Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3808 Cheating on the old man 28

Although Cousin Wang's old background has been exposed, even if they buy a house in the capital, others will not envy them. However, after all, they work in the capital, so they must buy a house in the capital and cannot buy a house in other places.

And based on the speed at which they spend money, An Ran estimates that in a few years, their house will become smaller again. By then, they may not be able to afford a small three-bedroom apartment, but will have to buy a second bedroom, and then it will become smaller and smaller, and even eventually, I can't even afford a second apartment. If I want to have a place to live, I have to go back to my hometown and buy a house. Although Cousin Wang has a house in his hometown, Cousin Wang definitely doesn't want to live with his parents-in-law, so she will definitely buy one when the time comes. House, unless the old couple passes away by then.

Unless one day, they spend less, this kind of thing will not happen.

However, I have been spending so much money my whole life, and I probably won’t be able to stop.

Cousin Wang and his wife also know this truth. They know that if they continue like this, one day they will use up all the money given to them by Uncle Wang and his wife. And as they themselves are getting older, they will only have what they have on hand, even if they find a better job. It’s up to you whether you can keep your job or not.

Seeing that there was no hope of struggle on their side, the couple put their hope in their two sons.

It is a pity that they put their son in their hometown for leisure, and the grandparents tend to indulge and spoil the children, and sometimes they like to report the good news but not the bad news. For example, if the child does not behave well, the grandparents will not follow the king's instructions. The cousin and his wife said that they were afraid of being scolded by Cousin Wang and his wife.

In this way, Cousin Wang and his wife, who were kept in the dark, thought the child was good.

But soon I could no longer hide this kind of thing, because the eldest son was about to take the high school entrance examination.

In the previous exams, Uncle Wang and his wife tried every means to hide it, and they managed to hide it, because now the superiors do not allow children to be ranked, or even take exams, saying they are afraid that some children will not be able to bear the psychological burden, so do not bring them in rankings or exams. There will be bad consequences.

Uncle Wang and his wife used this to successfully keep Cousin Wang and his wife from knowing their situation.

But Uncle Wang and his wife actually knew that their eldest grandson was not in good condition.

Although they are old and don't know much about the current junior high school knowledge, the teacher once talked to them and said that their children made too many mistakes in their homework, and asked parents to pay attention to supervise their children to memorize more in liberal arts and do more in science. Do, also, tell them not to give their phones to their children.

Uncle Wang and his wife naturally didn't want their grandson to get scolded by his son in the future because of his poor grades, so in fact, since elementary school, they had tried to save some money to find tutoring classes for their children, and let tutors teach their children.

But the effect is obviously not very good. The child's grades are still not good. All he can do is hold his mobile phone and play games online with his friends all day long.

They also know that they cannot let their children play with mobile phones, but this is not because the children are clamoring for it. Are they anxious if they don't give it to them? They didn't dare not give it, for fear that something would happen if they didn't give it. If they didn't give it, their eldest grandson threatened to run away from home. How could they dare not give it because he threatened them like this? They were afraid that something would happen and they wouldn't be able to explain it to their son, so they This is it.

In the past, because the school did not allow examination rankings, they could hide it from Cousin Wang and his wife who did not go home often. But now, this situation will appear in the high school entrance examination. After all, they usually do not allow examinations or rankings, but the high school entrance examination requires hard work. Cousin Wang will know if his grades are good or not.

When Cousin Wang and his wife know that their son's grades are not good, they will definitely blame Uncle Wang and his wife for delaying their child, and they will scold them, so Uncle Wang and his wife are also panicking now, looking for powerful people everywhere to help them. The eldest grandson is taking tutoring classes, just to improve his grades in the last few months so that he can do well in the high school entrance examination.

They felt that the cheap tutoring class they signed up for was useless, so they stopped the cheap tutoring class and found another tutoring class with more money and small class teaching, hoping to improve their children's performance.

In fact, they would rather get one-on-one tutoring, thinking this is the most useful, but isn't it too expensive? They couldn't afford it, so they had to try their best to find teachers with small classes.

Although they were anxious, the child's grades actually didn't improve much, but Uncle Wang and his wife didn't know it.

In order to find out the current situation of their children, they asked the teachers in the remedial class to give the children tests in various subjects from time to time. After all, the school did not allow test rankings and they could not understand the situation. If they wanted to know the latest situation of their children, they had to Let the tutoring class teacher take a test.

According to the answers given by the tutors in the tutoring classes, what they saw was that their children's scores in various subjects were steadily increasing, which made them determined to find that tutoring class to continue tutoring. Otherwise, if their grades were not satisfactory, they planned to change tutors. Because they are in urgent need of medical treatment and are only in the last semester, they naturally plan to go to any tutoring class that can improve their grades.

But what they don't know is that this is a tutoring class. In order to retain customers like them, the results are deliberately designed - students are usually tutored in advance for all the questions in the exam, so that they can do it, so that the test results are obtained , can it be bad? And they will control the amount of early tutoring, so that students' grades can slowly improve and parents will find tutoring classes with them useful.

As for the future high school entrance examination, what to do if exposed...

What are you afraid of? They tutored those students and it was always of some use. This way of revealing the questions was just to make a foolproof guarantee.

In the future, if the results in the high school entrance examination are not as good as those in the tutoring class, which affects the reputation, it can be said that the child did not perform well in the high school entrance examination. This kind of thing also happens often. There will always be students who get better grades after tutoring. Then use those people as signs. That’s fine, what are you afraid of?

Of course, the tutoring class teachers actually conducted a real investigation of each person. They still knew the real situation of Uncle Wang's grandson.

How should I put it? This kid is not too stupid. Of course, he is not particularly smart either. He is just an ordinary person.

But as long as you study hard and get into an ordinary high school, or even a slightly better high school, it won’t be a problem. After all, children nowadays play too many mobile phones, which affects their grades. As long as Uncle Wang’s grandson doesn’t play with mobile phones and studies hard. , it can surpass many children who don’t like to read.

But the key point is that this child, like all contemporary children, also loves to play with mobile phones, which seriously affects his grades. Therefore, it is too difficult to get into an ordinary high school. Even worse high schools, I don’t know if he can get into it. If you don't perform well, you may only be able to get promoted.

How dare they tell their parents about such a level, lest the parents feel that their tutoring is useless and they will suffer losses if they no longer tutor them.

So they deceived Uncle Wang and his wife, making them think that their children were doing well in their studies and their grades were steadily improving.

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