Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 861 Unlimited Copies 41

An Ran listened to Hongchen's question, nodded, and said, "Not bad."

She didn't say much. After all, she and Yixiao Hongchen only had a cooperative relationship, and she didn't owe him anything, so she didn't have to feel embarrassed for leaving, nor did she have to express guilt to him. In fact, because of her help, it could be said that , Yixiao Hongchen received far more equipment and materials than the actual combat capabilities of the entire team.

Although she felt that she did not need to express guilt to Yixiao Hongchen, because without Yixiao Hongchen, with her skills, she could find other teams and guilds to join, but Yixiao Hongchen obviously did not think so. There was a fire, and now I heard An Ran say that he wanted to leave, and I couldn't help but feel that it was adding fuel to the fire. At that moment, I became a little angry, and said coldly: "Okay! We have been working together for such a long time, anyway. Are we considered friends? When I was stabbed by someone, you stabbed me again. How good is it! I finally recognize you!"

An Ran couldn't help but feel funny after hearing this, and immediately said: "I never said that we were friends, and I never promised that I would not leave this team, so why do you ask me to stab you? Why, you can only join this team , can’t we quit?”

The reason why An Ran wanted to choose the military guild was because in the upcoming guild war, only the military guild would have the last laugh, while other civilian guilds would be easily wiped out.

The original wish was to live as long as possible, so An Ran naturally chose a safer guild to stay in.

Yixiao Hongchen choked at An Ran's words. Although he knew what An Ran said was true, he just felt uncomfortable listening to it. Unfortunately, before he could say anything, An Ran had already quit the apocalyptic survival guild.

Because they were talking in the guild just now, An Ran quit the apocalyptic survival guild and naturally disappeared from the apocalyptic survival guild station.

Yixiao Hongchen saw her disappear, and when he came back to his senses, he couldn't help but regret that he had gotten angry at An Ran just because of his bad mood. He thought that he was too impulsive, and it was not worth it for such a good priest to go away in anger. You know I don’t know how many people want to poach him. Not only does he not know how to cherish him, but he also loses his popularity. If the team members know about it, they will hate him to death and then scatter. So he came back to his senses and smiled. Hongchen then sent a message to An Ran, saying: "Even if we are not in the same guild, let's play the dungeon together."

An Ran didn't respond, so he continued to send.

After sending several messages in a row, An Ran still didn't respond. Yixiao Hongchen couldn't help but feel a little angry. Even though he knew he couldn't offend An Ran and couldn't get angry at her, he still couldn't control his tone and what he said sounded a bit unpleasant.

As a result, Yixiao Hongchen couldn't hold back his anger and cursed, so he received the prompt "You are not the other person's friend and cannot send messages." This meant that he had deleted his friend. He couldn't help but blush, and he didn't know that he was angry. Still ashamed.

It's not that An Ran doesn't want to reply to him, it's that she doesn't have time. She's busy buying name-changing charms, joining the United People's Liberation Army guild, and chatting with Han Bing about her skills and the next dungeon. How can she have time to talk to Yixiao? Chat in the world of mortals? So when Yixiao Hongchen kept harassing her, she could bear it at first, but later she saw that his words were a bit strange. Thinking about what he said before, she felt that there was no need to see such a person in the future. I posted some weird words to cause trouble for myself, so I deleted Xiaoxiao Hongchen’s friends and settled down.

Han Bing and others naturally didn't know what An Ran was doing. Seeing An Ran reveal his real name and join their guild, they immediately smiled and said: "Hua Kai Fu Gui, you said that your skills are now at level five, and you can join them in a group." Twenty-five percent blood, right?”

Huakai Fugui is An Ran's current name. After hearing this, An Ran nodded and said, "Yes."

In fact, if she wasn't afraid that the name of the skill "Rejuvenation" would be seen by others, and then she would remember the resurrection skill, otherwise she could have shown the skill to Han Bing and the others so that they could see it clearly for themselves. introduced her.

Han Bing couldn't help but be overjoyed after hearing this, and said: "This skill is quite powerful, but the next upgrade requires 50,000 combat power points which is too much. Even if we get you a full body of legendary equipment, based on the attributes of the strongest legendary equipment at the moment, it is probably too much." If you don't reach 50,000 combat power points, I can't help you upgrade, so I can only forget about upgrading for now."

An Ran believes this, because now she has purple equipment, orange equipment and legendary equipment. Even if she wears all the legendary equipment, she still has less than 20,000 combat power points. Those who may reach 50,000 combat power points will probably need to fight at least two or three dungeons, and then wear the strongest legendary equipment at that time, in order to reach 50,000 combat power points, and upgrade their skills to increase health by 30%.

So An Ran nodded and said: "It doesn't matter if we don't upgrade for the time being. Anyway, 25% is not much different from 30%."

After talking about the skills, Han Bing said again: "If you are willing to join the next dungeon, join our special forces team to run in with the team members. The special forces teams are all masters, and everyone is equipped with legendary equipment. Twenty to thirty thousand With their combat effectiveness, pushing the nightmare dungeon is as easy as pushing the simple dungeon, even if there is a hidden BOSS, it is a piece of cake. Once you get used to them, if one day you need to join the team, you can also cooperate with them tacitly."

An Ran nodded and did not object. He just said: "Since your special forces team is so powerful, it is actually completely unnecessary for you to recruit me. After all, it is not difficult for you to break through the nightmare copy."

Han Bing smiled and said: "Some experts above have speculated that there may be guild wars in the future, which will be much more dangerous than fighting dungeons, so we naturally need to reserve talents in advance."

Only then did An Ran understand why they were poaching people. It seemed that these people also expected that there would be a guild war in the future.

This is not false, because it seems that the next time a player pushes a dungeon with a combat power of 9,000 points, the system will remind him that when a player pushes a dungeon with a combat power limit of 10,000 points, a guild battle will be started at the same time for everyone to prepare - this is also the original version. The last memory is that the original person died before making 10,000 points of copies.

In fact, it is normal for the system to launch guild battles at 10,000 points. You must know that when players made 1,000-point dungeons in the past, the system had changed - from a 5-person dungeon to a 10-person dungeon. Now it has reached the 10,000-point mark. The system There are changes again. According to the inertia of the system, this is not normal.

After saying this, Han Bing said: "I heard that your guild copy has only reached the 6000-point nightmare copy. In this case, you can first play with us to the latest 9000-point nightmare copy, so that I can still refresh you. Order equipment."

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