Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 624 The Best Actor’s Hidden Marriage Ex-Wife 8

Yan Yue was not surprised when An Ran agreed. After all, he knew that few people could refuse his invitation. This was not narcissism, but a fact. Of course, he did not know that An Ran agreed to him and was not unable to refuse him. invitation, but for another reason.

What the two of them said was not heard by others. After all, An Ran came here just now and deliberately avoided people. Fortunately, no one heard it. Otherwise, if one knew that An Ran had received Yan Yue's invitation to have a meal together, it wouldn't be possible. The few extras will probably be jealous to death.

Although they didn't hear what the two of them were talking about at this time, when work was done in the afternoon and everyone was preparing to go back for dinner, Yan Yue walked towards An Ran. When the two of them walked together, many people still guessed that Yan Yue was probably inviting An Ran to dinner. , there are still many extras who are jealous at the moment. You know, these girls will come to apply for the extras in Yan Yue's house, just for Yan Yue. Now seeing Yan Yue having dinner with one of them, I have to say that I feel unhappy. Jealousy, that's impossible. After all, how can anyone bear to have their favorite idol be with someone else?

Some people just let it go and were secretly jealous, but some people felt uncomfortable and picked up their mobile phones, took pictures of An Ran and Yan Yue leaving together, and the previous scenes of An Ran walking towards Yan Yue, and posted them online. , many of them also had eye-catching titles, such as the male god Yan Yue having an appointment with a beautiful woman, etc., which gave people a wrong feeling, that is, it was An Ran who took the initiative to hook up with Yan Yue in the past and wanted to bring hatred to An Ran.

Needless to say, it really aroused a lot of hatred, and people began to use An Ran's identity.

Because an insider provided intelligence, An Ran's identity was quickly exposed by angry fans.

Of course, no one found out about An Ran's marriage to Du Yu. What the Moon People (Yan Yue's fans call themselves the Moon) revealed was just that An Ran was Miss N Country. This revelation made the Moon People angry with CRY. , one or two people started to curse on the Internet.

"You're just an outdated little star who dares to seduce my Yueyue family. Just get out of here as far as your thoughts go!"

"This woman was obviously a Miss N country in the past. She can get a lot of roles. Even if she can't get many roles, she can always get supporting roles in low-cost productions. She doesn't take roles that are obviously supporting roles. But she deliberately ran into the crew of Yue Yue and acted as an extra in Yue Yue's side. Even a fool knows what she was thinking. She was just like the other women in the extras who were getting more and more aggressive towards us. She was really a shameless woman. !”

"Even if I'm not here for Yue Yue himself, I'm here for Yue Yue's popularity. I want to take advantage of Yue Yue's popularity!"

"That's right, any fool knows what she wants to do."

Everyone became more and more angry as they talked, and then someone suggested, "I think we should form a group and go to the crew. If we meet her then, we should deal with her."

This suggestion immediately received responses from many people. Someone immediately agreed and said, "Okay, let's go together and see what kind of devil that woman is."

Of course, there were also rational voices, saying that depending on the situation, Yan Yue had invited the other party, and it was best not to go there and make trouble, lest the male god would be unhappy. However, these rational voices were quickly drowned out by the comments of true fans who were blinded by jealousy. Inside.

Due to the exposure of some members of the crew, not only Yan Yue's fans noticed the existence of An Ran, but because Yan Yue is a popular niche, any topic or even any action will be on the hot search, even the original cheap ex-husband was I noticed it because of the hot search, and I couldn't help but be surprised. I never expected that my outdated ex-wife could be related to a famous person like Yan Yue, and it seemed that it was really not an ordinary relationship, but really ambiguous. .

Although Du Yu had announced his relationship with Li Lu at this time, he should not be concerned about his ex-wife's affairs, but this was not the case at all. As soon as he saw the news, he felt very unhappy. Of course, he was not jealous, but He didn't expect his ex-wife to find someone with better conditions than him. After all, he thought, since he had good conditions, he would definitely find someone good after the divorce, but with Qiao Anran's conditions, if he left him, he would definitely not find anything good again. , in this case, when I think of it, I will naturally feel better.

As a result, he was now slapped in the face by reality, and he naturally felt unhappy. After all, who wants to see his ex-wife find a man with better conditions than himself.

So now I saw these news, and seeing that some fans were unhappy, they bought trolls to add fuel to the flames, and tried to blackmail An Ran and Yan Yue to death - although Yan Yue was not with An Ran at all for the time being, and he might not be with An Ran in the future. At the same time, it does not prevent Du Yu from starting to attack Enron from this time on, to nip it in the bud.

Because there were trolls adding fuel to the flames, Yan Yue's fans naturally became more and more agitated. Even some fans who were relatively sane were brainwashed by the trolls and became disgusted with An Ran and agreed to cause trouble for An Ran.

So not long after, many fans gathered outside the crew, ready to find trouble with An Ran.

Of course, An Ran didn't know what was happening online, and she still did her thing as usual.

But at this time, something happened to Yan Yue again.

The murderer had not yet been found in the last incident involving Wia. This time, the car was involved in an accident. Someone had tampered with it, and the brakes almost failed, causing the car to crash and kill everyone.

Fortunately, he was safely in the car at the time and rescued him, otherwise something would definitely have happened.

The reason why An Ran was in the car at that time was because Yan Yue invited her to dinner again, and An Ran couldn't refuse, so they were together. Of course, the main reason was because An Ran wanted to get in touch with Yan Yue, so she didn't push her hard enough. Because of the refusal, otherwise, if she really didn’t want to eat with anyone, she would definitely not agree.

It was Yan Yue who was driving the car at that time, not the driver - which was lucky. If there was a driver, An Ran would not be able to save the two people. I was afraid that even if Yan Yue was saved, the driver would die - it was still driving. Yan Yue's expression turned serious as he was talking and laughing.

An Ran looked at it and knew that something must have happened. She couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong?"

Yan Yue was afraid that An Ran would be worried, so he didn't want to say anything, but after taking a look at her, he found that she was quite calm and had a desire to talk, so he couldn't help but say it, "The brakes failed."

An Ran couldn't help but look solemn after hearing this. They were on a busy street outside the film and television base where the crew was located. If something happened, they shouldn't hit a big blockbuster.

She did have the ability to hold Yan Yue and jump out of the window to survive, but when the car crashed on the street, no matter whether it was Yan Yue's responsibility or not, and someone died, Yan Yue couldn't think of a good ending - Not to mention stardom, even getting shot is possible.

So it's best to stop the car safely.

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