Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 835 Unlimited Copies 15

"Hello everyone, my name is Lihua Fenbai. Before playing this game, I have played games in real life. I am not a game newbie, but I still want to ask everyone to take care of me." Lihua Fenbai said with a smile.

This game is different from real games. Female gamers in real games don’t need to be afraid if they don’t understand anything. They can speak out directly. There is a high chance that not only will they not be scolded by male players, but they may also make people feel pity for her. , take her through the book.

But in this game where you will die for real, if you dare to say that you don’t know how to play the game and ask someone to take you, the most likely outcome is not that someone is willing to take you, but that you will be kicked out of the team without anyone taking you in. Unless you are so beautiful that you will be captivated by the country, you may be able to attract one or two admirers to help you.

Now everyone knows to say this, for fear that the team will not accept him, so it is normal for Lihua Fenbai to say this. Not only were Yixiao Hongchen and others not surprised, they even asked: "I have played the dungeon six times, how can you still do it?" Don’t have a fixed team?”

You must know that before no one could play red and kill people, they were all working alone, so they only formed this semi-fixed team recently.

Just because they are like this does not mean that others are like this, so naturally they have to ask clearly why. What if the other party cheated their teammates to death because of their cheating? Then naturally they can't want such teammates.

Lihua Fenbai said hurriedly: "I originally had a fixed team, but hasn't it been too chaotic recently? My previous team was wiped out by a group of people after I went offline last time. I came up and found that there was no team, so I had to We’ve found a new team to form a team with.”

Yixiao Hongchen nodded and said he understood. He asked several other people, and they all said that there was no fixed team for one reason or another.

Yes, Yixiao Hongchen did not find a fixed team of five people to form a team, but found scattered people. They had discussed this together before. At that time, someone in the team expressed objections, thinking that if they found scattered people, they would not find a cheat. Having a fixed team at least shows that they have a certain degree of unity and ability to pass levels.

But Yixiao Hongchen said that he was afraid that if a team came and a dungeon would be released, the opponent would not use red to kill people in order to drop the dungeon, but there was no need to be afraid of finding scattered people.

His reason was quite reasonable, and everyone agreed immediately.

However, not all of the five people in the new group are alone like Lihua Fenbai. Two of the other four people are working together, and only the other two are alone.

After arranging the team, ten people entered the camp.

There are two priests among the ten people, An Ran is one of them, and the other one is Lihuafenbai. If she is not a priest, she does not need to worry about the original staff. After all, she is not a priest and cannot use it.

The ten-player dungeon was indeed much more difficult, especially since they chose the hard difficulty dungeon, which made it even more difficult.

Even though An Ran has the memory of the original, the original has a deep memory of these dungeons, except for the novice dungeon where he picked up the staff, and only the dungeons that have been in danger have a deeper impression. Most of the dungeons that have not been in danger don't have much memory. , it’s useless for Enron to have memory.

However, the original person has never been in danger in this copy. It is estimated that the difficulty should be limited. That's right. The difficulty of the first ten-person copy cannot be ridiculously high.

Sure enough, after playing for a while, An Ran found that the difficulty had indeed increased, but it was still within the range that she could bear. She could take care of the increased health of the four people of Yixiao Hongchen, but Pear Blossom White, and could not take care of the increased blood of the other four people. Blood.

Yes, because there are eight people except the priest, An Ran and Lihua Fenbai take care of four people each. Anran is responsible for taking care of several old teammates of Yixiao Hongchen, and Lihua Fenbai is responsible for taking care of the other four new teammates. Now Anran is joining The blood increase is very smooth, and sometimes you can use the Holy Light Bullet to defeat monsters, while Pear Blossom White is very good, let alone defeating monsters. The blood of four people can't take care of it, and they are often in a hurry. Sometimes those people are still in a hurry. You need to ask An Ran for help and ask her to help increase the blood.

So Yixiao Hongchen saw that the reason why she was the only one left with Lihua Fenbai was probably not because the team was destroyed due to fighting, but because someone kicked her out, right? ——It’s probably not that her original team was wiped out. After all, at her level of play, if the team was wiped out, she, a priest, would definitely not be able to defeat the dungeon, so I’m afraid she must have been kicked out. Sure enough, she picked it up on the roadside. Yes, not everyone can operate as well as the anonymous female pastor.

In fact, An Ran knew that Lihua Fenbai was a cheat as early as in her original memory, but now that she didn't know Lihua Fenbai, it was difficult to say that she should not be allowed to join, so she could only watch this cheater join the team. , thinking that this is the first ten-person dungeon, there shouldn't be any big problems, and it won't matter if the opponent enters. Anyway, after fighting once, the captain will probably kick the person, so she doesn't need to worry too much.

——If there is really a problem, the worst she can do is to be exposed once and help people resurrect. Anyway, the population of this area has dropped sharply. Even if these teammates know that they are the legendary ones with the blessing staff of the gods, they might have to do it next time. Districts have been merged. Even if they know it by then, they will not be able to find themselves after the merger. After all, who made the district merger be a random recombination of the system. People who are not from the same district will still be from the same district after the merger. Then they will Although they are in the same district now, they may not necessarily be in the same district after the district is merged in the future, and naturally they will not be able to find themselves.

The reason why it is a random combination, rather than people from the same district remaining in the same district after merging, is also very simple. After all, if the number of people in the same district is less than 1,000, it is definitely impossible for the number of people to be exactly 1,000. There must be more and less. At that time, the people in the same district will be combined. It is very troublesome to combine the people together and calculate the number of people to reach 10,000, so the system directly recombines the people with the number less than 1,000 at random, and then re-divides the new districts according to the division method of 10,000 people per district.

"Pear blossoms are white, you bitch, what are you doing! Increase the blood!" - Someone's blood level dropped to a dangerous value and began to yell in panic.

"123, help, add blood." - Because An Ran was anonymous, others asked how to call her, and she said they could call her 123, so now everyone called her that - even if it was a common name, An Ran would avoid calling her. Their real names are similar, so it was easy to get them.

"Lihua Fenbai, just wait! I'll settle the score with you when I get out!" - This was said angrily by a teammate who almost killed someone because Lihuafenbai didn't add blood.

For a while, the copy was extremely lively.

An Ran sees those people asking for help, and will always help as long as he has the spare capacity. After all, he can't just ignore death. Besides, what's the benefit of ignoring death? When the person dies, there is one less combat power, and the dungeon cannot be passed, which is not good.

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