewer people in the future, this proposal will be implemented, and protective measures will also be initiated for women. , after all, as long as there are women, humans will not become extinct - who allowed there to be many sperm banks around the world, so even if men become extinct, with the sperm in these sperm banks and women, humans will not become extinct.

An Ran watched the news with mixed feelings, thinking that the humans on this planet were also unlucky, and they didn't know who had chosen them and were forced to play such a game.

And because of the cruelty of the guild war, chaos continued on the streets. More and more people went crazy, either killing people or setting fires everywhere. The streets were never quiet for a day.

It was quiet outside for a period of time before, and An Ran went out to a nearby supermarket to sweep up supplies. As time went by, the supermarkets that were open at first gradually closed. Large supermarkets may have more people and are well prepared. Even if the supplies are ready to be opened, they will not be left in the supermarket. They have been moved a long time ago. After all, this apocalypse is different from the instant apocalypse. It happens slowly, so the owners of big supermarkets have time to move their own supplies. So unlike the instant apocalypse, where people can go to those big supermarkets to collect supplies, in this world, people can't find supplies when they go to big supermarkets. They can only go to those small supermarkets, because those private small supermarkets will be deserted once the owner dies. Since we were there, Enron's main job was to raid such empty small supermarkets and buy supplies.

But now, the outside is in chaos, and An Ran no longer goes outside, so as not to confront anyone. Although she has practiced very well now and is more than enough to deal with ordinary people, she can still avoid it if it is not necessary. If you don’t want to fight, don’t fight. Anyway, we have collected enough supplies at home, which will be enough for the next few years. If you don’t want to go out, don’t go out.

Soon it was time to play games again. When I entered the game this time, I found that it was not a guild battle, but a dungeon.

The system prompts that in the future, playing dungeons and guild battles will be interspersed, that is, one dungeon and one guild battle.

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