Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3771 Undeservedly wronged 36

So Master Liu did not follow Liu Sanlang's suggestion and kicked Liu Sanlang out.

Because Mr. Liu did not take the blame for Liu Sanlang, when the brothers heard that Liu Sanlang was unwilling to take out the money, they were naturally unhappy. They immediately came to Liu Sanlang and asked him to take out the money.

Liu Sanlang was just a bachelor and refused to give him life or death. He said: "I have no money. No matter how much you scold me, I still have no money."

In fact, it hasn't been completely spent, there is still a little bit, but that is his last bit of money, why should he give it to others? Anyway, this family has no money, so he will use the little money he has on hand for everyone to use. Isn't this stupid? No one who has money will use it now.

If he doesn't take it out, can Liu Erlang and others still beat him? If anyone dared to beat him, he would go to the Yamen to sue them.

They weren't afraid that Liu Erlang and others would run into the house and rob him. The things were all placed in his wife's dowry cabinet. How dare they run into his wife's dowry cabinet and rob him?

That's why he's not afraid of them.

Liu Sanlang was a bachelor, and he really calmed everyone down for a while.

But when the Liu family couldn't lift the blame and Liu Sanlang and his wife could still enjoy the hot food in their own courtyard, he could no longer control it.

When people run out of money, they will do anything they can.

Liu Erlang and other men were indeed embarrassed to rob Grandma Liu's things, but Grandma Liu and other female relatives could always rob her. So that day, they heard Mrs. Liu and Mr. Liu say that the family had no money and was going to drink the northwest wind. They thought that what Mrs. Liu and Mr. Liu said were lies to scare them, but they didn't know that except for the rice that could only fill their stomachs, there was no food. Only then did they realize that what Mrs. Liu and Mr. Liu said was true. .

At this time, they had been staring at Liu Sanlang's courtyard, still enjoying the popular food and drinking spicy food. This was unbearable for them. Mistress Liu and others rushed in to grab the money.

Liu Sanlang and his wife were eating roast duck bought from outside in their courtyard. While eating, they were still laughing at the other houses that they had no money to use and could only eat rice. Unexpectedly, the door of the courtyard was occupied by Mrs. Liu and others. After knocking it open, a group of people rushed in. They were stunned and screamed: "What do you want to do?!"

Grandma Liu and others have not been eating well recently. Seeing that Liu Sanlang and his wife could eat roast duck, their eyes turned red with anger. They snatched their roast ducks and rushed into Grandma Liu's room while eating. Here, I'm going to grab money.

Because there is no money in the house, and there are not many servants recently, they are all used by the public, and there are no servants around everyone, so such a large group of people broke in, and Liu Sanlang and his wife alone could not stop them. Of course, they couldn't stop them because Liu Erlang and others were not suitable to enter Grandma Liu San's room, so they stayed outside to stop Liu Sanlang and his wife, and asked Grandma Liu Erlang and other female relatives to go in and grab things, so they were naturally trapped at the moment. Mistress Liu and others successfully broke through and began to rummage through the boxes and cabinets.

I thought they were really out of money as the third couple said, but it turned out not to be the case. Grandma Liu San’s dowry cabinet contained a lot of gold and silver jewelry. It was worth thousands of taels in total. Everyone’s eyes turned red when they saw it. .

At the same time, I couldn't help but cursed the third couple in my heart for hiding an adulterer. I usually looked at Grandma Liu San and she didn't wear any jewelry at all. I thought she had already used up all her jewelry, but it turned out that there were still so many here.

At that moment, everyone packed their bags and prepared to leave first and then divide the spoils among themselves.

Seeing everyone grabbing things and running away, Liu Sanlang and Liu San's grandmother were so angry that they shouted over and over again: "This is too much, this is too much! We are going to report it to the official! We will sue you for robbery!"

Liu Erlang and others sneered: "Then you reported that you paid 5,000 taels less than us back then. You only got a few things from you, which is not enough. Besides, how do you prove that these things are yours? You call them, they Should it?”

It’s really hard to prove, and more importantly, no one has testified for them, because now, except Mr. Liu and Mrs. Liu, everyone in the government is their enemy. Who will help them testify that these things are theirs? Of.

Even though Mrs. Liu who dotes on them, after Liu Dalang broke up with her, Mrs. Liu does not dare to blatantly treat the third child now, for fear that Liu Dalang will ignore her in the future. She is now coaxing Liu Dalang to change his mind, and now she will naturally I will not stand on Liu Sanlang's side, become an enemy of everyone, and testify for Lao San.

Of course, the most important thing is that she was scolded by Mr. Liu, and then she realized that the third child was too prodigal. They spent the thousands of taels of silver she kindly left for them in just a few years. Now that the third child is unreliable, Mrs. Liu doesn't dare to rely on them for her retirement, lest the couple spend all their money in the future and no one will ask her.

Just when everyone was noisy, Mr. Liu appeared.

Mr. Liu looked at the baggage in Second Mistress Liu's hand and said, "There is no need to quarrel or argue. Put this in the public house, otherwise I will share it with you. It is true that you have robbed the third child's things, but if you put them in the public house, that is The third child honors his parents and turns it over to the public school. Although you definitely want to divide the money so that you can use it, because you think the third child will not win if he sues, it is not necessarily the case if he really wants to sue. If you don't win the lawsuit, don't be happy, third brother, thinking that if you win the lawsuit, the things will be yours. These days, the yamen are all justified and don't come in if you don't have money. Even if you win the lawsuit, will you still have half of the money? It’s not certain that it will fall into your hands, and you may only get 10% or 20%, so it’s better to leave it in the public house. At least, your mother has arranged it, and with so much money, the family can survive for a while.”

What Mr. Liu said is not a lie. In the last years of the dynasty, when officials are corrupt, going to the Yamen to complain will indeed have such consequences.

Liu Erlang and others felt that whether Liu Sanlang could win the lawsuit, the things still belonged to them; Liu Sanlang thought that if he could win the lawsuit and get the things back, it was too simple.

After the two parties gathered together, they had no objection to Mr. Liu taking the baggage away.

Although both parties want to get the money for themselves, after all, it is best to have the money in their own hands, but because what Mr. Liu said makes sense, they can only forget it.

Mr. Liu was naturally satisfied with such a result. After all, he did not do it himself and got about a thousand taels of things from Liu Sanlang without any effort. It was good to be able to spend money on the family for a while.

Looking at Liu Sanlang and others who were still glaring at each other, they sneered, thinking, I still want to fight with you, I'm still young.

An Ran didn't care that Mr. Liu had temporarily solved the Liu family's crisis. Anyway, her purpose was to make the Liu family fight and separate the families. So far, this effect has obviously been achieved.

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