Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 84 Survival in the End of the World 24

At that moment, An Ran came to the place where the firefight occurred.

The army was conducting a long-range attack, so Anran would not push to the front, lest she would not be able to help. When the soldiers saw her pushing to the front, they were worried that their guns would hit her, so Anran stayed by the soldiers' side. Once they saw someone The zombies broke through the army's line of fire and rushed to the soldiers, so she jumped out to help deal with them.

With An Ran's help, both long-distance and close combat, the safety of the soldiers around An Ran was greatly guaranteed. An Ran's skills also made these people look at them. I really didn't expect that a little girl could be so skilled. Well, the one with one knife is almost the same as the special forces in the army.

Over there, Captain Li saw that no one was listening when he asked the people on the convoy to drive forward honestly, and he insisted on going his own way, causing the road to be blocked. Although he was angry, there was nothing he could do at this time. In order to prevent the zombies from breaking through the defense line and biting the people on the convoy. The people created more zombies, so they had to let more soldiers get off the bus and build a second line of defense to prevent the zombies from rushing over.

For a while, the school gate was crowded with zombies and people. Although the school gate was quite wide, there were thousands of people and it was boundless. There were so many people and zombies crowded in. At a glance, there were people or zombies everywhere, as well as children's bodies. The cries and women's screams formed a chaotic mess, like a noisy vegetable market.

The zombies at the door were well controlled by Captain Li's men, but there were zombies on both sides of the road. The convoy's front line was too long, and those people were running around again just now. In addition, there was at least one car of soldiers arranged for every ten rows. Half of them were called to the school gate by Captain Li to set up a defensive line and snipe the zombies. As a result, the fire suppression on the convoy leader naturally weakened, causing zombies on both sides of the road to pounce on the convoy and keep beating the car. The zombies were like madmen, with super strength, many of them The glass of the car was broken, and zombies crawled into the car from the broken area, frightening the civilians on the convoy. This was also the source of the children's cries and the women's screams.

The more noisy they are, the more zombies are attracted around them. The crowd is like a school of fish, attracting swarms of sharks to come and eat.

An Ran's heart was heavy, and she secretly thought that she couldn't be so unlucky. She was clearly well prepared, but she still had to explain it here? Who knew that there would be a lunatic here, who would drag everyone down even to death, and release so many zombies.

Captain Li saw the scene was in chaos, and secretly regretted that he did not directly shoot the disobedient people to death when someone started to drive or get out of the car and run away to calm the situation. He wanted to calm the situation at that time. Soon the convoy will not be blocked by those abandoned cars and drive too slowly.

Seeing that the zombies at the school gate had not yet been cleared away, and the convoy was unable to get out of the battle, and more and more zombies were surrounding it, making the situation worse and worse, Captain Li picked up the loudspeaker and shouted: " Everyone, listen: don’t abandon the car again. If you encounter the abandoned car before, change the lane and move forward. If someone abandons the car again and causes the convoy to be blocked, he will be killed immediately! I will bear all the consequences!"

Even if he was later reported to the army commander and accused of killing civilians, he would not care about it. If he was not severely punished, it would not just be a matter of how many people died, but a matter of whether their convoy could run. The ammunition he brought was quite sufficient, but if the entire convoy turned into zombies, the ammunition might not be enough, and even if there was enough ammunition, they might not be able to leave if there were too many zombies.

To be honest, most people accepted Captain Li's order. After all, everyone knew that if no regulations were issued, no one would be able to leave. Compared with the fear of zombies surrounding them, it was better than being unable to move the car. It would be better to escape on two legs and then be unable to outrun the zombies. After all, the zombies haven't surrounded you yet, right?

After Captain Li gave the order like this, and then someone committed a foul and killed two people, the pig teammates in the team finally calmed down and moved forward honestly.

Although the speed was slow, the car started moving and slowly moved away from the school gate.

As for the zombies that jumped on the car along the way and broke the windows of many people, although the situation was critical, they were basically killed by the soldiers who were left to take care of the convoy.

After the huge convoy finally left the school gate, the zombie battle at the school gate also ended.

Although there are zombies rushing to bite the soldiers, the protection of the troops is better than Enron. As long as the soldiers are not surrounded by several zombies, basically a few bites will only bite the clothes and not the body. , so although the scene was chaotic, there were not many casualties. At least there were only a few people on the warrior side. When the zombies that rushed over at the beginning were too late to kill, they were surrounded by groups of zombies and bitten their skin and turned into zombies. , after Captain Li later called most of the team to deal with these zombies, no one had any more accidents. However, many people on the convoy were jumped by zombies and turned into zombies, including running in the car. No, there were about one or two hundred people who were caught or bitten by zombies on the roadside who jumped on the car, who abandoned the car and ran away, or who were bitten by zombies who ran out of the roadside or school. About one or two hundred people turned into zombies.

Let me tell you An Ran, if those people hadn't panicked and abandoned their cars and ran away, this disaster would not have been caused at all.

The military was obviously aware of this. Later, Commander Li emphasized that no matter what happens in the future, you must drive away honestly. Even if you want to go alone, please change lanes and go to the side. If you want to go alone, , or abandon the car and walk, it’s up to you. Whoever abandons the car and blocks the road will be beaten.

Later, when picking up people, the convoy also made adjustments. Instead of picking up people as soon as the convoy arrived, they waited until the convoy was almost gone before picking up people. This way, even if an accident like the previous one happened, the large group would be out of the danger zone. Yes, everything will be fine.

Fortunately, we never encountered such a thing again, and the group arrived at the military base smoothly.

After spending a night in the temporary isolation area and making sure they would not turn into zombies, An Ran and others entered the base.

The current base is naturally not as big as the previous military base. Instead, after clearing away the surrounding zombies, a lot of territory has been enclosed. Otherwise, a place as big as a military camp would not be able to accommodate so many survivors.

Because the military area used to be in the suburbs, there were few houses around it. Even if a lot of places were enclosed, there were still not many houses. So the base has been busy building houses recently. After the newcomers came, as long as they were carpenters and bricklayers, they were all in demand. When building a house, since currency is now useless paper, the base calculates points based on the number of points earned per day. Points can be exchanged for anything, including houses.

Although carpenters and bricklayers are very popular, the number of people is small, and they still need to do small jobs such as moving bricks, etc., so Ning's father applied for the job of a small worker in the hope of changing to a larger house, not to mention the number of bedrooms, but at least there is a kitchen and bathroom. Or something like that - now a family of three is divided into one house, and there is no kitchen to cook food. We have to go to the base canteen to buy whatever we want to eat and drink, which is very inconvenient.

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