Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 739 The daughter is a cannon fodder 49

Although I had long known that Aunt Qin was jumping up and down, because An Ran had many things to do, I didn't deal with her for a while. Now I saw her brainwashing her son again, which made the second master's attitude towards her obviously worse. An Ran couldn't help but get angry, thinking that if the tiger doesn't show its power, you are treating me like a sick cat, right?

Originally, I didn't want to care about a little fly like Aunt Qin, but I was tired of watching her slandering her behind her back for three days, so An Ran took action and gave Aunt Qin a bad luck charm to keep her busy dealing with bad luck all day long. Luck, he had no extra time and spent all day talking bad about her in front of his son.

Aunt Qin, who wears a bad luck charm so she gets unlucky from time to time and has headaches all day long to solve troubles, is indeed much more honest and has no time to blindly wonder what happened to An Ran. An Ran couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

An Ran has always been curious about Cheng Wei's movements, because she always felt that with Cheng Wei's character, it was impossible for Cheng Wei to say he wanted to be with her without taking any action at all. On this day, An Ran finally discovered his movements - a cry came from the court , saying that he was asking for the prince-in-law’s right to participate in politics to be released.

Of course, it does not mean that as long as you become a consort, you have the right to participate in politics. If you have not passed the imperial examination, you will have the right to participate in politics just because you become a consort. This is obviously not possible, because this makes people who have been in the cold window for ten years very embarrassed. Rather, if the person takes the imperial examination A consort who has passed the imperial examination has the right to continue pursuing an official career, but someone who has worked hard to pass the imperial examination has no right to pursue an official career.

This proposal will not displease those who have worked hard for the imperial examination, nor will it displease people from aristocratic families - although there may be people with imperial examination backgrounds who will jump out to compete with them for the place of consort, but the chance is very small. , after all, those who can pass the Jinshi must be very old. How could the princess marry such a person? On the contrary, the promising children of her family will also have the opportunity to marry in the future, unlike before, they could only send those without promising children. Princess Shang, and the promising children of their family are naturally better off than those from non-aristocratic families. People are more competitive, so what should people from aristocratic families be afraid of?

This proposal also made the princesses happy, especially the princesses who were not yet married, because this gave them a wider range of choices for their prince-in-law, unlike before, where they could only choose the unpromising ones from the big families. Children, now, as long as the other party is willing, they can still choose promising people, and they naturally want to choose promising people to marry. After all, who wants to marry a useless person?

In the past, although the emperor's princesses were worried about marrying, really, because they could not choose those talents, they could only watch those talents get together with the noble girls in the capital. The princesses had no envy, jealousy or hatred in their hearts. , that is false. After all, although they are noble, they are not as powerful as the wives of important officials in the court. Therefore, sometimes, a princess who is not favored is not as prestigious as the wife of a powerful official outside.

Therefore, as soon as this proposal came out, the unmarried princesses in the palace naturally looked forward to it, and secretly sent people to lobby His Majesty for approval.

But this proposal... will cause relatives to interfere in politics.

It is precisely because of this concern that this dynasty is different from the previous dynasty and does not allow the consort to participate in politics.

Therefore, although many people agreed with this proposal, Qingliu in the court and Emperor Yong'an himself did not want to agree to this proposal for the sake of Jiangshan Sheji.

An Ran understood that this was Cheng Wei paving the way for him.

Because he wanted to marry himself, but he also didn’t want to lose his career. If he wanted to have both the cake and the eat, he had to start clearing the obstacles from now on.

But...does he have such great energy now? Can you control the situation now?

However, she obviously overestimated Cheng Wei's energy at this time, because the matter was not passed at once, but the wrangling lasted for half a year, and finally Emperor Yong'an agreed to the proposal that the consort could participate in politics.

The reason is because someone said: There is no need to worry about the prince-in-law intervening in politics, because if the emperor is fatuous and does not have a prince-son-in-law, there will be eunuchs, important ministers, concubines, clan relatives, etc. who will interfere in politics, so what is the use of multiple princes-in-law.

Emperor Yong'an obviously listened to this. In addition, most of the people in court agreed and few opposed it, so he passed the proposal.

An Ran couldn't help but be surprised when he saw that Emperor Yong'an approved this proposal. He secretly wondered when Cheng Wei started to run his power. This power is really not small, because he actually made this happen! Although he has been waffling for half a year, being able to pass shows that Cheng Wei has a certain amount of energy.

However, Emperor Yong'an approved the proposal, and An Ran knew that Cheng Wei's path had been paved. Next, she was afraid that he would take action against Dingyuan Hou. She wanted to know how he was going to calm Dingyuan Hou and let Dingyuan Hou After making peace with herself, she didn't think Dingyuan Hou would separate from her.

You know, Marquis Dingyuan is reluctant to give up the title at all, so don't say that he has a cold war with him. Even if he really has a good reputation, he will probably turn a blind eye or close one eye and not care at all. Anyway, he If you have your own concubine and don't interact with the princess, you can just follow the princess and do whatever she wants. What's the point?

And if Marquis Dingyuan would divorce her or make peace with her, how could Cheng Wei make Marquis Dingyuan willingly let her go? Don’t you want to kill Marquis Dingyuan? Judging from Cheng Wei's methods, it is really possible, but looking left and right, I can't see that Cheng Wei has the intention to kill Dingyuan Hou. Besides, paper can't cover up the fire. If he really kills Dingyuan Hou, , maybe one day it will be exposed, it is risky to do this kind of thing.

Ever since Marquis Dingyuan had wanted her to die, An Ran had treated him as a stranger and didn't care about his life or death. So what he was thinking about at the moment was just curious about what Cheng Wei planned to do and not caring about Ding. The situation of Yuanhou.

Of course, she doesn't care about Marquis Dingyuan, and naturally she doesn't care about whether Cheng Wei will be exposed in the future if he really kills Marquis Dingyuan. After all, she doesn't care about her husband in name only, but on the contrary, she cares about the safety of the murderer. , Her moral integrity has not yet reached this level.

Although she doesn't care about Marquis Dingyuan, she cares about her children. She doesn't want her children to fight with Cheng Wei in order to avenge their father's murder. God knows she doesn't want to avenge Marquis Dingyuan and fight with such a tough and ruthless person like Cheng Wei, let alone He didn't want his children to fight with him and suffer Cheng Wei's losses.

Thinking of this, An Ran couldn't help but remind Cheng Wei casually when he came to see her one day, pointing out the disadvantages of killing Dingyuan Marquis.

——If you don't want to end up in a situation where you and your children are at odds with Cheng Wei in the future, you must give up this idea.

Cheng Wei did not see what she was really thinking. He only saw that she was concerned that he would end badly by doing such a thing, but did not care about the life and death of Marquis Dingyuan. He couldn't help but feel happy. He smiled and said, "I didn't think so." It's better to kill someone. I have a better way to deal with Marquis Dingyuan, don't worry."

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