Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3803 Cheating on the old man 23

The reason why the original person didn't tell Tang's father and Tang's mother was because she was thinking that Uncle Wang was her mother's brother, and Cousin Wang was her mother's nephew. Her mother usually respected this brother and admired Wang very much. Cousin, she was afraid that if she said it, her mother would be unhappy and think that she was wronging Cousin Wang.

Since the original person is introverted and doesn't like to talk, he naturally didn't mention this matter.

But An Ran would not fail to mention this matter, so not long after arriving, after having a quarrel with Uncle Wang's family, he took this opportunity to tell Tang's father and Tang's mother about this.

Tang's father and Tang's mother heard that Cousin Wang had been talking about his daughter everywhere. People everywhere knew about it and came to ask about their daughter's situation. As a result, their daughter became more and more socially fearful and did not dare to see anyone. She was very uncomfortable and had a bad impression of Cousin Wang. Later, Uncle Wang came to lend money to Cousin Wang to pay off the mortgage. In fact, even if the family had money, Tang's mother was not willing to lend money because Cousin Wang treated her like that. My daughter, she definitely doesn’t want to borrow money.

So the original person is too cautious. In fact, if you are wronged, you can tell your parents. No matter how much your parents appreciate outsiders, except for a few people, they will treat outsiders better than their own family members. Most people will not be like this, and they will definitely be more kind. Like your own family.

Not to mention that An Ran had already mentioned to his original parents that Cousin Wang was gossiping outside, but he was talking about Cousin Wang.

Seeing Tang Anran being beaten by him like a turtle, retracting his head more and more into his turtle shell, Cousin Wang was originally very satisfied, but he didn't expect that one day, Tang Anran would be able to stand up and even become a fool. Even better than him, Cousin Wang naturally couldn't accept it.

What he can do now is to whisper in front of his parents about the Tang family's bragging in front of his parents, so that his parents can spread these rumors outside and try their best to discredit Anron, so that people will continue to look down on Anron, so that she can continue to live like before. worse than myself.

"It's not so easy to speculate in the stock market. They are all cutting leeks. My aunt said that An Ran can make a lot of money every month. She must be bragging. Don't believe her. I think aunt just doesn't want outsiders to laugh at An Ran. "Old, so I just made up a lie like that to deceive people."

Uncle Wang nodded and said: "Who doesn't know this? I don't think Enron can make so much money. As you said, most of them are bragging. Nowadays, many people like to brag."

It was obvious that his life was not very good and he was boasting about it. Even their family was like this.

In fact, even if Tang Anran can really earn that much, he doesn't want to believe it. After all, his family used to be the most prosperous among relatives and friends. He thinks the same as his son, but he doesn't want their family's glory to be taken away by his eldest sister's family. .

Because of Cousin Wang's words, when Uncle Wang and his wife talked about Enron's income with people outside, they did what Cousin Wang thought. They talked with people, saying that they suspected that Anron didn't make that much money and was bragging. .

It is said that the Tang family boasted that Tang Anran was good at stock trading and how much money he made, but no one could tell. It was not as much as his son made, but it was obvious that he could repay the mortgage in the capital after all.

Others don't know that Cousin Wang's current house has become cheaper and cheaper, and he doesn't have any mortgage, so he can't use it to prove that he has more income because he can afford to pay off the mortgage in the capital. He just listens to Uncle Wang's words and thinks it makes sense. .

Although Anron's parents have retired, Anron can still afford the mortgage in the core area of ​​the provincial capital, which seems to indicate that Enron's income is good, but many people have heard that Anran's house in the city has been sold, and the mortgage in the provincial capital may be How about paying it back with the money from selling the house? It's not like what the Tang family said, that money was used by An Ran to speculate in stocks.

They also felt that because they used to laugh at An Ran, the Tang family couldn't lose face, so they found an excuse, saying that An Ran could make money at home, so that they had no excuse to laugh at An Ran.

I have to say that the Tang family's method is not bad. No matter what the real situation is, people say that Tang Anran can make money by stock trading, so they can't continue to laugh at her for getting old. She is really good at it.

Tang's father and Tang's mother didn't know that others thought Anron didn't make much money. They thought they were telling people that Enron could make a lot of money by stock trading in order to prevent others from laughing at Anron. If they knew, they would probably be angry. After all, they said No one believes the truth, how can you not be angry?

But if it were An Ran, An Ran wouldn't be angry, because since Uncle Wang and the others belittled her like this, she could naturally expose Cousin Wang's situation and let others know the truth.

Originally, if Uncle Wang and the others didn't mess with her, she would say it. After all, it's a tooth for a tooth. Cousin Wang used to like to talk about his original identity everywhere. He was in the first grade of junior high school. Of course An Ran could be in the fifteenth grade, and he could also tell the story about his bragging. go out.

Now that Uncle Wang and the others were bragging and belittling themselves outside, she had to say even more.

In fact, An Ran had been planning this matter a long time ago. After all, he wanted to help the original person get revenge in kind.

But before, Cousin Wang's house was still valuable, and his job and income were not bad, so An Ran kept quiet and didn't say anything about Cousin Wang.

Now, since Cousin Wang's house has been moved to a remote place and Cousin Wang's income has become very low, she can tell the public about this situation.

So, after An Ran heard that Uncle Wang's family was saying something disparaging about her outside, she couldn't help but sneered and released her previous plan.

In fact, this is not a difficult task, because among the original relatives and friends, there must be not only cousin Wang working in the capital, but also others. After all, the capital is a first-tier city, and many people go to the capital to work.

And these other people may not necessarily be of the same mind as Cousin Wang. Once they know that Cousin Wang is telling lies, they don't know whether they will secretly send people to expose Cousin Wang's bragging. After all, there are always people, I wanted to overpower Cousin Wang, but I couldn't because of Cousin Wang's bragging. In this way, once I knew that Cousin Wang was bragging, I could overpower Cousin Wang by exposing his bragging. , I can’t say whether I can hold back and not expose it.

Enron's guess was right.

At present, An Ran secretly let these people know the true situation of Cousin Wang through some channels.

So soon, a rumor spread, saying that what Cousin Wang said was false. He did not have an income of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan a month. In fact, his salary was only more than 10,000 yuan. Combined with his wife's, it was only 20,000 yuan. Around 10,000 yuan, which is not what he boasted. His income alone is high.

Then their house is not worth more than 10 million at all. They didn't have enough money before and sold the house worth more than 10 million long ago. Now they bought it in an extremely remote place and it's only worth more than 4 million.

In other words, Cousin Wang has been bragging all this time and is not doing as well as he said.

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