Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 616 Reborn Girl 54 (End)

This naturally made Mrs. Chengyi feel depressed. After all, she originally expected to take over the power in the house after her husband died. However, she only held the power for a few years. The life in the house became more and more difficult because of her son's prodigality. It's better to find a rich daughter-in-law with great difficulty, but the family's money is not given to her, and the financial situation of the house is still getting worse day by day. In the end, she is said to be unable to manage the house, and the house is declining day by day. , taking away her power, she naturally felt even worse.

But I also thought, this house is difficult to manage, and it is running out of money every day. She can just take it if she wants it. How can she take care of it when she sees it? She didn't believe that this cheap daughter-in-law could control her lawless son. If she couldn't, the family would be out of money in a few days. Even if she supplemented the family with her dowry, she wouldn't be able to withstand her son's defeat. .

So Mrs. Chengyi not only didn't think about what she would do in the future, but instead gloated and waited to see her daughter-in-law's joke.

As a result...she didn't see it as a joke at all.

At first, the girl really wanted to take care of him, but in the end she found that she couldn't take care of him at all, so she stopped taking care of her son.

She saw that the girl couldn't control it, so she was gloating about her misfortune. But one day, when her son was riding a horse with a group of dandies, he fell off the horse's head. He didn't die, but he was paralyzed. He could only stay in the house and could not go out. Now But the family can't be defeated.

Mrs. Chengyi, who has read many TV novels, simply does not believe that her son accidentally fell off the horse's head. She always felt that it was the cheap daughter-in-law who did it. However, because she could not find any evidence, she had no choice but to leave it alone.

But later, Mrs. Chengxin, who believed that her daughter-in-law was the one doing the trick, couldn't help but often go against her daughter-in-law and try to cause trouble for her when she saw her son lying on the bed so pitifully.

But she couldn't compete with that girl. Not only was she smart, but her family members were also very smart because they were in business. So An Ran soon heard about it, saying that Mrs. Chengyi was in poor health and closed the door to thank guests—— In fact, she was imprisoned by her daughter-in-law. There was no one in her family who could help her anyway, so no one rescued her even after she was imprisoned.

Mrs. Chengyi really never thought that after living for three lives, she thought that after traveling through time and being reborn, she would definitely be able to live a life of her own with unlimited scenery in this life. However, she did not expect that after adding up the previous and later, she had lived happily for hundreds of years, and she was still alive. She couldn't fight against a little girl in her early twenties, so she was imprisoned. She was so angry that she almost vomited blood. But no matter how angry she was, she couldn't do anything to her daughter-in-law while being watched. She could only be imprisoned until death. .

Mrs. Chengyi ended up like this. I originally wanted to punish Mrs. Chengyi and make her as miserable as possible so that I could be happy and happy. But seeing the end of Mrs. Chengyi, I stopped because she didn't need anything. If you do it, the other party will already end badly.

As for the Crown Prince's wife, there is no need to deal with it.

That day, the title was gone, and Mrs. Chengyi kicked her out of the house. She didn’t have much money on hand. In these years of fighting with Mrs. Chengyi, under An Ran’s arrangement, she spent a lot of money. She had already spent almost all her money on her private house. She couldn't bear to spend money on her private house, but she couldn't bear the thought of making Mrs. Chengyi angry, so every time she needed to spend money to make Mrs. Chengyi angry, Mrs. Prince couldn't help but spend the money as An Ran wanted, and spent her time. After a long time, the money was naturally spent - because the husband lost his title, he was in a bad mood, indulged in wine and sex, numbed himself, and spent money lavishly from time to time. So soon after leaving the house, life became tight. If the Crown Prince's wife hadn't known that the house they lived in couldn't be sold, or the speed at which the couple was spending money, I'd be afraid that the place where they lived would soon be sold, and then leave the capital. If they still maintain the habit of spending money in the future, they have to It's getting worse.

Because the prince's wife did not sell the house, although their family lived a tight life, they were still in the imperial city, but their life was worse than that of An Ran's family.

In general, Uncle Chengyi's sons, not to mention his previous son, could not get enough to eat. The third son was the one whose wife poisoned An Ran. Before his father died, his wife died. After getting married, he had to beg for a wife, spent a lot of money, and his life was not very good. Not to mention Madam Chengyi’s son, who was suspected to have been disabled by his wife and collapsed on the bed, the end would definitely not be good either. There are two others, and their lives are also very ordinary. Anyway, they are a little worse than An Ran. There is no way, after going through so many worlds, An Ran will have more money on hand than others.

So it was clear that Luo Li was in the worst situation back then - his biological mother died young, and he was a little transparent - but in the end, it was Luo Li who had the best life. Pretty good.

Luo Li often looked at the miserable situation of his brother's family, and then looked at his own family's money, which was getting more and more year by year. However, his son still had a lot of potential. He was admitted to the Juren Examination, and with An Ran's activities, he got a seventh-rank job in Beijing. Official position, although the seventh rank is only a minor official in the capital, he has finally slipped into the circle of officials again, and is no longer from a white family.

Because the situation at home is getting better year by year, Luo Li is in a very good mood, and he likes An Ran more and more. He thinks that it is really thanks to his good wife at home, otherwise he doesn't know what will happen to his family at his level. development.

The husband and wife are loving and the family conditions are getting better and better. An Ran thought that the original person should be satisfied with such a result.

Sure enough, when she returned to reality after a hundred years in this world, the mission was completed as always, and the original person also gave her a five-star rating.

Speaking of which, although she felt good after seeing the mission completed and gaining health points, the feeling of the world dying each time was really uncomfortable, so in the past few missions, when she was about to die, she just bought colorless and odorless, There is no difference in the appearance of death, and the person who takes it will not suffer any pain before passing away. Although the price is a bit expensive, the product of the future technological world is guaranteed to be painless. It is better than the beginning, she Waiting to die stupidly, sometimes it is much better to die in discomfort.

There are already several worlds where An Ran has not seen the unfinished plot. This time, he saw that this world has unfinished plot, so he clicked to watch it - the reason why there are several unfinished plots is mainly because An Ran felt that he As long as the mission is completed and a five-star rating is obtained, it doesn't have to be spent so much life points. Look at the unfinished plot. Her curiosity is not that heavy anyway. It would be better not to spend that life points. Who wants to follow the mission? The level is getting higher and higher, and the life points required to check the unfinished plot are also getting higher and higher. An Ran feels a little distressed, so he doesn't want to spend it.

Needless to say, the unfinished plot this time was that in a world without An Ran helping Mrs. Prince and Mrs. Chengyi to fight, Mrs. Chengyi naturally had the laugh all the way to the end, and Mrs. Prince basically couldn't do anything to her.

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