Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3793 Cheating on the old man 13

Uncle Wang asked for money, but Uncle Wang didn't want to pay it back. Uncle Wang first tried to convince others with reason, saying that he had bought a house in the capital and needed money to use it, and asked Uncle Wang to pay back the money.

Seeing that Uncle Wang was acting rogue and refused to pay back, Uncle Wang started to break the jar and said that if Uncle Wang didn't pay back, he would sue him like Aunt Wang did. He didn't want to be sued by his relatives again and again, right? How will others see him then?

When Uncle Wang saw what Uncle Wang said, he couldn't help but get angry and said: "You are just a white-eyed wolf. My son took care of your son like that back then, but you treat me like this now."

Uncle Wang said: "What a white-eyed wolf, if our family hadn't accepted your favor, would you have let you borrow the money for so many years without paying it back? We didn't ask for the money that we borrowed for so many years, we are good enough! You don't want to think about other relatives, either. Who allowed you to borrow money for so many years? If you think we are white-eyed wolves, then what kind of idiots are you who have borrowed money for so many years and never intend to pay it back?”

Uncle Wang is not a good old man like his original parents. Uncle Wang owes hundreds of thousands, but he has never paid it back, and he is too embarrassed to file a lawsuit, so he just keeps owing it with Uncle Wang and his son. Uncle Wang is the same as Aunt Wang. If you dare not pay back the money you owe him, that's impossible.

Uncle Wang saw that Uncle Wang didn't care about the brotherhood between the two families at all. He insisted on paying back the money and made it clear that if he didn't pay back, he would go to court like Aunt Wang. He couldn't help but hate him to death, but he Indeed, as Uncle Wang said, he did not want to be sued by a relative again, and then let others say that he was not popular. He was sued by relatives every day, so he had to find a way to raise the money and return it to Uncle Wang. At the same time, I also wanted to treat Aunt Wang. It's even more annoying. After all, if Aunt Wang hadn't set a precedent by suing him, Uncle Wang would definitely be embarrassed to be the first to sue him.

And as long as Uncle Wang doesn't sue him, he can continue to act like a rogue and not pay back the money.

So when Uncle Wang saw that he had to pay back the money now, he didn't hate Aunt Wang who was the first to sue him. He felt that it was her fault that she had set a precedent and brought about such bad consequences.

Uncle Wang had no money, so needless to say, the 80,000 yuan was borrowed.

However, since his credit was bad now, he couldn't borrow it from relatives, so he used his credit card to borrow it.

Fortunately, the economy has been bad recently. In order to encourage consumption, the interest rate of this credit card has been much lower. If you borrow it, you can still afford it. Otherwise, if it were as high as before, you would not dare to borrow it.

As for how to repay the money borrowed from the credit card... Uncle Wang can only take it one step at a time. Anyway, the old couple's money is only enough for themselves and their two grandchildren. They hope that their son will get a salary increase in the future and save more money. , when the time comes, let the son repay them - although he knows this is unreliable, after all, he thinks that the son may not repay their money, but if they really can't repay them, the son will not repay them in the end, but something will happen, and I want to come to my son. I don’t think I’ll pay it back if something happens to my family.

In fact, he knows that as long as his son and his wife don't spend money randomly, they can save some money. After all, they can earn 40,000 to 50,000 yuan a month. Even if they can't save, they can just sell a few watches or bags. He can afford to repay the 80,000 yuan, but his son and his wife are just as selfish as him, they just want to save money for themselves and don't want to pay back their money.

If the day came when he couldn't pay back the money, he would have no choice but to ask his son to pay it back.

Of course, if his son refuses to pay it back alive or dead, he still has a last resort, which is to sell the house they live in and buy a house in a worse location and cheaper, so that he can have some left over. The money was paid back.

Although housing prices in third-tier cities have not risen much in the past few years, they have not fallen much either. This is mainly due to the fact that there are counties, towns and villages below the city. People from below have entered the city to buy houses. Although the sales volume is not high, they are still selling. Going out, in this way, although the house prices have not increased much, they have not fallen significantly.

In this way, if Uncle Wang really couldn't repay the money, he would sell the house they lived in and buy a cheaper house, and he would indeed be able to pay off the 80,000 yuan credit card.

While there was a conflict between Uncle Wang and Uncle Wang, An Ran had already made a lot of money, and then pretended to go to a foreign sperm bank to have a child through in vitro fertilization.

After having a child, Tang's father and Tang's mother felt more at ease, and were not afraid of staying at home safely and being laughed at until they grew old.

After all, they were originally worried about their daughter's social security and did not dare to get married. She would have no children to support her in old age and would end up miserable when she got old. Now that their daughter has raised a child, they are naturally relieved.

After they feel relieved, they will naturally not feel that there is anything wrong with their daughter. In this way, every time people outside want to talk about their daughter, they will have the confidence to refute those people's nonsense.

In fact, they didn't want to hear those people saying that their daughter was not good. It was just that at that time, her daughter could not make money and had no children. It seemed that her life was a failure. They couldn't find a way to refute, so they couldn't refute, and they could only listen to it and feel uncomfortable. , now that their daughter can make money and have children, they feel that their daughter is quite successful in life, and they naturally have the confidence to refute those people's claims.

Not only did they refute those people's claims outside, they also helped An Ran take care of their children at home.

In fact, An Ran said that she could take care of the children. After all, she made money by stock trading and had time. However, after Tang's father and mother retired, they were not people who liked square dancing, so they wanted to find something to do, so they wanted to take care of the children. .

Speaking of raising children, it is a hard job, but that is compared to raising one child by one person. If three people take care of one child together... Since three people in the family have free time, you can take care of it for a while, and I can take care of it for a while. Then it is no longer a chore, and I am not tired at all, so everyone regards taking care of children as a pastime to kill boredom. Some of them are interested in taking care of children. With Uncle Wang, his wife, his wife, and my aunt and daughter-in-law, they are raising two grandchildren. It is very tiring. totally different.

Therefore, for the three people of the Tang family, raising children is a happy thing. They say that they are fond of having grandchildren. Many people may be exhausted and how can they be happy? But for the three people of the Tang family, it is really quite happy. The addition of life has brought a lot of joy to this family.

On the other side, at Uncle Wang's house, just as An Ran thought, someone in Cousin Wang's family was unemployed again. This time it was not Cousin Wang who was unemployed, but Cousin Wang's wife.

This time, it was not that Cousin Wang was fired, but that the company where Cousin Wang worked went bankrupt.

If the company goes bankrupt, what else can I do? I can only find another job.

Cousin Wang was naturally very reluctant to give up her previous job, because she had stayed in that company for many years and her salary had always been high. How could she have known that the other party would quit her job at the drop of a hat.

Now, it’s okay. Looking for a job again is not a matter of three or two days. Especially if you want to find your favorite job, it does not mean that you can succeed. For example, my husband’s current job has been unwilling because the salary is not as good as his previous job. I am satisfied, but because I have a mortgage, I don’t dare to resign, for fear that I won’t be able to find a job for a while, which will affect my mortgage repayment.

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