Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 449 The woman who was transported through time 10

"... Damn it, I didn't believe it at first that it was really Xiao Anran who played it, but now it seems like it was really her. It seems like she can't play chess at such a bad level."

"What kind of bad level is there? Nowadays, artificial intelligence doesn't talk about fixed rules at all. People can win by playing casually. This has created a new model of Go. Xiao Anran's level is not called bad level, it is called adaptability. None of those great gods are like her. He has such adaptability, so if you say his level is bad, just based on his adaptability, he is at a high level."

"Nonsense, don't I know? Didn't I add the word 'seems'?"

"Actually, it's not that Xiao Anran is adaptable. Those great masters don't have the adaptability like her. It's because professional masters are used to playing chess and it's hard to break habits. But Xiao Anran is afraid that he doesn't have the habit of playing chess as many as them. It’s a set habit, so it’s normal to adapt faster than them.”

As netizens clamored, An Ran and Black and White once again fought to a draw.

In fact, An Ran also wanted to win, but it was just that it was inextricable from the black and white killing, and then it became a draw.

In fact, Anron knows that if there is enough space and enough chess pieces, he will lose if he continues to play like this. Because it is very simple. When he made random moves before, the artificial intelligence could not react, so sometimes he would make bad moves and expand himself. territory.

But when the territory expands to a certain extent, Black and White will be able to discover the appearance of her entire chess game. At this time, the artificial intelligence operator's containment capabilities will come up, and no matter how much her brain is supported by internal forces, it will not be like ordinary people. In this way, the chess ability will decrease due to fatigue, but in the end it is no better than a computer that can calculate the best chess path in seconds. Therefore, if the territory expands and there are still chess pieces, I am afraid that I will not be able to play black and white.

But it's a pity that usually by the time Black and White realizes that she has completed the game, she has almost finished the game. It wants to encircle it, but even if it encircles part of it, it doesn't encircle all of it. As a result, she still succeeds in achieving her goal.

No one expected that Xiao Anran could really draw a tie with Black and White. If they had doubts at first, no one had any doubts now - now everyone was sure that Xiao Anran was indeed playing chess well.

"I really didn't expect that Xiao Anran could really tie with Black and White. I didn't know before that besides being good-looking and good at martial arts, Xiao Anran could also play Go!"

“I didn’t expect that +1”

“Unexpectedly +2”

“Unexpectedly +3”


"She knows so much, she's so awesome, she's like the all-powerful queen! I almost worship her. That Yu Shaoxin who only knows how to spend my money and hang out with young models and Internet celebrities all day long is not good enough for her. Well, I don’t know what Xiao Anran thinks, that he would actually fall in love with Yu Shaoxin. With Xiao Anran’s abilities, he doesn’t need to marry into a wealthy family, and he can become a wealthy family himself.”

"I guess my brain was flooded for a while. Now that I've been hit by Yu Shaoxin, I seem to be awake. That's good."

——Actually, it’s almost like water has entered the brain. Of course, it’s not really water, but the brain is occupied by souls from another world.

In fact, An Ran is not as relaxed as netizens thought. The live broadcast of the battle still puts a certain amount of psychological pressure on her. She is very afraid that she will make a mistake and lose the chess. Then forget it, she will lose five million, and her reputation will not be restored. , I'm afraid it will get worse, which is not what she wants to see.

Fortunately it worked!

Looking at the overwhelming praise on the Internet, there are far fewer yin and yang people than last time. I can't help but feel happy, thinking that I agreed to the public competition. It seems that I agreed. At least, I have killed two birds with one stone. I have won the guaranteed money and can clear my name. Reputation, good.

After returning, Anran was preparing to have a good rest for the day and prepare for the last round of challenges the day after tomorrow. Suddenly she found an unknown number on her mobile phone looking for her. Anran was afraid that someone wanted to find her, so she dialed that number.

A familiar voice sounded.

"An Ran, what have you been busy with lately?"

It turned out that it was the original agent, oh no, the former agent Zhou Meijuan who was looking for her.

An Ran couldn't help but sneer after hearing her voice. She remembered how this woman made things difficult for her back then, and how she added insult to injury after the time-travel girl was dumped by Yu Shaoxin. She was definitely worthy of what the original person said. A person who was seeking revenge. For such a person, An Ran didn't want to waste words with her at the moment and hung up the phone directly.

Zhou Meijuan also didn't expect that Xiao Anran was so courageous and dared to hang up the phone on her. You must know that in the past, even if Xiao Anran got close to Yu Shaoxin, she would not dare to do this to herself before she had completely dealt with him.

I didn't expect that now I'm no longer with Yu Shaoxin, and I don't have Yu Shaoxin as my backer. Not only did I not be more respectful to myself, I actually dared to hang up on her. What else is it if I don't have the guts?

But that's right, now that he has terminated his contract with his employer, it's normal for him not to take him seriously.

What's more, she had heroes who saved people before her, and many deeds in the war between Black and White. Her reputation was getting better and better, and it was normal for her not to be afraid of her. It was just that she was used to Xiao Anran's respectful attitude towards her in the past. Now that it has become like this, she is not used to it.

In fact, as early as when An Ran was a hero who saved people and became popular, his former employer had thought about continuing to sign Xiao Anran. After all, An Ran had already cleared most of his name by saving people. Her words are beneficial and harmless.

I just didn't expect An Ran to say that he wanted to quit the entertainment industry. He contacted An Ran on the sidelines and found out that he really planned to quit the entertainment industry, so he gave up the idea.

But I didn't expect that Enron would be such a big hit this time, so the former employer once again had the idea of ​​​​signing Enron.

They never thought that after Xiao Anran left them, not only did his life not get worse, but his reputation became better and better each time, which made them somewhat unacceptable. They thought about how this could happen, so they sent Zhou Meijuan to contact Anran to find out. Let's see if we can coax An Ran back.

However, this strategy is obviously wrong. It seems that this is a plan not to turn back.

Zhou Meijuan's idea is obviously positive. After all, if Anron wants to turn around, he won't run around for five million. Now that he can collect five million and return it to his former employer, how can he return it? She had no intention of continuing in the entertainment industry. Even if she planned to continue in the entertainment industry, she would not go back.

So when Zhou Meijuan changed her mobile phone number again, An Ran still refused to answer her call. After several times, Zhou Meijuan saw that she couldn't contact An Ran, so she gave it up and told the company leader about the matter. She also deliberately added fuel to the fire and said so. An Ran said a lot of bad things just to prevent the company from recruiting An Ran back. After all, the person she had laughed at before had become famous now. She was afraid that the other person would come back, slap her in the face and embarrass herself, so naturally she didn't want An Ran to come back. .

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