Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 828 Unlimited Copies 8

22L: I turned 16 two days ago. Let me report: This time we entered the first dungeon. I originally thought that with your last dungeon guide, we should be able to play it more smoothly than you. So we chose the nightmare-level dungeon, hoping to get more equipment. As a result, the novice dungeon was completely different from what you played. We rashly chose the nightmare-level dungeon and almost wiped out the group. In the end, almost a thousand people died in our area. A lot of you died the first time, and I guess a lot of you thought the same as me, choosing the nightmare level, and something happened in the end. After the dungeon ended, the system prompted that you could enter the second dungeon immediately, but it was not mandatory to enter immediately because everyone was in shock at the time, so I did not enter and planned to wait until I felt better before entering the second dungeon.

23L: After listening to the description above, I really sympathize with you... I originally envied the children under 16 years old. I thought they would make dungeons and have guides to refer to, and they would be much happier than us. But now it seems , it’s not the same thing at all, the system is really weird.

24L: 22L is so miserable!

25L: It seems that the system will not allow people to take advantage of loopholes, so I suggest people under 16 years old to catch up quickly and play the same dungeon as us. Once that happens, everyone will discuss the same thing and you will have something to talk about, so as not to There are only people of your age chatting together, and the number is small, so we can't talk. Secondly, since the system allows you to continue playing the second copy, I'm afraid there is a reason. If you don't follow, I'm afraid you will suffer a loss.

Seeing this, An Ran couldn't help but nod, because this speculation was correct.

As I said before, when only a thousand people die out of 10,000 people in each district, districts will be merged. People like them, the first batch, have a lot of people. Even if districts are merged, they can be merged many times. Someone.

But people under the age of 16 only enter the age group. Now basically there are about 100 million people born in the world every year, that is, there are only 100 million people under the age of 16 every year. When spread out every day, there are only about 30 Ten thousand people, only 300,000, probably not a few districts. When the time comes, there will be no districts to merge. There will be only one district. That is, when the whole district only has 1,000 people, the market will not be rich in resources and it will be difficult to buy equipment. It will not matter if it is not possible to form a team. A good group, especially when the number of people is getting smaller and smaller, this situation becomes more and more obvious. In the end, if the number of people is less than 100, in the later 100-person dungeon, if you enter with dozens of people, the group will definitely be destroyed. Therefore, if you are under 16 years old The people in the group are lucky for the time being, because when others want to fight a dungeon that can kill people, they can survive without using it. However, it is actually not as good as the first group of people playing a dungeon. At any rate, there are many people, so they don’t have to worry about being left alone for the time being. In the case of merging, there is no need to worry about insufficient resources for the time being.

After reading the content discussed on the website and not finding any usable information, An Ran continued to buy supplies, buying a small part to put in the house and putting most of it into the space.

There are still people going to work, but more and more people are waiting to die. Let alone going to work, social order will also be disrupted.

No one is working, where will the supplies come from? Naturally, they will be used less and less; when social order becomes chaotic, it will be even harder to obtain supplies, so if you don’t stock up on supplies before chaos breaks out, how long will it take?

The reason Enron didn't spend all his money to buy supplies last time was because he was afraid that his abnormality would attract attention. But this time, many people have realized that if this continues, they are afraid that society will be in unrest, so many people are hoarding supplies. After getting married, An Ran was able to hoard generously and spend all the money - originally, the money was kept with the intention of using it for schooling, but now there is no need to go to school, so it was all spent.

Either she didn't want to go through the hassle of moving, or else she would have sold the house to get money to buy supplies. After thinking about it later, she might as well forget it because she didn't want to waste time moving around.

This time, basically no one died in the class group. The reason is very simple. Many people chose the easy difficulty, a few chose the normal difficulty, and a very small number of people who knew how to play games chose the hard difficulty and nightmare difficulty. In this way, young people People naturally love to play games, and they are more receptive than the elderly. If you play some easy difficulty dungeons, no one will die.

Of course, it is also very dangerous, because there are a few people whose combat power has not reached 50 and almost cannot enter the dungeon. Fortunately, this time everyone has added friends to each other. When they see that their combat power is not enough and they want to restrict entry, they ask for help from their friends. With the help of their friends, I sent some equipment, reached 50 combat points, and successfully entered the dungeon.

Almost everyone in the class has added friends, so that they can be rescued when needed, but An Ran is not included. An Ran has not bought the name change charm at this time, so naturally he does not dare to add them as friends, lest his ID will be exposed, and he will be in trouble.

A friend who may be familiar with her original identity called her in the group and asked for her ID so that he could add her ID, but An Ran pretended not to see it and ignored her.

Those people thought of An Ran's introverted personality - she was originally introverted and unsociable - and they did not find it strange that she ignored her, so they just let her go. No one grabbed her and asked her to become friends. Anyway, knowing that she is online and not dead yet is fine.

This made An Ran feel relieved. Otherwise, if someone insisted on adding her as a friend, she would have to explain, and she might not be able to explain clearly, which would be in trouble.

As time went by, although there was still no progress in tracing Enron's identity, the authorities also made some progress in other aspects.

In the same confidential conference room, the chief was listening to reports from the Ministry of Security and the military.

"In the last operation, it was confirmed that adding friends cannot be assigned to the same zone, but in the nightmare level dungeon, team props will be dropped. Before selecting the dungeon, use the team props, add friends to the team, and then click dungeon, you will enter the same area. But... team props are extremely rare to drop, and are currently hard to find on the market. We are doing our best to collect such props." said the Minister of Security.

Although players can form teams at will after entering the game, they cannot form teams across regions without team-building props. Only with team-building props can they form teams across regions.

The leader nodded to show that he understood. In fact, in the dungeon just passed, he used this kind of prop to enter the dungeon together with personnel from the Security Department and the military.

In fact, he doesn't use this kind of prop. With the top-notch equipment equipped for him by the military and the Ministry of Security, there is no problem in passing the easy difficulty dungeon by himself. It's just that he wants to see the effect of this kind of prop in person, so he With everyone, of course, the military and security department would not trust him to enter the dungeon alone, so with this kind of prop, they would naturally go with him to ensure his safety.

In this situation, knowing the stakes, it is natural to ensure his safety.

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