Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 72 Survival in the End of the World 12

Zhang Juan complained, but the old lady would not tolerate her accusations. Last time, the old lady next door came to their house to borrow yogurt, but failed to borrow it. She cursed outside the door, but they did not reply. That was because the apocalypse had just begun a few days ago. , people still maintain their pre-apocalyptic thinking. They felt a little embarrassed when their children wanted yogurt and didn’t give it to them, so they didn’t scold them back. They were kind-hearted, but it didn’t mean that they would let others insult them, so the old man at the moment After hearing what she said, the wife couldn't help but sarcastically said: "It seems that if they were stealing from someone else's house, would you dare to jump out and stop them? You would even dare to stop them. It wouldn't be a problem to come and take back the stolen things. I heard They say they live on the third floor, why don’t you go take a look.”

The mobile communication was still there at the moment, and the old lady often took her granddaughter around the community. She knew some old ladies very well, so although she didn't go out, she made a phone call to exchange information and knew that the group of people yesterday was in this building. third floor.

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Juan's face turned red and she couldn't help but be speechless. She knew that if she continued to scold her, she would only suffer the consequences, so although she felt sad, she packed her things and went into the house.

Fortunately, although the lock on the door was picked open by the group of people, the bolt could still be inserted inside, otherwise the house would be uninhabitable.


Seeing someone entering the house to steal things while Zhang Juan's family was not at home, Ning's father and Ning's mother remembered that when they went out to collect supplies two days ago, there was no one at home. They couldn't help but break into a cold sweat and said, "Let's go out later. We can’t all leave, we need to keep people at home, otherwise if someone knows that our family members are all gone and there is no one at home, they might break the door and pick the lock.”

An Ran thought to himself, let alone sneaking in and picking the lock when no one was in the house. Even if there were people, someone would come in and rob him in a few days.

In the memory of the original body, as a convoy passed by the road in front of the community and went to the base, it brought a large number of zombies. As a result, the number of zombies wandering in the community increased, and fewer people in the community dared to go out to collect supplies. However, If you don't go out to collect supplies, wouldn't you be waiting to die? So those people set their sights on every household in the community. At first, they collected supplies from those households that had no one or those who had people but all turned into zombies. Later, they couldn't find anything anymore, and even if there were people, they all came to the door. Robbery - Humans are like this, they are afraid of monsters, but not afraid of bullying their own kind.

In the memory of the original body, the Ning family had been robbed, and the original body had long been returned to the teacher because of martial arts, and Ning's father and mother were not strong in combat, so naturally, the only food in the family was Their drink was robbed. If they hadn't been robbed, they could still have lasted for a while. It's not said whether they would have survived if they went on the road again after a while, but at least they would have been able to delay their death for a while. OK.

At this moment, An Ran listened to Ning's mother and said: "Not only do we need to keep people, we also need to continue training. I'm afraid that one day, they can't find things, and even if there are people at home, they will come in and grab things."

An Ran's words shocked Ning's father and Ning's mother, but they thought it was very possible, so Ning's father and Ning's mother stepped up their training.

As it becomes more and more dangerous to go out to collect supplies, food is gone, and the power is out, thefts and even robberies have occurred in the community. The public security situation has declined, making people feel more and more uncomfortable staying at home and waiting for rescue. The more unrealistic it is, so that day, when another group of people passed through the community, some people who were out of ammunition or worried about their safety boarded the convoy and left the community, including those who had something stolen that day. a family of three.

It’s no wonder that they chose to go on the road. They were more courageous in the first place. In addition, the group of people had robbed all their things before, so there were not many new supplies collected. Now that there are more and more zombies outside, they may not be able to point them out in the future. If you don’t dare to collect supplies, won’t you have to sit back and wait for death? So it was normal for them to leave with the convoy. Anyway, the three members of their family were all young and strong, and there was a large group of people with them, so it should be safe on the way to the base.

Shortly after the family left, the water stopped, following the power outage.

Fortunately, the Anran family was well prepared and could hold on for a while longer.

Although drinking water can last for a while, the bath water is gone. After all, there is so much water for bathing, and three people can't last long if they use it together. But she can't stand it without washing at all, so Ning's mother It was decided that they would wash their faces once every three days, and use that water to wipe their bodies after washing their faces.

The clothes couldn't be washed, but fortunately, Anron had brought back some summer clothes as a precaution that day. They couldn't wash the clothes, so they just changed the clothes they prepared and continued to wear them if they smelled bad. If they changed clothes in a few days, they wouldn't wash them. Can last a long time.

Anyway, let's make do with it for now. When it rains someday, go to the rooftop to take a good bath and wash clothes.

Even the Enron family who was well prepared would not be able to last long, and some families who were not well prepared would not be able to last long.

For example, the old lady's house next door was worried about the water cutoff after the power outage, so they found everything they could to store water. However, their house didn't have a big bucket like An Ran's house, so they didn't have much water to save. In addition, there were five people in the family. People, it’s so hot in the summer when there’s no electricity. Drinking water alone consumes a lot of water every day. What’s more, the grandson insists on taking a bath, which makes him uncomfortable, so he runs out of water in just two days. , began to harass An Ran and others.

No one paid any attention to her. Even if she offered rice in exchange, no one was willing to exchange it. After all, everyone knows that you can eat less rice, but without water, in this summer, people can't stand it for a day.

The old lady saw that no one was willing to change the water for her, so she started to scold again, but this time she only scolded for a while and then stopped - there was smoke in her mouth after scolding for a long time without water, and she couldn't stop cursing.

There was always only one middle-aged man coming in and out of the house. This time, a new person finally appeared. It was a middle-aged woman. She also came out to borrow water, but she was smarter and did not exchange rice for it like the old lady. , but exchange cookies with others.

Rice needs to be boiled in water before it can be eaten. Now that we are short of water, the rice is in vain, but biscuits are different. Biscuits can be eaten without water. People who are short of food but not short of water for the time being will trade with her - —She didn’t get it from several households here, but she did get a bottle of mineral water from one of the households over there. Although the bottle of water was small, she used it sparingly. It only moistened her throat and was very good. The sky is okay.

An Ran saw that the water was cut off, so he became more vigilant, because in the original memory, the group of people came to rob again not long after the water was cut off. They probably had no water to drink, and wanted to rob water from those who had water. Of course, If there are supplies, they will be scraped away as well.

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