Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 407 No money and not short of money 27

"That's what Aunt He said." Liu Lu said.

Aunt He is the steward wife that An Ran arranged to bring to Miss He Er. She is a very reliable person that she has observed for a long time.

"Then let her come in." An Ran said.

Since you can't guess what the happy event is, let people come in and ask them directly.

Then Grandma He came in with a smile on her face.

Seeing the other party's appearance, An Ran believed that there was indeed a big happy event, otherwise Aunt He would not be so happy.

After An Ran said hello to the other party, he asked Liu Lu to carry someone else. After the other party sat down, he asked: "Sister-in-law He, I heard that there is a happy event. I wonder what the happy event is?"

Then Nanny He smiled and said: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, gave the old man's title from the general of the country to the king of the county and the royal palace. After some repairs, he will be ready to move there. Then from now on , the young lady is now a member of the royal family, her status will definitely be higher, and the uncle's title will also be promoted from the general of the auxiliary country to the first-level general of the country. The salary and rank will be improved. Now everyone in the palace, They are all very happy. Now everyone in the family over there says that the young lady is a lucky star. When she gets married, her family will grow up a level."

Miss He Er married the eldest son of the general of the state. According to the Wei dynasty, the eldest son of the general of the state was still the general of the state. He would not be demoted for two generations. Therefore, because of his age, the husband of the second girl of He, He has already taken the title of general of the auxiliary country. Now, his grandfather has become the county king. Although his father is not the eldest son, but only the legitimate son, so the future throne will have nothing to do with him, but he can also be promoted to the state. General, and his father has become a general of the country. As the eldest son, my uncle will naturally become a general of the country in the future and will inherit his descendants. It is no wonder that Miss He Er is happy about such a good thing and sends Aunt He over to tell the good news. .

Listening to Aunt He's words, An Ran couldn't help but be surprised. You must know that such a big event should be in the original memory, but it is not in the original memory at all. What's going on?

So An Ran smiled and said: "This is indeed a happy event." Then he asked: "Do you know the reason why the Holy Spirit promoted the old master to one level?"

Since the original person did not have such a thing in his memory and did not know the reason, An Ran could only ask.

You must know that although the clan that Miss He Er married into is a clan, it has already been married to the current royal family and has relatives in the fifth service. Logically speaking, the emperor will not take care of it without any reason. This is An Ran couldn't help but wonder, what did the old man do to make the emperor look at him differently? For those who were promoted to a noble title, you should know that being promoted to a royal title is even more different than an ordinary clan title.

Aunt He smiled and said, "Speaking of which, this matter has something to do with my wife."

An Ran was surprised and said, "Is it related to me?"

Aunt He nodded and said, "Isn't it that Madam's accounting method is different from the previous one, and she passed this method on to the young lady?"

An Ran nodded.

In fact, she was used to modern accounting methods and was not used to the backward methods of this era, so when she was in charge of Dafang's accounts, she started using modern accounting methods soon after arriving. Naturally, she told Miss He Er about it later.

"After the young lady got married, she did the same thing when managing the family. Later, my wife found out about it and thought it was good, so she followed it. Somehow, the eldest lady also knew about it. She was the housekeeper and thought this method was good. I also used this method to keep accounts. Because although the old lady and the old man did not care about the accounts in the house and left them to the eldest lady, they would take a look sometimes, so the old lady and the old man naturally knew about it. The old man once praised the young lady's accounting method very well. It happened that the Holy Father summoned some old clan members for a meal, and there were officials on the way to talk about something. It seemed that they were checking some accounts in the household department, but they couldn't find anything, so the Holy Master complained. Regarding this matter, the old man told me about the accounting method used by the young lady at that time, saying that it was easier to check than the current accounting method, and then the Holy Master asked someone to use it. It was indeed good. Long Xin was so happy that it turned out to be I was promoted to one level in the house, so this matter has something to do with my wife."

In fact, there is something that Grandma He didn't understand: when the old man mentioned the accounting method, he originally just wanted to show off. It didn't matter if the emperor didn't use it anyway. Unexpectedly, the emperor did use it, and it seemed to have a very good effect. , and was promoted to one level in his own family, which was completely unexpected. It is no wonder that Miss He Er's husband's family was overjoyed. Who would have thought that this was completely unexpected.

"So their family said that our young lady is a lucky star, and they are right. If it were not for the young lady, their family would not be able to be promoted or become a prince. It is a pity that my uncle's father is the second son, not the eldest son. At that time, the prince will be the eldest son, and it was obviously because of the young lady that he got the prince, but in the end, the prince got the big house at a cheaper price, and the wife felt a little uncomfortable." said Grandma He.

An Ran listened to what Nanny He said. It was fine in the beginning, but when she waited for the last few sentences, she couldn't help but twitched her mouth. However, she also knew that this kind of thinking was human nature. After all, it was obviously her own contribution. In the end, she found that she had only benefited from it. Although a small part was obtained, most of it fell on people who had no efforts at all. It is no wonder that the wife of the in-laws felt a little uncomfortable.

However, An Ran would not agree with what Nanny He said, otherwise she would say the same thing herself. When her daughter heard what she said, she felt even more like this. It was boring to have a tense relationship with the eldest family, so An Ran immediately said: "In-laws Let's not worry about what the wife thinks. In short, don't let the lady reveal such thoughts. The old man and the old lady knew that it was because of the girl that they were promoted to the king's title. However, the king's title fell to the girl's head. The girl will definitely have a compensatory mentality. At this time, the girl must be more humble and let the old man and the others treat the girl better. Otherwise, if the girl complains like the wife, the old man and the others will feel sorry for living in the second room. Over time, people don’t like to hear complaints, and I’m afraid they won’t take care of the second house anymore.”

Aunt He said hurriedly: "That's the truth. I will tell the young lady when I get back."

After seeing off Nanny He, everyone in the house who got the news came to congratulate An Ran.

Mrs. He Er was a shrewd person. When she heard the news, she was the first one to come. She congratulated An Ran on the spot and said, "Congratulations, sister-in-law, for having an extra royal family as your in-laws."

The reason why Mrs. He Er was the first to come was because she thought that if she could get on this line, it would definitely be beneficial to find marriages for her children. Moreover, if she got along well with An Ran, she would be able to brag about it and say that she The sister-in-law's in-laws are the newly minted Wangfu family, so they have so much respect.

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