Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3783 Chewing on the old man 3

An Ran didn't take it too seriously. Anyway, there were still two years left. Once Tang's father and Tang's mother saw that her financial management was good and An Ran continued to ask for money, they should be relieved.

At present, Enron took over the money from Tang's father and Tang's mother. Because he didn't know much about the world - mainly because he didn't know anything about the stock market or funds in this world - so Enron didn't act blindly for the time being and only bought some. For short-term bonds, wait until you understand the world's stock market situation before deciding what to buy.

Generally, short-term bonds will not lose money, and the income will be slightly higher than depositing it in the bank - the income level is better than the bank's three-year interest rate, and deposits and withdrawals are flexible. If you withdraw it immediately, you will lose regular interest.

In this way, once Enron understands the situation of the world's stock markets, he can take it out to buy stocks or funds at any time.

In the past, due to social anxiety, when I was at home, I would just watch TV dramas every day, sometimes play games, browse forums, and watch short videos. The day passed like this, and I basically didn’t do anything serious.

Of course, the main reason is that the original person didn't know what to do well. She also tried writing novels, but found that she didn't have the talent in that area, so she gave it up.

As for the anchor, that is definitely not possible because of social fear.

For other things, such as painting, translation, etc., she doesn't have that ability - she can't paint, and her foreign language proficiency is not good either.

So she can't do some things that can be done at home, she can only play.

Fortunately, she has low material desires. She eats whatever her parents do at home, and wears whatever her parents buy her. She is never picky, so she is easy to support.

The main reason is that the original person feels that she is afraid of society and does not dare to go out to work and make her parents laugh. She is already very guilty, so she stays at home and naturally does not dare to be alone with others. Unlike some people, they can just eat their old age. Being picky about your parents.

Although Tang's father and Tang's mother were embarrassed when others laughed at them, they still cared for their children. Knowing that their children were socially fearful, they did not force their children to go out to find a job. Knowing that their children had no money, they gave her a thousand yuan in pocket money a month. , because the original person rarely buys things, he can save this thousand yuan. After a few years, he will have tens of thousands of dollars on hand. It’s just that the original person’s parents don’t know, otherwise Anron said before that he has no capital, When asking them to borrow capital, they need to know that the original person saves money and has no use for it. If he saves the money, he probably won't give it back. Let the original person use the money to manage finances, so as not to give too much and suffer more losses in the future.

Enron showed the results of financial management to Tang's father and mother every month. Tang's father and Tang's mother saw that their daughter's financial results were more than the return of five years in the bank. More importantly, it was more than the return of five years of deposits and withdrawals in the bank. He is flexible and can take out money at any time when he needs it. He was surprised at the moment. After he realized it, he started praising his daughter.

You know, after their daughter graduated, she did not dare to go out to work because of social fear. In fact, the two of them were still very worried, fearing that their daughter would not be able to support themselves a hundred years later.

Although there are several apartments at home,... my daughter doesn't dare to go out very much. I still don't know if she will dare to sell the house and use it as money when she has no money in the future. After all, selling a house is also a very troublesome matter. She was afraid that their daughter wouldn't even be able to do this.

That's why they have been saving money over the years and have not bought a house. They just think that in a hundred years from now, they will have money in their bank card and their daughter will not have to worry about selling the house.

Although they have made plans for their daughter's future, they are still worried that their daughter will not be able to survive in the future. After all, who knows what will happen in the future. What if money depreciates in the future and the money they save for their daughter is not enough? When my daughter can't make money, won't something happen?

Now they see that their daughter can make money through financial management, and they can't help but feel relieved. In the future, they will earn more money, and their daughter may be able to make ends meet just by managing money.

An Ran's guess about Uncle Wang's family was also good. Soon her aunt retired and her income plummeted, so she could no longer help Cousin Wang repay the loan. The family's money had been used to pay Cousin Wang's down payment. Now that Aunt Wang has retired and has no savings at home, she continues to bear the burden of repaying the loan. Therefore, Cousin Wang has to spend more than 10,000 yuan more every month, which makes the life of Cousin Wang and Cousin Wang not like As comfortable as before.

In the past, they could earn hundreds of thousands a year, and their parents were responsible for the mortgage. They had no pressure. All these hundreds of thousands were used by themselves, so both their children and themselves could live a good life and save a little every year. , used for emergencies.

But now, there are more than 10,000 more expenses per month, which is not a small amount. They will not be able to save money every month - unless they reduce their expenses.

But their parents had helped them before, and they were used to being carefree. It was a bit unbearable for them to reduce their expenses and start living a more frugal life.

Of course, it is mainly due to comparisons among acquaintances that they cannot be frugal. After all, others are wearing brand-name clothes, carrying brand-name bags, wearing brand-name watches, and their cars are not bad. If they don’t go with them, they will be kicked out. People laugh.

Especially clothes, shoes, and bags, they are just a facade, so how can you go out if they are too poor?

There is no way to reduce expenses and the monthly expenses increase, which naturally makes it impossible to save money.

And they also began to worry that after Uncle Wang retires in two years, they will have to bear an additional mortgage loan of more than 10,000 yuan, and how they will live by then.

After all, if they bear more than 10,000 yuan in expenses now, they will not be able to save money every month. If they bear more than 10,000 yuan in the future, if their salary does not rise, let alone save money, they may have to cut back on expenses.

And raising wages... The economy is in a recession now. Let alone raising wages, they still have to worry about losing their jobs. Once they lose their jobs, if their parents can't help repay the loan, they may stop paying. It's going to be bad.

This hidden worry worried them, but in front of relatives, for the sake of face and to make people envy them, they didn't want people to know, so they didn't say anything.

It stands to reason that if you are afraid of taking on huge loans, why should you buy a house in the capital? Isn't it better to buy a house in your hometown? You know, if they buy a house in their hometown, with their annual income of hundreds of thousands, wouldn't they be able to live a comfortable life?

Oh no, there is no need to buy a house in his hometown, because his family has a house in his hometown, so they don't have to work so hard at all.

But they have no regrets about buying a house in the capital, because in their opinion, they have lived so well. If others ask them if they have bought a house, and they say they have not bought it, doesn’t that mean that they have lived a good life in the capital? Not that good? How could that work? So even though they knew it was risky to take on a high mortgage loan, they still took it.

Facts have proved that what they did was right. Now when others hear that they can buy a house in the capital, they all look at them with envy and say that they are so capable that they can even buy a house in a place with high housing prices like the capital.

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