Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 791 When a cross-dressing boss meets a men’s cross-dressing boss 36

Mrs. Tang was angry when she saw her cursing the big house for her misfortune. She couldn't help but said coldly: "How long our big house can go, I don't care about you. Just control your mouth and don't say it everywhere." Just say bad things about our big house, otherwise, if I hear you talking bad about our big house outside, I will tear your mouth apart."

After Mrs. Tang Er heard this, she naturally became even more angry, and immediately left with a gloomy face.

Over there, after Xiao Yue left with An Ran, she didn't break away from An Ran's hand for a moment, and only said: "If you tell the second wife like that, she'll probably say bad things about you outside."

An Ran said: "Let her go. Even if I didn't tell her that, wouldn't she say bad things about me outside? Ever since the housekeeper was taken away, she has always disliked the people in our big house. You’ve been talking bad about our big house outside, so what’s the point of saying more now.”

Besides, she was told that she was on the cusp of the storm right now, so it would be nice for Madam Tang Er to say bad things about herself. If others saw that she was so stupid, they would relax their vigilance and not take her seriously.

Xiao Yue saw that An Ran didn't care, so she didn't care too. Speaking of it, Xiao Yue never seemed to think that An Ran was afraid of anything. Whether it was the imperial examination, meeting the prince, or entering the Hanlin Academy, she was always like that He knew that this was called being mature and prudent, or that he had a gap in his chest, but he felt that he was about to change into his position, and he might not be able to do it. It was like the imperial examination. When he thought that he might not pass the exam, his heart It's impossible to be so calm; it's like meeting the prince. If it were him, even if he wasn't overly surprised or frightened, he still wouldn't be able to talk like An Ran.

The more this happened, the more he admired Anran. He felt that Tang Anran was so powerful now, but in the future his achievements would only be higher than those of the old man who was the eldest son of his direct branch.

——Actually, An Ran can be so calm because she has experienced a lot of the world, so she is calm when things happen now. How could she have been so calm when she was just doing the task?

After talking about business, Xiao Yue always felt that something was wrong with Tang Anran holding her hand, so she couldn't help but grab Anran's hand and look at it, and found that it was not her imagination, but something was really wrong - "Anran, your hands are so small! Smaller than mine!”

Xiao Yue's hands are not big among men - in fact, his appearance is one of the best among men, otherwise he wouldn't pretend to be a woman without revealing his secrets - but his hands, which are not big, turned out to be... It's bigger than An Ran, so aren't An Ran's hands really small?

Although An Ran had taught him martial arts before, they were all about gestures and had never held his hand, so he didn't notice this. Now the two of them were holding hands. When he held them just now, he felt that the hand he was holding was very petite. , picked it up and took a look, only to find that An Ran's hands were really small, so he couldn't help but say that.

An Ran saw Xiao Yue's surprise, and couldn't help but feel a thump in her heart. She thought to herself, "I am a big man, but my hands are smaller than a woman's. Isn't this too easy to reveal?" It’s not easy to fool.

An Ran's mind raced rapidly, and then she smiled and said: "I have a small frame, so why is it strange that my hands are small? My wife's hands are considered to be very big among women, so it is normal for them to be bigger than mine."

In fact, the original body is very tall among the girls of this era, about 1.65 meters tall. This is why others don't suspect the original body when she dresses as a man, because in this era, the average height of men may not be even 1.6 meters. Fifth, with her original height, people will naturally not doubt her gender.

However, although his height is the same as that of a man, his frame is slightly thinner than that of a man, so An Ran found this reason.

Xiao Yue heard the secret message, so she no longer doubted it immediately.

——Mainly, he never thought that there would be women in this world who would disguise themselves as men, that there would be women who were so good at martial arts, so strong in the imperial examinations, so calm and composed, and who could be officials. All of this was far beyond his imagination of women. , so naturally I never doubted that An Ran was a woman.

On the other hand, after Mrs. Tang left the main room, she went to the direct branch chief's room and told Mrs. Tang what happened. Run errands and cause trouble for her.

Mrs. Song was naturally unhappy after hearing what Mrs. Tang Er said, but she never thought that things would go so smoothly. She estimated that the fight with the third room would be a protracted war, and she would still need Mrs. Tang in the future. , so although she was unhappy in her heart, Mrs. Song still didn't say anything, she just said: "Forget it this time, I hope you can help me next time, otherwise, I won't be able to help you with your son's matter." I’m busy, after all, everyone has to come and go, right?”

Mrs. Tang Er saw that Mrs. Song didn't blame her and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. She immediately smiled and said, "Yes, yes, I will try my best to help my sister-in-law in the future. Then I have to worry about my son's affairs."

Although the Tang family is a scholarly family, in the past hundred years since their fortune, many of their children have been admitted as scholars and even passed the imperial examination. Several of them have even been admitted to the Jinshi. However, her son has no family inheritance in reading at all, and he is not even a scholar. Didn't pass the exam.

When I think about the fact that the old lady in the family is getting old, if one day she dies and they separate from the eldest family, then they will be a double Jinshi and have a bright future. My son has no ability at all, even if he can get a lot by then. In Tiandishan, it is okay to be a rich man, but without power and status, living that kind of life is also very unpleasant.

So for the sake of her son's future, Mrs. Tang's second wife begged the Song family.

It happened that the Song family was discussing with Mrs. Tang at that time to deal with Tang Anran and Tang Zhixian. Seeing Mrs. Tang's request, they made a deal - let her do what they asked. If successful, they would help Mrs. Tang. The son is looking for a fat job.

The fat salary mentioned here naturally does not refer to the kind of official. After all, to become an official, you need to take the imperial examination. The imperial examination is a mandatory rule. If you fail to pass the imperial examination, you will not be able to become an official.

But some errands have no rank, but because they are in key positions, they are very profitable, and they also have a lot of power. If you accept such errands, you can guarantee that you can live a good life for the rest of your life. Mrs. Tang Er just wants to give My son asked for this.

When her son gets a good job, she will use some money to donate to him an official position with a false title. In this way, even if he is not as good as Tang Anran and Tang Zhixian, at least he will not be any worse. .

What's more, brothers Tang Anran and Tang Zhixian, although they are now red and purple, and their days are like burning oil, but the eldest brother of the direct branch is looking for trouble for them, it is hard to say what their future will be like in the future, especially It was Tang Anran who was specifically targeted by his direct eldest brother, and there was no telling what would happen in the future. Now that he was among the best, he might end up in a worse situation than his own son in the future.

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