Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 434 The heroine has a red envelope group 14

In fact, the officials have always known that Ding Yue has not left the country, because the garbage Ding Yue took out in the countryside was soon found. She knew that she could not stay in one place for a long time. Once she took out the garbage once, she had to leave immediately. If she stayed there, she would be afraid that she would not be able to leave once the officials discovered her, so she often exchanged shots for shots. Now that she was in the city, Ding Yue did the same thing. In order to prevent the officials from finding her, she even ran to Linshi to commit suicide. .

The officials really couldn't find her for a while because of what she did. Fortunately, there are good things waiting for them to study from time to time. Those advanced products are really fascinating to see, which somewhat relieves the depression of not finding Ding Yue.

The government has made a lot of good things in recent years, but because they are very useful, they are all used for military purposes. Although there are some for civilian use, they are very few, but they are very few things, and they have also brought earth-shaking changes to the people. The change.

A simple example, personal terminals have achieved tremendous development.

In the past, Country N said that it would build personal terminals that would integrate functions such as electronic ID cards, bank cards, social security, communications, etc., but it has never been done well. Now with the support of Interstellar Technology - there are many personal terminals among those garbage Product - This thing has been produced and the effect is very good. The country will implement it immediately.

This alone has brought great benefits to the people. Not to mention anything else, the online person tracing function has greatly reduced the occurrence of abduction and trafficking of women and children.

People searching for people upload DNA. If you think you are an abducted child, you can also upload DNA. The system will automatically check for you whether you are related. In this case, what is the use of abducting a person? ? Unless you don't give someone an ID card, once you do so and wear such a thing, you have abducted the child. One day, if the biological parents are found, they may leave.

It is impossible not to apply for an ID card for people, because now is not the backward time a few decades ago. Now, no matter how remote the place, it is impossible not to apply for an ID card.

Don't even think about getting an ID card. You think if you don't educate your children, they won't know how to find relatives if they can't read. Now that compulsory education is universal, children are not allowed to go to school, and they become out-of-school children. A lot of people come to talk to you, and you don't want to give them anything. Children can't even read it.

In this way, even if trafficking is easy, buyers still dare not buy for fear that the children will find their own relatives and run away in the future. So wouldn't they buy it in vain? And if there is no buying and selling, there will be no harm. If the buyer's market shrinks, there will naturally be less trafficking.

There is no need to talk about the trafficking of women. When trafficking comes, it is impossible not to wear an ID card, because most people, especially women, will set up an alarm system in order to protect themselves. If the person is separated from the ID card, call the police immediately. How do you kidnap someone? It is even more impossible to let people wear ID cards and traffic them. How risky is that?

Therefore, this invention alone has brought about earth-shaking changes in the lives of ordinary people. The world has become much more peaceful, especially women's sense of security has increased significantly. In the past, there was often social news about so-and-so running in the morning or night, and something happened. Now, with this kind of personal terminal, it is also greatly improved, because once something happens to a person, the system senses that the owner's signs of life disappear and will immediately call the police. They are afraid that the gangsters will be caught before they have time to escape, and the success rate of committing crimes is greatly reduced, which naturally makes the gangsters more honest.

In addition, it also acts as a deterrent to terrorists - if you throw it away, the authorities will immediately notice that something is wrong with you; if you wear it, you don’t have to think about it. The authorities have a backdoor with monitoring functions inside. Suspicious elements are always monitoring you, and you will probably be invited to tea before you can do anything evil.

So some unsafe places are much safer.

It is much safer and the people will naturally be happy.

Just such a small piece of future high-tech has brought about such a big change. The top management can't help but have high hopes for this garbage. Of course, they have even higher hopes for the red envelope group itself that can propose these garbage. The more and more I want to find Ding Yue so I can continue to study the red envelope group.

Not only Country N, but spies deployed by other countries have also received some information in recent years. They know that Country N has developed rapidly in science and technology in recent years. One thing is that they have not received the exact information. They do not know that the mysterious person in the news has already After being out of official control, they thought they were always under the official control. So in recent years, major countries have been putting pressure on Country N to release their people. They also secretly sent batch after batch of people to Country N to steal technology, for fear of fear. N country's high technologies are constantly emerging, which will be detrimental to them in the future.

No matter whether N country has people in its hands or not, it will naturally not pay attention to the noise of those countries. Of course, this is mainly because N country has relied on those garbage in recent years to develop some high technologies that are not available in this era, many of which can be applied. In terms of military affairs, Country N's military capabilities have actually increased significantly. This is why Country N is not afraid of noise from those countries.

In fact, one of the reasons for the rapid implementation of personal terminals is to quickly find Ding Yue, thinking that after everyone has to wear such a personal terminal, Ding Yue will be exposed as long as he is still in the country.

However, anything in the world can be cheated as long as someone can intervene. The same is true for Ding Yue's ID card. As long as the money is in place, it is not easy to find an insider to apply for a fake ID card. It is a matter of trafficking. It can be controlled through a personal terminal because the trafficked person will ask for help through the personal terminal. This is a fraud. As long as the wearer does not speak, who knows.

This is also the reason why Ding Yue has not been found despite the official actions.

Not only was Ding Yue not found, in fact, Ding Yue returned to the place where she lived before and was living a good life.

Wanting to clean up An Ran, Ding Yue naturally couldn't do anything. At that moment, Ding Yue took things from Country N and exchanged them for what he wanted. Then he took the things he wanted and found a way to exchange them for money. Take advantage of the price difference, slowly save money, and then invest in real estate - she doesn't know what other things can make money, that is, real estate. She knows that it will definitely rise in the future, so she invests in real estate when she has money.

Ding Yue thought that when she became a wealthy family, she would not interfere with Chen Anran's good marriage - of course, if the conditions of Chen Anran's marriage partner were average, then she would not care. After all, if the conditions were average, she would be with Chen Anran. They are just so good together, and they can still laugh at her for not marrying well - if she marries a tall, rich and handsome man, Chen Anran will see that she is doing much better than her. She is rich and her husband is not bad. She will probably be angry to death. Just like in his last life, he was so angry when he saw Chen Anran doing well.

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