Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 703 The daughter is a cannon fodder 13

Queen Chen saw that she was talking to An Ran and Wang Guifei interrupted, her face changed slightly, she was obviously unhappy, but because the other party was the favorite concubine of Emperor Yong'an, she had nothing to do, so she couldn't say anything.

However, she knew that no matter how hard Princess Jing'an tried to please Princess Jing'an, she would not be able to please her. After all, her nephew had withdrawn from the marriage of Princess Jing'an's daughter, which had disgraced Princess Jing'an and made her daughter unable to step down. Princess Jing'an had to pay attention to Princess Jing'an. Weird.

Although he was wary of Concubine Wang, An Ran would certainly not say anything to offend Concubine Wang because of Empress Chen. Anyway, neither Empress Chen nor Concubine Wang had any friendship with the original person, so An Ran just smiled and said to Concubine Wang. Emperor Yong'an said: "Brother Lao Huang is worried."

Emperor Yong'an smiled and said: "My nephew-in-law has come in. You should take some time off from now on. Don't forget to come into the palace often to see my younger brother. Don't forget about my younger brother."

"How can that be possible?" An Ran smiled.

An Ran talked about the cold temperature with Emperor Yong'an and then took his seat.

Not long after, An Ran saw the former fiancé of the Changle County Lord, Prince Jianning, coming with his family and also paying his respects to Emperor Yong'an.

When Emperor Yong'an saw him, his expression became lighter. After all, he was the uncle of the Lord of Changle County. Emperor Yong'an would not be happy to see Prince Jianning doing this.

Wang Guifei obviously also noticed that Emperor Yong'an was unhappy, and immediately winked at Prince Jianning, asking him to get out quickly.

After seeing Prince Jianning disappear from the front of Emperor Yong'an, the concubine Wang Guifei whispered some coquettish words to Emperor Yong'an, which successfully made Emperor Yong'an look better.

After all, Emperor Yong'an loved Concubine Wang, and he did not treat Prince Jianning and Concubine Wang separately because of his behavior. So when he saw Concubine Wang's soft words, he did not continue to be cold-faced, and let the king The imperial concubine couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, she couldn't help but secretly scold her mother-in-law's family for simply looking for trouble for her to worry about. If her mother-in-law's family hadn't been generous and insisted on canceling the marriage to Princess Jing'an's family, her recent life in the palace would have been so difficult. ?

But after all, it was her mother's family. Although she was unhappy, she couldn't say anything to them. After all, her nephew didn't like the Changle County Lord. She couldn't force her to like him, so at most she could only curse a few words in her heart, but it was hard to say it with her mouth. too much.

An Ran glanced at the Prince Jianning, then turned to look at the Lord of Changle County. The Lord of Changle did not look at the Prince Jianning, but only looked down at his hands, but the expression on his face was quite calm. It seemed that although he had not yet It was impossible to treat Prince Jianning as a stranger, and he dared to look at Prince Jianning like a stranger, but he looked much better than the sad one before, which made An Ran feel a little relieved.

Over there, Emperor Yong'an saw that the people had almost arrived, so he said to the eunuch standing aside: "Let's have a banquet."

As soon as An Ran heard that the banquet was about to start, he knew that the main event was coming - the man behind the scenes was probably going to attack the head of Changle County.

Sure enough, not long after, her low-end version of the Mystery Breaker came with a warning voice: "The Mystery Breaker host you created is using spiritual power to interfere with the mind. The Mystery Breaker has saved the other party from this harm."

When An Ran turned around to look, she saw the mayor of Changle County drinking fruit wine. In her memory, she drank cup after cup, but this time, she only took a small sip.

An Ran secretly thought, it turns out that the other party not only controlled the drunk Changle County Lord to go crazy, but also controlled the Changle County Lord to drink desperately from the beginning. That's right, if the other party didn't control the Changle County Lord to drink, the Changle County Lord would not do it at all. Drunk, when the other party withdraws control, wouldn't it be discovered that Changle County Lord is not drunk and going crazy is very suspicious, so Changle County Lord must be really drunk, so that she can control the other party to talk nonsense, and others will I believe that she went crazy because she drank too much. At the same time, because Changle County Lord was drunk, he would not find out that he controlled her afterwards. He only thought that he was drunk. What a nonsense.

Obviously this secret person has considered things very carefully, even taking into account such small details. He is a person who should not be underestimated.

Thinking of this, An Ran looked at Wang Guifei sitting next to Emperor Yong'an, wanting to see the look on her face.

If it was under her control and Changle County Lord was not hit, she would probably have strange emotions, right?

But... An Ran looked around and saw nothing wrong with Concubine Wang's face. She still smiled coquettishly and raised her glass to drink with Emperor Yong'an.

An Ran looked at her and couldn't help but frown, thinking to herself, isn't it her? Or does she hide it deeply and remain calm?

It seems she still needs to observe.

"The host you created to break the confusion is being disturbed by someone's spiritual power. Breaking the confusion has saved the other party from this harm."

The next reminder message appeared three more times, all when the Changle County Lord wanted to drink.

After three times, the man stopped attacking. I don't know if he was frustrated or because he had lost his spiritual power.

After that, until the end of the banquet, the man did not continue to attack the Lord of Changle County. This made An Ran sigh in relief, because breaking obstacles is not always useful. After all, magic weapons also need energy support. Without energy, they will definitely not be used. , and inside this thing, there is a small magic circle, which can slowly provide the spiritual energy needed to restore the magic weapon after resisting attacks. However, if it is attacked continuously, the automatic recovery will definitely not be able to keep up with the consumption speed, and the magic weapon will be useless by then. Unless she uses spiritual stones or fills it with spiritual energy herself, but it is a banquet now and it is not convenient to do this.

So it was lucky that the other party only attacked three times and then stopped attacking. Otherwise, in order to protect the Lord of Changle County, she would have to find a way to help her break through the obstacles and replenish her spiritual energy.

After returning from the palace, An Ran saw that the Lord of Changle County was in a good mood and did not feel sad because of meeting Prince Jianning. He couldn't help but feel relieved, secretly saying that it seemed that the Lord of Changle County had come out of the haze of this matter. As long as he didn't feel sad in the future, Unlucky, if I can find a good marriage for her, she will still be able to live a good life in the future, and in this way my mission will be completed.

Thinking of this, An Ran couldn't help but feel very good.

"Your Highness seems to be in a good mood." Cheng Wei said with a smile as he dropped a black chess piece.

An Ran looked at his bet, picked up a white piece, and played it casually. It was just to kill time anyway, so there was no need to think too much.

After listening to Cheng Wei's words, An Ran smiled and said: "I am in a good mood every day."

Playing chess with Cheng Wei was naturally not brought up by An Ran, but by Cheng Wei.

Today, Cheng Wei came to give lessons to the second young master. After the meeting, he assigned homework to the second young master. Since it was still early for lunch, Cheng Wei saw An Ran walking in the garden and said he wanted to play a game with An Ran.

Naturally, An Ran would not refuse such a trivial matter, lest it be uneconomical for the future powerful minister to bear a grudge over such a trivial matter.

So that's the reason why the two of them are playing chess here right now.

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