Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 55 Handkerchief 16

The family seemed to be making money - the people from Shen Cang's faction told them that they could seek compensation from the second roommate of the Shen family - and they didn't have to worry about Mr. Shen Er's nephew and Ding Guo Gong coming to trouble them - Shen Cang was afraid that the other party would be jealous of him. They did not dare to sue the powerful people, so the people who sent them told them that what they did was legitimate, and if Ding Guogong dared to cause trouble with them, the censor would impeach him. This settled their hearts. Thinking of being able to earn a large amount of compensation, he also felt sorry for the unknown death of his own girl. After all, he was willing to sell his daughter to Mr. Shen Er as his concubine in the hope that the Shen family could help his daughter escape from the poverty trap at home and become popular. He was selling spicy food to live a good life and gain a big backer. He didn't want to send the girl to die, so he immediately set off to the second fang's house.

Afraid of having long nights and many dreams, I went to the Yamen to complain.

If this family had no background and came to sue, the yamen would probably find the matter difficult as soon as they heard that they were going to sue Uncle Ding Guogong and his family, for fear of offending Ding Guogong.

However, not long after the local magistrate received the complaint, he received word from above that they were told to try whatever they wanted without worrying about the Dingguo government.

The local magistrate couldn't figure out whether this was the order of Duke Dingguo or someone who had a quarrel with Duke Dingguo. He thought that he was not allowed to do anything bad anyway, but that he was allowed to do whatever he wanted to be tried, so that no matter which party it was. As the men and horses ordered, he should be fine, so he settled down and tried the case.

This was a simple case. There were many witnesses and physical evidence that day. The body had just been buried. The cause of death was quickly discovered after digging it up. Therefore, the local magistrate sentenced Mrs. Shen Er to three years in prison, and also sentenced the Shen family to compensate Ji. My concubine's family had one hundred taels of silver, and the Shen family brought up the name of Ding Guogong Shen Cang, but the county magistrate paid no attention to it.

One hundred taels may sound like a small amount, but for the concubine Ji's family, who is not in a very good condition, it is obviously a lot of income. The concubine Ji's family can't help but be happy, thinking that this trip is worth it.

Because the county magistrate ignored the Shen family's mention of Shen Cang's name, Mr. Shen had no choice but to send people to Beijing to ask for help from Shen Cang and at the same time give the money to the concubine Ji's family - he couldn't do it without giving it, and the other party kept blocking it. At the door of Shen's house, it was said that the Shen family had beaten their girl to death, which caused a lot of discussion among the neighbors. Mr. Shen couldn't bear it, so naturally he had to admit it.

Shen Cang, who planned this incident, would naturally not help Mrs. Shen Er because Master Shen Er asked for help. He would only ask the servant to bring back a message saying that the matter should be handled in accordance with the law and that he had no right to interfere.

Mr. Shen Er saw that Mrs. Shen Er could not be saved, but he also paid a hundred taels of silver as compensation. He was in a bad mood and cursed Mrs. Shen Er in his heart as a prodigal woman. If she hadn't offended Shen Cang in the first place, he wouldn't have let Shen Cang do it. Cang Jian refused to save her, and waited until Mrs. Shen Er came out of prison to see if he would beat her hard to calm her down.

——Actually, what he didn't know was that Shen Cang ordered people to "entertain" Mrs. Shen Er well in prison. How could Mrs. Shen Er, who had been pampered and pampered for many years, endure this pain? She didn't even wait until the three-year term expired and died of illness. In prison, he had no chance to cause trouble to Mrs. Shen Er.

In fact, he himself was in trouble - Shen Cang found out that although Mr. Shen Er and others were not the masterminds in the matter of seizing his family property, they had done a lot to add fuel to the flames. Apart from anything else, Shen Hai helped Mrs. Shen to win Lu Lian's appetite, and Miss Shen also helped Mrs. Shen act as a lobbyist in front of Lu Lian. As for Mr. Shen, not to mention, he knew everything about Mrs. Shen. After all, they are husband and wife. How could Mrs. Shen Er dare to do such a big thing without telling him? However, Mr. Shen Er, who also covets Shen Cang's property, has never stopped Mrs. Shen Cang. In other words, these people are not innocent either.

After knowing that they were not innocent, Shen Cang would not let them go easily and gave them great gifts one by one.

After Mr. Shen Er lost his concubine, he could not live without a woman. If he bought another concubine and kept it at home for a long time, it would cost money. It would be boring to have only one person for a long time, but he would not be able to afford a few more. So Mr. Shen Er simply didn't have any concubines. If he needed a woman, he went to a brothel to deal with it - and then he contracted the disease and passed away not long after.

Chen Hai changed from a noble son in the capital to a "poor boy" (relatively speaking) in the countryside. He could not adapt to this kind of life. He was seduced into gambling as a way to vent his depressed mood. In the end, he lost his mind and lost money. My sister was all sold because she owed a huge gambling debt, and finally escaped without a trace. I don’t know whether she is alive or dead.

Master Shen Er suffered from Hualiu disease and Shen Hai became a gambler. This was all due to Shen Cang's handiwork. As for Miss Shen being sold, although it was not Shen Cang's fault, it had something to do with Shen Cang. After all, if Shen Hai hadn't become a gambler, Miss Shen would have been a gambler. Nor will it be sold.

An Ran soon heard about the fate of Erfang and his family, and had no sympathy at all. After all, who would sympathize with a person who was planning to poison himself.

Without the second wife and her family causing trouble in the house, Anran's safety was much better. After that, Anran gave birth to three boys and two girls for Shen Cang (not that she wanted to keep having children, there were no birth control pills in ancient times, so there was no way), and she also achieved some success in martial arts, at least fighting A dozen ordinary people wouldn't be a problem.

And because she did not make peace with Shen Cang, her family was naturally not suppressed by the emperor. In addition, with Shen Cang's help and support, her father and brother got along well in the end. An Ran thought that she should have fulfilled her original wish.

Sure enough, when he woke up from bed again, the evaluation of this mission was still five stars, but no new functions were opened. At the same time, there were unfinished plots in this mission world. An Ran endured it, but couldn't help but spend it. I looked at the health value for 1 day.

However, after the death of the original person, things did not develop as smoothly as Lu Lian thought - her son died of illness soon, and she only had such a son, and the others were all daughters. Naturally, she could not adopt another one for Shen Cang, and she She did not want the bastard son born to a woman in her husband's backyard to be adopted by Shen Cang, lest the bastard son and his biological mother would climb over her after inheriting the title in the future. When she was sad, Shen Hai brought back a child from outside, saying that he was an orphan in the clan. , has no father or mother, he can pretend to be the child of his concubine in the backyard, raise it in her name, and adopt it to Shen Cang, so that Shen Cang can help find a heir apparent in the future, and the same is true.

Lu Lian thought that this child was better than those bastards in the house whose biological mothers were still alive. After some investigation, she found that it was indeed an orphan in the clan and not the child of Shen Hai's woman outside, so she agreed.

Soon, as Lu Lian wished, Shen Cang helped the child find a prince. Soon after, Shen Cang passed away, and the child inherited the title and became a marquis.

Just when Lu Lian was thinking that although this child was not born to her, she had grown up with her and was almost her own child. If the child became a marquis, she would be able to live a good life. Lu Lian had no intention of I discovered that the newly minted Marquis went to a manor from time to time, and found his husband and a woman there - that woman was actually the biological mother of the child he adopted! The outer room kept by my husband!

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