Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 452 The woman who was transported through time 13

Although Enron did this without any fanfare, let alone telling anyone, in the Internet age, nothing can be hidden, and soon, someone exposed this matter.

I heard that An Ran sued several big Vs for spreading rumors and defamation, demanding an apology and eliminating the impact. If An Ran had just come here, I'm afraid there would have been a lot of ridicule. She felt that she was the kind of person those people said, so how could she spread rumors and defamation? .

But at this time, because Anran already had many fans, when she accused those big Vs who spread rumors, someone said: "To be honest, saying that Xiao Anran is a mistress is indeed a bit too much. After all, who doesn't know? Yu Shaoxin doesn’t have a serious girlfriend at all.”

"I agree. Who did Xiao Anran cheat on? This is obviously a rumor to slander her. No wonder she sued them."

"That's right, the big Vs who support Xiao Anran's lawsuit against these nonsense people have spread countless rumors, and they should be punished."

There are many words of support like this, and there are far less abuses like when Enron first entered the world of work.

Just when Enron was filing a lawsuit, Yu Shaoxin, who was labeled stingy by netizens, was really angry.

But it was a pity that after he thought about it, he seemed to have not given Xiao Anran anything more than five million. It turned out that Yu Shaoxin was not a particularly generous donor. In this way, he couldn't even defend himself. I can watch helplessly as netizens put "Yu Shaoxin stingy" on the hot search list.

Naturally, he didn't want others to talk about him like this, so he spent money to suppress the news.

Although suppressed, after this incident, which netizen does not know that Yu Shaoxin is stingy.

Yu Shaoxin naturally thought of this and couldn't help but feel aggrieved.

He also didn't expect that a stupid vase that he didn't like at all, so he just dumped it, when he dumped it, others swarmed over Xiao Anran, held him up, and finally separated from Xiao Anran's candy. , which made him relieved. At the same time, he thought that the matter was over, and he would not be involved with Xiao Anran in the future.

As a result, a few months later, he became not only a life-saving hero, but also the first person in the Go world, defeating the artificial intelligence black and white. Various achievements made him the object of ridicule. This change is why Shaoxin never thought about it. No wonder he felt aggrieved, because he really never thought that Xiao Anran could turn over to such an extent. Under the circumstances, even he was implicated.

Feeling angry, Yu Shaoxin went to Xiao Anran, wanting to argue with her and ask her to make a statement to save his reputation, otherwise he would threaten her because of her good looks.

As a result, when he went to Xiao Anran's residence, the building was already empty. The landlord told Yu Shaoxin that Xiao Anran had checked out and left.

Yu Shaoxin thought about it. Xiao Anran used the bonus earned from playing chess and paid back the compensation from XX Film and Television Company. There was still a lot of money left. He probably used the money to buy a house and a new place to live. Because I moved to a new home.

At that moment, Yu Shaoxin went to check the location of Anran's new house.

Just when Yu Shaoxin was checking where An Ran was, An Ran was carrying a bag and came to the gate of the special forces where Li Si was.

It turned out that after settling the debt of XX Film and Television Company, he was debt-free and then sued those big Vs. Enron just entrusted a lawyer to help him with the lawsuit and did not keep an eye on it. Instead, after the matter was settled, he would follow the previous rules. She planned to call Li Si and told him that she wanted to be a soldier, and asked him if she still needed the army at her age.

When Li Si heard that she wanted to join the army, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and immediately said that it was no problem and he would make arrangements.

After some investigation, it was found that due to his good background, good academic background, and previous rescue actions, the military approved An Ran's application and allowed An Ran to join the army smoothly.

Then because the military knew that An Ran was good at martial arts, not long after he entered, he was selected from the new recruits into the special forces to perform various dangerous tasks.

When people in the entertainment industry saw Enron's information in the news again, it was already three years later.

In this world, there is too much information, and people are always forgetful. When people saw the shadow of An Ran in a sniper terrorist attack, the video played for a long time, and no one recognized whether it was An Ran or a certain person. Netizens felt that the person looked familiar, and after careful comparison, they discovered that this female special forces soldier with neat short hair was actually the so-called flower vase Xiao Anran with long flowing hair.

After that person pointed it out, everyone checked again and found that it was indeed her, which caused a sensation.

Everyone did not expect that after An Ran defeated Black and White, he did not develop into the chess world, but went to the army.

It was precisely because the contrast was so great that it caused a sensation.

Although we know that An Ran went to the army, due to the information age, everyone's attention is always attracted by new affairs, so except for a few people who are paying attention to An Ran's situation, most people slowly forgot about An Ran after this video.

But every time when everyone is about to forget about An Ran, An Ran will always appear in the public eye again. Sometimes she is seen in the video of sniping terrorists, sometimes she appears in the military award ceremony, and netizens always make her appear. It's hard to forget her completely.

What surprised everyone was that as time went by, almost every time An Ran appeared, his military rank would rise. This made everyone marvel and said that they had never seen people from the entertainment industry being able to serve as special forces in the army. , can still do such a good job, Xiao Anran's tricks are simply opening up a new century, which is unimaginable.

There is no need for An Ran to exaggerate, she has basically helped her original name to recover, because after she fought back against the terrorists and saved people, not many people complained about her; when she defeated the artificial intelligence black and white, this kind of There were even fewer voices; and at this time, An Ran, who had repeatedly made military exploits and was promoted like a rocket, netizens would naturally not go over her old scores and continue to say weird things, even if some people still wanted to hype Xiao Anran as a mistress. If you do that, you will be scolded as a slut.

When the time-traveling girl was a star in the entertainment industry, even if she was not actually a mistress, not many people were willing to speak up for her if people were so slanderous to her.

When An Ran was a well-known special soldier with many military exploits, and someone said she was a mistress, someone immediately spoke up for her, pointing out that she was no longer a mistress. Of course, what's worse, some people felt that Yu Shaoxin was not worthy at all. It would be good to go to An Ran and get rid of An Ran, otherwise it would be too much of a waste to see such an excellent An Ran and be assigned to such a dude who messes around all day long, has a look of indulgence on his face, and has no ability.

Especially as time went by, after Yu Shaoxin got married and still had sex outside, everyone started talking about Yu Shaoxin more and more, feeling that An Ran had made a mistake by not marrying him.

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